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Animal Man

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2681 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell in Site ██. SCP-2681 may only be removed from its cell by level 2 personnel or higher. Subject's basic needs are to be maintained at all times to prevent the compulsion of SCP-2681-1 instances. Any instances of SCP-2681-1 that attempt to enter the facility are to be sedated immediately and brought into the facility for study. Every 48 hours, SCP-2681 must undergo personal therapy lasting anywhere between 1-3 hours.

SCP-2681's cell should be monitored at all times via security camera. Should the subject show signs of emotional instability, an approved psychologist is to be alerted immediately. If a psychologist is not available, SCP-2681 is to be sedated.


SCP-2681 is a 30 year old human male of Nepali origin whose emotional state, thoughts, and needs compel the behavior of nonhuman animals (thereafter referred to as instances of SCP-2681-1) within a 1.7 kilometer radius. This results in compelled animals attempting to meet the desires and needs of SCP-2681. Prior to its containment, SCP-2681 had reported animals giving it carcasses when hungry, grooming or cleaning it when feeling dirty, and even attacking and killing sources of its anger, fear, and discomfort (See Testing Log). SCP-2681 does not seem capable of compelling insects, arachnids, or microorganisms. Tests to see if SCP-2681 is capable of compelling sea animals are currently pending.

SCP-2681 is generally anxious and agitated to those that communicate with it and prefers to be alone with very little to no contact. The subject is adept at speaking English, Nepali, Hindi, and Tharu.

SCP-2681 suffers from depression, intermittent explosive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and has been assessed to having a moderate risk for suicide.
SCP-2681 spends most of its free time practicing mental exercises that were recommended by approved therapists in order to control its emotional state.

SCP-2681 cannot seem to control its compulsion, and animals acting on a prior compulsion do not respond to changes in subject's physical and mental state that would render the animal's compulsion undesirable. Consequences have ranged from minor nuisances to fatalities. Despite acting on the subject's desires, thoughts, and needs, instances of SCP-2681-1 have not been recorded to comply with SCP-2681's suicidal or self-harming desires.