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It's All Papers and Forms

Special Containment Procedures

As SCP-3925 has a global reach and is spontaneously generated from an unknown source, full containment is not currently feasible. Until such time as a permanent containment solution can be found, these procedures have been developed in order to minimise the duration and scale of SCP-3925 events and lower the risk of public exposure.

All individuals under the effect of an SCP-3925 event, once identified by local Foundation sources, are to be transported to the nearest Subdivision 03 facility. With the cooperation of national and international governments, these have been provided with the cover of government agencies relevant to the region. Affected individuals will be given an appropriate briefing regarding the agency needing to collect information from them, and reside on site while they complete SCP-3925-1 with the assistance of Foundation clerical staff. Once SCP-3925-1 has been completed to a satisfactory degree and the SCP-3925 event affecting an individual has concluded, they may then be released to their previous activities, with a subsequent 60-day observation period in the community.

Securing the cooperation of SCP-3925 affected individuals in this manner has been found to be the most effective and humane way of SCP-3925 containment, and each Subdivision 03 facility has been authorised to pay these individuals a salary based on local wages for the duration of their time. However, coercion should be considered if individuals refuse to cooperate. Disclosure of classified Foundation data regarding the nature of SCP-3925 is authorised with the approval of level 4 staff, but personality types where this assists in securing cooperation are uncommon. If coercive measures were used, or individuals access classified information at any point in this process, amnestics should be administered prior to their release into the community.

If SCP-3925-1 is impossible to successfully complete, or a SCP-3925 event persists for more than 20 iterations, termination of the affected individual is advised. After the events of Incident 3925-1, termination of any individual under the effect of SCP-3925 is prohibited. As partially completing an iteration of SCP-3925-1 reduces the growth rate of subsequent iterations, optimal containment requires some individuals to continue working on SCP-3925-1 indefinitely. Given the distress this situation causes, coercion is necessary for this purpose. There are currently ███ individuals in this situation in Foundation custody.

Since 1989, Administrative Subdivision 03 has been responsible for SCP-3925 management to facilitate centralised and streamlined containment measures. See Addendum 3925-1 for details.


SCP-3925 is a phenomenon where affected individuals receive an A4 paper form requesting varying personal details (SCP-3925-1). From the first receipt of SCP-3925-1 individuals are considered to be affected by an ongoing SCP-3925 event. If SCP-3925-1 is completed successfully and placed in a mailbox within 30 days, it will dematerialise and the SCP-3925 event will conclude. However, if SCP-3925-1 is completed incorrectly or not returned, the individual will receive a new iteration of SCP-3925-1 to which the same conditions apply. When a new iteration is generated, the previous iteration loses its anomalous properties. Efforts to track SCP-3925-1 prior to its appearance or after its disappearance have been unsuccessful.

SCP-3925 is estimated to affect ~200 individuals per month worldwide. All affected individuals are literate and numerate adults who reside in areas with a developed postal system, although SCP-3925-1 appears to materialise at the individual's dwelling rather than being delivered by the postal service. However, once an individual is under SCP-3925's effect, these criteria no longer apply, and SCP-3925-1 will continue to manifest in their vicinity. Given these requirements, SCP-3925 has historically been observed in the developed world, but changing global economic circumstances have led to an increase in SCP-3925 events in developing nations. There are otherwise no distinguishing characteristics of affected individuals. SCP-3925-1 appears in the primary language of the affected individual (over 50 languages in 120 countries have been observed). As of 2017, 60,948 SCP-3925 events have been documented, with approximately 3000 events ongoing at any given time under Foundation surveillance and an estimated 2000 outside of this.

Details requested by SCP-3925-1 are initially mundane and straightforward (name, age, sex etc.) and ending an event at this point is relatively simple. An estimated 75% of SCP-3925 events are completed by the general public in the 1st or 2nd iterations of SCP-3925-1 and do not come to Foundation attention. However, subsequent iterations of SCP-3925-1 increase in length1 and complexity, progressing to more complicated information (eg. daily household electricity consumption) and becoming increasingly personal or bizarre (eg. most traumatic childhood memory). Formatting and design of SCP-3925-1 varies between individuals but remains consistent across iterations. All examples of SCP-3925-1 conclude with the following text.

Thank you for your assistance.

Property of Central Records, [current year]

Examples of iterations of SCP-3925-1 are shown below.2

Any individual can fill out SCP-3925-1, but due to the frequently personal nature of the questions the primary subject's input is required to complete it accurately. All information requested by SCP-3925-1 is theoretically available to the affected individual, but more complex questions can be practically impossible to complete due to either the effort or memory recall required to collect the relevant information. As SCP-3925-1 iterations also increase in size, iterations beyond the 40th iteration are essentially impossible to complete. Partial completion of SCP-3925-1 reduces the growth of subsequent iterations, but as this property is relative to the percentage of SCP-3925-1 correctly completed, it is estimated that an SCP-3925 event beyond the 60th iteration (numbering between 40,000 and 60,000 pages, assuming uncontrolled growth of SCP-3925-1 prior to this) would be impossible to complete to a degree necessary to inhibit future SCP-3925-1 growth. This would result in an eventual NK-class end-of-the-world scenario, with the mass of SCP-3925-1 predicted to exceed the mass of the Earth by the 350th iteration. Due to this property, both early detection and timely completion are a high priority for the Foundation.

