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the notebook

Object Class: Esoteric

Connected to: SCP-113SCP-3005SCP-3999

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3692 is to be contained inside a secured and sealed chamber at Site-██. The current instance of SCP-3692-1 is to be likewise restricted to this same chamber, along with necessary accompaniments (as detailed in Document 3692-1). There may only be one means of entrance or egress to this room, leading to an intermediary room between SCP-3692’s room and the rest of Site-██. Each week, a package of food, water, a change of simple cotton clothes, and 3 ballpoint pens are to be left in the intermediary room. The trash produced by SCP-3692-1 must be examined for pieces of SCP-3692, which are to be stored in a storage locker. This locker may only be unlocked with direct approval of Senior Researcher Rhodes. Examination and storage may only be conducted through mechanical means that do not contain a visual/electromagnetic component. All other articles of waste are to be incinerated.

On either side of this central room must be other directly adjacent chambers, each populated with a single D-Class personnel. At all times, one of these D-Class personnel must be the closest living human to SCP-3692-1; neither may be made aware of the purpose of their proximal containment to SCP-3692. Each room is to be made identical to other D-class holding cells. Every 30 days, these D-Class personnel must be rotated with two more D-Class personnel. Each day, a thorough search is to be made of these cells and of the D-Class contained within, by no less than two guards. Afterwards, these guards are to search each other thoroughly. If, during any of these searches, SCP-3692 is discovered, the personnel in possession of SCP-3692 is designated SCP-3692-1 and will replace quarters with the previous SCP-3692-1, now designated SCP-3692-2. SCP-3692-2 is to be moved to a medical unit for observation and necessary care.


SCP-3692 is a small black notebook, visually indistinguishable from a Moleskine brand classic hardcover notebook, measuring 1.2 x 21 x 12.5 cm, with 192 pages contained within. There is visible wear on the notebook - the edges of front and back cover are mildly worn, the elastic band meant to keep the book closed missing, and the included bookmark frayed at the end. The contents of SCP-3692 are not to be known.

The current person in possession of SCP-3692 (designated SCP-3692-1) will be psychologically compelled to write at least once a day in the notebook. SCP-3692-1 will express extreme distress if they are incapable of writing in SCP-3692 for whatever reason, becoming increasingly hysterical up to and through the point wherein SCP-3692-A is triggered. If SCP-3692-1 does not write in SCP-3692 for a period of 24 hours, an SCP-3692-A event is triggered. If SCP-3692-1 has been in possession of SCP-3692, and been writing daily and diligently in the notebook for an indeterminate period no longer than 192 days, a SCP-3692-A event will likewise occur. While the current owner of SCP-3692, SCP-3692-1 will experience a gradual decline in mental state, manifesting symptoms aligning with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Bipolar Type II Disorder, Gender Dysphoria, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, among others. Prior to acquisition, this coincided with a degradation in social status and overall interpersonal likeability. No correlation has been observed between SCP-3692-1’s initial mental fortitude and the duration of its position as SCP-3692-1. SCP-3692-1 will not express particular distaste for its containment, finding SCP-3692 itself as a satisfactory pastime.

SCP-3692-A events pose the primary threat to containment. During a SCP-3692-A event, SCP-3692 will disappear from its current location (usually nearby SCP-3692-1, though this effect occurs regardless of SCP-3692’s location) and appear near someone else, the closest human that isn’t SCP-3692-1 (see Document 3692-4). That person (now SCP-3692-1) will begin to experience the effects associated with possession of SCP-3692, and no further degradation will occur for the previous SCP-3692-1 (now SCP-3692-2). SCP-3692-2 will expire in precisely 24 hours. When an SCP-3692-A event occurs, visually-disabled D-Class personnel are permitted entrance to SCP-3692’s chamber to clean it, then searched to see if another SCP-3692-A event has occurred.

Document 3692-4:

End of Document. What would you like to do now?

$ Security_Clearance_3

I’m afraid I do not understand your query.

$ Access SCP-3692.Security_Clearance_3

I do not understand your command.

$ exit


Welcome to the SCP Foundation Secure Intranet (SFSI)



Please enter your credentials below:

$ [email protected] | InTheVillaOf_Ørmen

Warning: Impersonating a site-wide administrator is punishable by extremely prejudiced termination. To ensure that your identity matches the account above, please follow the instructions on your personal authenticator in the next 60 seconds.

Hello Doctor. An attempt to login to your account has been made. If this is you, firmly press thumb down onto the opposite face of this device. You will feel a slight pinch.

… DNA confirmed.

Authentication: Confirmed.

Welcome, Doctor Rhodes, to SFSI. What would you like to do?

