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Special Containment Procedures

Foundation webcrawlers are to monitor popular social media platforms for activity from SCP-3532. Any activity is to be recorded, scanned for cognitohazards, and archived. Foundation personnel are forbidden interaction with social media accounts associated with SCP-3532 unless given explicit orders otherwise. In accordance with Procedure 24-Lehonot, information damaging to the public image of SCP-3532 is to be produced wherever and whenever applicable. In the event that Procedure 24-Lehonot were to be rendered ineffective, all platforms hosting active SCP-3532 accounts are to be taken offline or otherwise rendered inaccessible until containment can be reestablished.


SCP-3532 is believed to be an entity previously worshipped as a deity at an indeterminate point in the past. Recovered documentation1 suggests SCP-3532 currently resides in an extra-spatial plane and can interact with standard reality through forms of long distance communication. Currently, SCP-3532 is known to the public as ███████ █████████, a popular social media advertiser and influencer. SCP-3532 currently prioritizes the growth of its cult-like following, known as "The Miraculous Church Gang"2, using its social media presence to do so. SCP-3532 has displayed a basic understanding of the creation of cognitohazardous imagery, and will often include cognitohazardous elements in its posts online. Testing has shown that the cognitohazards employed by SCP-3532 do not force the observer to perform an action, but instead act as a strong suggestion to do so. Further testing indicates that a negative perception of SCP-3532 can counteract the cognitohazardous effects.3

SCP-3532 was discovered on 1/19/18, when several mp4 files containing level 2 cognitohazarous patterns were detected by Foundation webcrawlers. The files were uploaded to the Instagram and Twitter social platforms by accounts belonging to SCP-3532, and featured the entity advertising products from [REDACTED], as well as GOI-3532-1 branded merchandise. The cognitohazards found in the files would compel viewers to both purchase the featured products and follow the several social media accounts of SCP-3532. At the time of discovery, there were no other viewable posts on either accounts.

Investigations into SCP-3532 owned accounts revealed a number of deleted posts made prior to 1/19/18, with the earliest being dated 11/28/17. Said posts differ from the more recent posts and indicate a lack of understanding on how social media operates. In these posts SCP-3532 appears to beg for followers on its accounts and ponders why other users have more followers on their accounts.

The sudden shift in post coherency coincides with SCP-3532 acquiring representation from social media managing company ████ Marketing4 on 1/3/18. It is assumed SCP-3532 utilized cognitohazards similar to those found in its posts to acquire representation. Upon receiving representation, most of the posts uploaded to SCP-3532 accounts were made by GOI-3532-2 employee Mark █████5.

As of 4/5/18, SCP-3532 has secured advertising deals with ██ major brands. It does not appear that SCP-3532 used its cognitohazardous effects to secure these deals, rather it seems that these companies reached out to SCP-3532 on their own accord due to the entity's popularity.

6 Cross referencing Recovered Document 3532 24a with other recovered contracts shows a number of deviations, such as the term "client" being replaced with "Miraculous Being" and "manager" with "Miraculous High Priest". Other notable aspects include a clause stating the contract can only be altered by SCP-3532 and no other persons, as well as a separate clause stating GOI-3532-2 reserves the right to retract representation for clients deemed unprofitable or harmful to the image of the company7. Due to the concern that SCP-3532 could easily influence other companies in a similar manner, Procedure 24-Lehonot was drafted in order to suppress the entity's influence. Procedure approved on 20/5/18.

Addendum B: On 21/5/18, Procedure 24-Lehonot was enacted. A detachment of MTF Phi-1 was tasked with replacing key members of GOI-3532-2 upper management with Foundation agents in order to gain control of the company. Once the company was successfully under Foundation influence, POI-3532-1 was replaced by Dr. Jeffery Burr. Dr. Burr then attempted to alter the social media persona of SCP-3532 to one that would be seen as undesirable.

All further attempts to persuade SCP-3532 into altering its persona failed. It was determined that SCP-3532 could only be influenced by someone it perceived as having a better understanding of social media. In order to successfully alter the online persona of SCP-3532, Site-72 authorized the use of social media accounts belonging to SCP-3331-Alpha to contact SCP-3532. Dr. Burr was instructed to contact SCP-3532 posing as SCP-3331-Alpha and alter the entity's perceptions of current social trends.