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The Fancy Mouse

Photo of SCP-3927 taken prior to transfer to Site-██. The balloon was later found buried in a corner of SCP-3927's habitat.

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3927 is to be kept in a wire cage, with all walls measuring at least 60 cm long. SCP-3927 is to be provided with a record player manufactured between the years of 1883 to 1927; music from the same time period is to be played to SCP-3927 continuously for at least 12 hours each day.

SCP-3927's cage is currently kept in a standard containment cell. A spare record player and extra cases of records are to be kept in the same chamber. Access to SCP-3927 for experimentation requires Level-3 clearance.

Personnel handling SCP-3927 are required to wear rubber gloves. SCP-3927 currently does not require as much regular feeding as a non-anomalous mouse, but is to be fed according to the recommendations and schedule provided by the assigned veterinarian.


SCP-3927 is a taxidermied house mouse (Mus musculus, also known as "fancy mouse") wearing a top hat, a monocle over the left eye, and black polished shoes. Although SCP-3927 is stuffed (demonstrated by it having stitches over its chest, as well as possessing plastic eyes), the specimen will still move, blink, and eat in the same manner as non-anomalous individuals of the same species.

SCP-3927 generates a mild reality-altering anomaly that affects various objects within a proximity of 10 meters. Observed phenomena due to this effect include:

  • Video-recording devices of any kind will produce black and white footage.
  • Any audio recorded within the area of effect will be interrupted by light popping and scratching sounds, as well as faint incidental piano music in the background similar to that of early 1900s short films.
  • All humans in the affected area will unconsciously use words and phrases associated with American English slang in the early 1900s.

SCP-3927 seems to exhibit a sense of extreme dislike for humans using modern technology. For example, it will bite and nip at researchers who attempt to handle it while possessing a mobile phone on their person. SCP-3927 additionally becomes agitated when it sees researchers looking at digital screens.

Based on experimentation,1 it has been determined that SCP-3927's anomalous effect is nullified by allowing it to listen to music played by a record player. Furthermore, in the absence of such a record player, SCP-3927 will manifest increasingly noticeable reality alterations upon whichever human handles it most frequently. See abridged test log:

Addendum 3927-2" id="">Addendum 3927-1: SCP-3927 was initially discovered when a man contacted local animal control services, claiming that a stuffed mouse was frequently appearing in his great-grandmother's room, the backyard garden, and the attic where it "seemed to be tampering with an antique record player" in storage. A Foundation agent embedded in the animal control staff was dispatched to investigate the case. An interview with the informant was conducted after SCP-3927 was discovered and transferred to a Foundation facility (See interview log below).

Addendum 3927-2 As of ██/██/████, it was proposed that Diandre "Diana" ██████, a former Foundation researcher (currently retired, but still listed as a contact for case-by-case consultations), be considered as a primary caretaker of SCP-3927 due to her experience handling mice in laboratory settings, as well as her age and appearance.

On ██/██/████, Researcher Diandre visited SCP-3927's containment unit, bringing a set of rodent toys she used with her own mice. SCP-3927 seemed to respond well to the interaction with Researcher Diandre, and even seemed to comprehend when she informed it she would be leaving to get lunch and would return shortly.

Approximately three months after becoming SCP-3927's primary caretaker, Researcher Diandre reported that she noticed her appearance changing slightly. Some of her facial wrinkles had faded, and her silver hair had begun to revert to its original dark color at the very ends. Additionally, she reported feeling less tired than usual in the mornings, and being able to better remember schedules without the aid of calendars or reminders.

Researcher Diandre has been cleared for long-term experimentation with SCP-3927. Further discussion is ongoing regarding potential use of SCP-3927 as a means of health maintenance for other elderly Foundation personnel.