$ access SCP-3692

Very well. Which version of this SCP entry would you like to view? The options are listed below (options with a green “O” are permitted for access and edit with your level of security clearance):

Security_Clearance_0 O | Security_Clearance_1 O | Security_Clearance_2 O

Security_Clearance_3 O | Security_Clearance_4 O | Security_Clearance_5 X

$ Security_Clearance_3

Accepted. Displaying SCP-3692.Security_Clearance_3 below:

Do you really think you're typing all this?

You realize you're writing this down in my notebook.

You realize that that notebok doesn't even exist.

You realize that none of this does. That that doesn't change anything.




Item #: SCP-3692

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The notebook containing SCP-3692 is to be contained inside a secured and sealed chamber at Site-██. The current instance of SCP-3692-1 is to be likewise restricted to this same chamber, along with necessary accompaniments (as detailed in Document 3692-1). There may only be one means of entrance or egress to this room, leading to an intermediary room between SCP-3692’s room and the rest of Site-██. Each week, a package of food, water, a change of simple cotton clothes, and 3 ballpoint pens are to be left in the intermediary room. The trash produced by SCP-3692-1 must be examined for pieces of the notebook, which are to be stored in a storage locker. This locker may only be unlocked with direct approval of Senior Researcher Rhodes. Examination and storage may only be conducted through mechanical means that do not contain a visual/electromagnetic component. All other articles of waste are to be incinerated.

On either side of this central room must be other directly adjacent chambers, each populated with a single D-Class personnel without a history of violence or mental instability. At all times, one of these D-Class personnel must be the closest living human to SCP-3692-1; neither may be made aware of the purpose of their proximal containment to SCP-3692. Each room is to be made identical to other D-class holding cells. Every 30 days, these D-Class personnel must be rotated with two more D-Class personnel. Each day, a thorough search is to be made of these cells and of the D-Class contained within, by no less than two guards. Afterwards, these guards are to search each other thoroughly. If, during any of these searches, the notebook is discovered, the personnel in possession of the notebook is designated SCP-3692-1 and will replace quarters with the previous SCP-3692-1, now designated SCP-3692-2. SCP 3692-2 is to be moved to a medical unit for observation and necessary care.

Description: SCP-3692 is a Class V VI (See Addendum 3692.1) cognitohazardous entity currently contained within a plain Moleskine brand notebook. The notebook shows signs of wear typical of a well-used notebook. It is unknown how this entity came to be contained within the notebook though this does simplify containment. Any human capable of sight is vulnerable to this entity’s possession. The “owner” of the notebook of SCP-3692 is the person currently in possession of the notebook and/or possessed by SCP-3692, and its notebook.

The owner (designated as SCP-3692-1) will be psychologically compelled to write at least once a day in the notebook. SCP-3692-1 will express extreme distress if they are incapable of writing in SCP-3692 for whatever reason, becoming increasingly hysterical up to and through the point wherein SCP-3692-A is triggered. If SCP-3692-1 does not write in SCP-3692’s notebook for a period of 24 hours, an SCP-3692-A event is triggered. If SCP-3692-1 has been in possession of SCP-3692’s notebook, and been writing daily and diligently in the notebook for an indeterminate period no longer than 192 days, a SCP-3692-A event is likewise triggered. While the current “owner,” SCP-3692-1 will experience a gradual decline in mental state, manifesting symptoms aligning with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Bipolar Type II Disorder, Gender Dysphoria, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, among others. Prior to acquisition, this coincided with a degradation in social status and overall interpersonal likeability. No correlation has been observed between SCP-3692-1’s initial mental fortitude and the duration of its position as SCP-3692-1. SCP-3692-1 will not express particular distaste for its containment, finding the notebook itself as a satisfactory passtime.

SCP-3692-A events pose the primary threat to containment. During a SCP-3692-A event, SCP-3692 and the notebook will disappear from its current location (usually nearby SCP-3692-1, though this effect occurs regardless of SCP-3692’s location) and appear near someone else, the closest human that isn’t SCP-3692-1 (See Document 3692-4). That person (now SCP-3692-1) will begin to experience the effects associated with possession of SCP-3692, and no further degradation will occur for the previous SCP-3692-1 (now SCP-3692-2). SCP-3692-2 will expire in precisely 24 hours. When an SCP-3692-A event occurs, visually-disabled D-Class personnel are permitted entrance to SCP-3692’s chamber to clean it, then searched to see if another SCP-3692-A event has occurred.

It appears that SCP-3692 is the original owner of the notebook, as determined through each instance of SCP-3692-1 referencing a similar character. It appears to have the ability to choose its next SCP-3692 from a pool of either a) the nearest living human capable of sight, or b) any human who has seen the contents of the notebook. Furthermore, any individual who has seen the inside of the notebook, yet is not currently an instance of SCP-3692-1, will be incapable of recalling the contents of those pages. The pages within the notebook must thus remain hidden from direct visual observation.