The death of affected individuals was initially thought sufficient to end an SCP-3925 event, and termination was authorised for when completion of SCP-3925-1 was infeasible. This practice was halted after Incident 3925-1 and current procedures implemented. Death of the affected individual by natural causes still appears to end SCP-3925 events.

Incident 3925-1: On 02/01/1986, Foundation sources in the French government were alerted to an ongoing SCP-3925 event after a social welfare investigation of the Lyon residence of one M. Leblanc, known as a local eccentric and stereotypical 'hoarder'. His residence was found to be filled with inert SCP-3925-1, with the active SCP-3925-1 numbering 22,522 pages, estimated to be the 55th iteration. As conventional completion of the SCP-3925 event was unlikely, particularly given the individual's mental state, termination was advised and the order was authorised by Dr Becker, then Site ██ deputy director. M. Leblanc was terminated by Foundation agents on 09/01/1986.

On 01/02/1986, an SCP-3925-1 iteration numbering 30,092 pages materialised in the Site ██ mailroom. The content was specific to Dr Becker, but addressed him as "the party with administrative responsibility for M. Leblanc". When he was informed of this development, Dr Becker attempted to jump from his office window, but was restrained by his colleagues. After psychological intervention, he was reassigned to full-time work on SCP-3925-1 and is currently based at Administrative Subdivision 03's Europe offices.


  • Europe East/CIS, Moscow (Russian Federation Federal Security Service)
  • China, Beijing (Ministry of Public Security)
  • The O5 Council has approved the development of India and Middle East/North Africa centres, planned for opening by 2025.

    Subdivision 03 currently employs [REDACTED] Foundation staff, under the supervision of Director Y. L. Liu. As the bulk of its work is conducted in the guise of normal governmental functions, without visible anomalous activity, it has employed non-Foundation civilians since 1993 in many non-essential roles. These personnel are considered Foundation sub-contractors with Level 0 security clearance. There are 21,400 sub-contractors on the Subdivision 03 payroll as of 2015.

    Addendum 3925-2" id="addendum-3925-1-strong-administrative-subdivision-03-p-padministrative-subdivision-03-service-for-clerical-processing-was-established-in-1989-in-order-to-manage-the-increasing-demands-on-foundation-staff-related-to-scp-3925-events-its-primary-function-is-to-accommodate-individuals-affected-by-scp-3925-and-assist-them-with-completion-of-scp-3925-1-with-the-assistance-of-foundation-clerical-staff-it-also-holds-responsibility-for-research-relating-to-scp-3925-p-pthere-are-currently-4-major-regional-centres-selected-to-cover-populated-areas-with-high-rates-of-scp-3925-events-each-centre-has-a-cover-agency-in-brackets-arranged-in-collaboration-with-government-authorities-chosen-as-an-authority-that-might-plausibly-require-the-information-requested-in-scp-3925-1-p-ul-liusa-north-america-new-york-headquarters-us-internal-revenue-service-li-lieurope-west-brussels-european-commission-records-departmentsup-classfootnoterefa-idfootnoteref-3-hrefjavascript-classfootnoteref-onclickwikidotpageutilsscrolltoreferencefootnote-33-a-sup-li-lieurope-east-cis-moscow-russian-federation-federal-security-service-li-lichina-beijing-ministry-of-public-security-li-ul-pthe-o5-council-has-approved-the-development-of-india-and-middle-east-north-africa-centres-planned-for-opening-by-2025-p-psubdivision-03-currently-employs-redacted-foundation-staff-under-the-supervision-of-director-y-l-liu-as-the-bulk-of-its-work-is-conducted-in-the-guise-of-normal-governmental-functions-without-visible-anomalous-activity-it-has-employed-non-foundation-civilians-since-1993-in-many-non-essential-roles-these-personnel-are-considered-foundation-sub-contractors-with-level-0-security-clearance-there-are-21400-sub-contractors-on-the-subdivision-03-payroll-as-of-2015-p-pstrongaddendum-3925-2">Addendum 3925-1: Administrative Subdivision 03

    Administrative Subdivision 03 ('Service for Clerical Processing') was established in 1989 in order to manage the increasing demands on Foundation staff related to SCP-3925 events. Its primary function is to accommodate individuals affected by SCP-3925 and assist them with completion of SCP-3925-1 with the assistance of Foundation clerical staff. It also holds responsibility for research relating to SCP-3925.

    There are currently 4 major regional centres, selected to cover populated areas with high rates of SCP-3925 events. Each centre has a cover agency (in brackets) arranged in collaboration with government authorities, chosen as an authority that might plausibly require the information requested in SCP-3925-1.

    • USA/North America, New York, headquarters (US Internal Revenue Service)
    • Europe West, Brussels (European Commission, Records Department3)
    • Europe East/CIS, Moscow (Russian Federation Federal Security Service)
    • China, Beijing (Ministry of Public Security)

    The O5 Council has approved the development of India and Middle East/North Africa centres, planned for opening by 2025.

    Subdivision 03 currently employs [REDACTED] Foundation staff, under the supervision of Director Y. L. Liu. As the bulk of its work is conducted in the guise of normal governmental functions, without visible anomalous activity, it has employed non-Foundation civilians since 1993 in many non-essential roles. These personnel are considered Foundation sub-contractors with Level 0 security clearance. There are 21,400 sub-contractors on the Subdivision 03 payroll as of 2015.

    Addendum 3925-2 Selected electronic correspondence from Subdivision 03 headquarters email server