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A dead Acacia

Object Class: Esoteric

Special Containment Procedures

Scp-3711 is to be watched over by two or more level 4 staff members,Scp-3711 is to be given privilege to edit other Scp documents except for its own with privilege of one or more 05 members,in case of containment breach Scp-3711 is to be tranquilized and all rights are to revoked,Scp-3711 can be contained in a standard humanoid containment room,
currently Scp-3711 is bedded in Researcher Brooks office for sentimental purposes.All conversations with Scp-3711 are to be recorded and analyzed.

Clip Note:
It may be a Scp but it is no more powerful than a normal human,you could easily kill the kid if you wanted so I think the containment procedures are pretty damn decent do to the kid wanting to help us,he fucking is helping us,his word is probably more valid than mine and he’s ██,if the kid try’s anything we can deal with it,but he won’t,if anyone has concerns bring them to me.
-Researcher Brooks


Scp-3711 is a ██ year old male humanoid entity that can foresee the past,present,and future of all realities and it is believed that Scp-3711 has lived a lifetime in one of these reality’s,Scp-3711 was brought to this reality because it entered Scp-████,it has given helpful data on other Scp entities within and outside this universe.

History: Scp-3711 was found on a expedition and neutralization of
Scp-████,the entity later explained it was also trying to exterminate
Scp-████ who it had no relation to,
Scp-3711 willingly allowed its own containment.

Addendum 3711-1:
Forward: The following is a interview log after the containment of Scp-3711.
Interviewer: Doctor ████ Yasmine

Interviewed: Scp-3711
<Begin Log>
Doctor Yasmine: Hello there I’m Doctor Yasmine will you please state your name,age,and where you come from?,
Scp-3711:*slight pause* Hi there..I’m not sure I have a can call me Scp-3711 if you would like?,
Doctor Yasmine: Scp-3711 how did you know we where going to give you that number?,
Scp-3711:*rapid blinking* I..I’m sorry did that frighten you? I’m sorry I just know things sometimes it’s..quite confusing to be honest…,
Doctor Yasmine:*slight pause*…How do you know things,and can you explain what you know?,also may you please answer my other two questions?
Scp-3711:I don’t know those answers either mam..witch is quite ironic because I know almost everything I know your first name is ████,I know there is this monster that you don’t know who uh..he likes making other monsters invincible heh..what a silly guy..and I also know there’s this stone that likes to snaps necks but that’s silly because he can be stopped if somebody watches him…and you guys have other scps that like watching that’s silly um…
i know in a other reality there is a familiar facility called RPC Authority…it’s the same don’t worry about them they are alright,
It’s also kinda bugging me that there are these things that you guys keep here when it be easier if it where in space or something…like it’s called the fallen star for a reason people probably belongs in space,also what the fuck is up with my containment procedures who wrote them a child?did I write them?yes I did…are you even interviewing me miss Yasmine?
Doctor Yasmine: No Scp-3711.
Scp-3711: yeah..that’s what I thought..
look the only people who will see this are the people with my ability…you know you guys can see all the scps like me right? You also can change them..but I don’t think you guys found out how to actually get into this reality..maybe I’m more powerful…but ah you could edit this out right? Maybe not? Hmm anyways this file is secure anyone who doesn’t have our ability sees this file whoever they need to see it as long as I’m contained..and I am technically,I want to change this universe in amazing ways,there are not enough scps that leave my mouth gaping open,there are too many things trying to destroy humans,and *scp-3711 sighs* it’s repetitive,and I want to help make this multiverse better again,and I think you want to as well…won’t you help me?…
Doctor Yasmine: Sounds great we are excited for you to be part of the facility! *Yasmine gets up to shake Scp-3711’s hand*
Scp-3711:*shakes Yasmine’s hand* glad to be here doc,it’s time to bring some change to this universe.
<end log>

Additional Note:
He’s right there are more of us with this ability..but we can’t be part of the universe because we are human..we are real..unlike Scp-3711 who’s whole power revolves around him having control over a fictional multiverse,no further containment procedures are necessary.