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Connected to: SCP-2719

Two SCP-3533 instances. Photo taken with a Branston-Meyer Mnestic Filter (Class III)

Special Containment Procedures

Upon their manifestation and detection, instances of SCP-3533 are to be sequestered from all affected businesses and stored in standard nonliving storage units within the Site-19 anomalous items warehouses. Knowledge of SCP-3533's existence is mostly self-contained and therefore only minor actions must be taken upon their manifestation. These events, referred to as "Restocking Events", are carried out on an uneven monthly schedule that is to be monitored by stationed Foundation agents under strict Class-W Mnestic treatment regimens and reported immediately. This schedule is known to be influenced by the value of the stock "████"1 and plans are underway to mitigate or reduce awareness of said stock in order to slowly decline the frequency and quantity of Restocking Events in the future.


SCP-3533 is the collective designation for an antimemetic household detergent spray titled "Metaphysiclean!". SCP-3533 will spontaneously appear on shelves of big-box stores and other retail corporations in the United States, although their presence will go largely unnoticed by roughly 98% of observers not on Class-W Mnestic regimens, often appearing as empty portions of shelves without apparent cause. It is believed that SCP-3533's antimemetic properties are not an intended feature of their design but a result of their other anomalous properties (See Addendum 3533.3).

SCP-3533 is conceptually vague due to the properties of "Metaphysiclean!" and therefore can be referred to by its brand name, contents or structure at any given point and not be incorrect. The liquid that comprises SCP-3533 is indeterminate, as testing that does not alter the functionality of the GCMS equipment yields results that suggest the substance is conceptually recursive.2

When SCP-3533 is sprayed onto a surface or a number of surfaces, the respective components become conceptually vague for up to 72 hours.3 During this period, they will gradually revert to their original state unless more is applied; repeated exposure to SCP-3533 has shown to permanently mesh the concepts of whatever it is sprayed on, becoming increasingly ill-defined with latter applications. SCP-3533 will evaporate from applied surfaces and is not detectable after this time frame.

SCP-3533 is supposedly manufactured by "████████", a non-existent subsidiary of S. C. Johnson and Son.4 The address of the factory that produces SCP-3533 (Designated LOI/POI-3533) is found on the labels of all instances. The location was traced to an abandoned lot in [REDACTED], which upon closer inspection, was actually a fully functional factory operating under antimemetic camouflage, likely the same effect expressed by SCP-3533 itself. While on mnestic drugs, LOI/POI-3533 appears nondescript externally, however, its interior has been permanently converted into an extradimensional space that is defined as the interior of the factory, SCP-3533, Frank Miller, supervisor, several other employees and 18 other concepts including the concept of ennui and the concept of paid overtime (See Addendum 3533.2). According to LOI/POI-3533, this was due to a large spill of SCP-3533 that occurred in 1998 that, while having little effect on the output quantity of SCP-3533, was considered "an abstract administrative nightmare."

Addendum 3533.2: LOI/POI-3533 Interaction

Addendum 3533.3" id="">Addendum 3533.1: Experimentation Logs

Addendum 3533.2: LOI/POI-3533 Interaction

Addendum 3533.3 LOI/POI-3533 Select Employee Email Correspondences