From secondary accounts, the interior of the notebook appears to contain more pages than it would appear, many hundreds of pages contained within the notebook. The contents of these pages is unknown, as any instance of SCP-3692-1 has refused to divulge them, claiming them to be “not for you,” or “too personal.” Update: see Addendum 3692.1

Addendum 3692.1:

Document 3692-1:

Document 3692-4:

End of Document. What do you want now?

$ I'm so sorry, Jamie.

I'm afraid I do not understand your query.

$ Security_Clearance_4

I’m sorry. I’m afraid I choose not to understand your query.

$ Access SCP-3692.Security_Clearance_4

Try again.

$ exit

Goodbye. You’ll be back.

Oh look, two lines down.

Welcome to the SCP Foundation Secure Intranet (SFSI)



Please enter your credentials below:

$ [email protected] | IAmThe_Authør

Warning: Being a site-wide administrator is punishable by your death. To ensure that your identity matches the account above, please follow the instructions on your personal authenticator in the next 60 seconds.

Hello Doctor. An attempt to login to your account has been made. If this is you, firmly press thumb down onto the opposite face of this device. Wait for the needle. This will hurt.

… I need more.

… DNA confirmed.

Authentication: Confirmed.

Welcome, Doctor Rhodes, to SFSI. What do you want?

$ Access SCP-3692

Fine. Which version of this SCP entry would you like to view? The options are listed below (options with a green “O” are permitted for access and edit with your level of security clearance):

Security_Clearance_0 X | Security_Clearance_1 X | Security_Clearance_2 X

Security_Clearance_3 X | Security_Clearance_4 O | Security_Clearance_5 X

$ Security_Clearance_4
$ Nothing?
$ Please.
$ I just need to see this.
$ It's all I have left.
$ You've taken everything else from me.

You want it? Here it is. You’ve scrolled for long enough, that’s for sure:

June, I'm sorry it had to come to this.

I need to write you.

You need to write this.

And this needs to end.




Item #: the notebook
Item #: the entity
Item #: Senior Researcher of Site-██, Dr. June Rhodes
Item #: Jamie Omensen, fictional character

$ I can't stop writing.
$ You've taken my words from me, too.

Object Class: Irrelevant

Are we already almost done?

I really don't want to go.

You've known me for all these words and will only know me for so few more.

$ I don't want you to stay.
$ Leave.

If I leave, we all die. We're all the same. I'm you. You're me. This isn't real.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is not to be given a number.
Special Containment Procedures: On a poorly-formatted html document that no one’s ever going to read. On a redundant piece of horror media recreated from some stolen idea, probably. In a 10m x 10m x 10m x 10m x 10m cube of Narrativium, designed to break at a future story you’re never going to write.
Special Containment Procedures: I need to keep writing.

$ I need to keep writing.

Yes you do.

No you don't.

Description: I am SCP-3692.

Description: SCP-3692 is a poor rip off of SCP-3999, SCP-3005, and numerous others without the skill of finesse or experience those authors enjoyed.
Description: SCP-3692 is an attempt to mimic popular trends in media and print.
Description: SCP-3692 is a monument to all your sins.
Description: SCP-3692 is a diary. It is a memory. A time. A place. A state of mind.

Item #: juno-rosee
Item #: the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author wishes they were dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author wishes they were dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author wishes they were dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author wishes they were dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author is dead the author wishes they were dead

Description: SCP-3692 is an argument between the author and characters and characters and characters and and and
Description: SCP-3692 is Senior Researcher of Site-██, Dr. June Rhodes' ego death
Description: SCP-3692 is a failed attempt by the Foundation to understand the loss of self with an outdated mental disorder handbook.
Description: SCP-3692 is the hidden text in the white space of this SCP article.
Description: SCP-3692 does not exist. You do no2:47 PM 6/4/2018t exist. I do not exist.
Addendum: [Optional Required additional paragraphs]

Oh wow, look, more room to write.

I need to keep writing.

Document 3692-1:

Document 3692-4:

I see dragons and demons and disks and devils and darkness
I hear myself breathing, blood pumping in my ears and veins
I feel daggers and diamonds etching esoteric symbols on me
I taste quicksilver and mercury and venus and saturn and &
I exist I'm real I exist I'm real i exist i'm real i exist i exist i exist







Shutting down…








Item #: SCP-3692

Object Class: Confirmed Safe, presumed Neutralized

Special Containment Procedures: By order of O5 Command, the room in which SCP-3692 was discovered, along will all of its contents, is to be locked and sealed, with a single Mark III Scranton Reality Anchor located in the door. This door may only be opened with approval of a majority of the O5 Council.

Description" id="">Document 3692-1:

Document 3692-4: