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The Gorillas Simply Freeze to Death

Object Class: Esoteric

First identified instance of SCP-2680-1, photo taken shortly before death

Special Containment Procedures

One instance of SCP-2680 is currently contained at Site-75. It is to be stored within a standard Biological Anomaly Storage Cube within a standard Biological Storage Cell. One instance of SCP-2680-1 is contained at Site-75 within a Biological Storage Cell that has been modified for human habitation. Once per eight hours, three D-Class Capsule Rations are to be delivered through the Rations Transference Device.

No alcoholic beverage of any kind is to be consumed, stored, or otherwise allowed within five kilometers of Site-75. No glass bottles of any kind are allowed within five kilometers of Site-75. If glass bottles are seen within the exclusion zone of Site-75, they must immediately be incinerated by crew following Bio-safety Level 4 Procedures. If personnel displaying symptoms of inebriation are observed, physical contact should not be made, and they must immediately be reported to Site Security.

Mobile Task Forces Kappa-3 ("Teetotalers"), Beta-7 ("Maz Hatters"), and Lambda-12 ("Pest Control") have been deployed to investigate and curb SCP-2680 infections in the wild. Research is underway to develop a vaccine or preventative for SCP-2680.

All Foundation personnel are encouraged to avoid consuming alcoholic beverages any kind of packaged beverage that they have not physically extracted from packaging such as a cardboard box or six pack ring.


SCP-2680 is an anomalous viral disease that resembles smallpox, possessing similar symptoms such as the formation of irregular pustules, inflamed spots, lassitude, and delirium, though there are three key differences: One, that no known cure for SCP-2680 exists, with all attempts at inoculation resulting in contraction of the anomalous malady. Two, that the irregular pustules form not only on the patients' extremities and outer body, but also on the internal cavities such as the liver and intestines. Three, that the pustules are swelled with a green mixture not merely of turgid pus, but also alcohol otherwise fit for human consumption. Contact with this fluid is the primary method by which SCP-2680 spreads from man to man; while it is theorized that the infectious agent may also be spread though air, a mere one third of all those observed to have been contaminated have contracted the malady while the remainder are afflicted with ordinary pox.

Rather than slowly leaking, SCP-2680 pustules continually swell up with fluid till bursting, thus spraying the immediate area with a fluid discharge up to a three-meter radius; to facilitate this process, patients have been observed to compulsively bite at the sores until they burst, consuming some of the resulting discharge as a form of reward. Despite lacking any will to halt their own self-cannibalism, those indisposed report performing these acts of their own volition, and universally describe these actions as a soothing way of coping with the disease.

While the fatality rate of SCP-2680 infection is greater than 90 percent, those infected by SCP-2680 only die after at least thirty-to-fifty days, while ordinary smallpox victims usually die after ten-to-sixteen days. Death is caused by the rapid and immediate bursting of all pustules and sores inside and outside the body, causing the body to rupture explosively.

First Contact
This document was transcribed from the post-encounter commentary of Eustace Bagge (Captain of I-3) two weeks after his team confirmed the existence of SCP-2680.

Of course we heard the rumors; smallpox that could not be inoculated against, that caused beer to spill from every orifice, that caused men to split open and burst like overfilled balloons. We were the Foundation; we'd heard rumors just like that for years, rumors of bubonic plague that caused men to turn into walking ghouls, of cholera that made men dissolve into the water leaking out of them. And of course we investigated, and of course for every twenty rumors we did so, we found perhaps one anomaly. And so, just like the cholera, or the bubonic plague, we assumed that this was merely the fear-mongering of a few backwater farmers.

We were prepared for anomalies of course: we were inoculated; we wore our Hurd masks; we wore our one-piece Mackintoshes and hoods, these thick, stifling coats that were just as likely to suffocate you as protect you; we were armed to the teeth. And so we encountered the damnable plague in the middle of July, in a backwater farm village in the middle of Missouri. It was near the middle of the day when we arrived, exhausted, hungry, hunched over from the weight of our packs and sweating like pigs. The middle of the day and the damn village was deserted, a ramshackle mess of cottages and sheds with nary a man in sight. We slammed on the inn's door for fifteen minutes before someone opened it.

It took us an hour to explain why we were there and another hour for him to believe us. Where was the town doctor, we asked? Dead. Popped like a booze-filled balloon, the innkeeper claimed. Where was his body? Burned, naturally. Who else was sick? A girl, quarantined in the clinic. Her family had fled. Surely there were others, we asked? They went up in smoke like their houses.

We entered the clinic - what was left of it, it was a hollow gutted shell, burned to the ground. The basement, the trapdoor was locked. We had to kick it open. Inside… Bones everywhere, scorched beyond belief. The air was thick with putrefaction and liquor. Row after row of beds, blown to smithereens. There were still bodies - these bloated, rotting, gutted husks that were popped like balloons. Horrible. The girl…. the girl was in the far corner of the room. Nobody had attended to her for days. They had left her to fester in her own filth! She was riddled with sores, pustules, and rashes. And she was gnawing at them! Pus, alcohol, and blood squirting out of her and she lapped it up like a dog. We got near her - we were careful not to touch her wounds - and tried to talk to her. Interrogate her. And the whole time we did, she kept eating herself alive. We would pull her hands away and within minutes this wretched creature would nibble the pustules off her shoulder. She just would not - could not explain what had happened to her, how she had fallen ill, what had happened to those other damned souls, or her family, where they had gone. Of course this was our greatest fear - where had her family gone? Were they infected? If the plain pox could spread like wildfire…

We had been trying to wring something, anything useful out of the child for three hours before she died. She tried to speak and then swelled up. I immediately ordered my men to pull back out of the house. I looked back as we ran, and I saw the fear in her eyes… and then there was a sound like a dozen Gatlings and the room exploded. When we had recovered from the blast, what was left of the room was splattered in blood, pus, and alcohol. We bagged what was left of the body, burned down the house, and left.

Two weeks later Campbell collapsed. We never did figure out how he got infected - probably a tear in the Mack - but there was no mistaking what had happened. Thank God we were already under probationary quarantine. He was thrown into his own quarantine then, and through it we could see him eating himself alive. Two weeks after that he exploded.

Nota Bene 18/02/1891: At this time, it is estimated that as much as thirty percent of all smallpox victims are currently infected with SCP-2680, forcing Overwatch to declare a state of emergency regarding this event and mandate that euthanatization of SCP-2680-1 instances be considered the primary method of containment.

Nota Bene 16/06/1896: Testing of the secretions of [REDACTED], combined with minute portions of lead and hydrargyrum, mixed with alcohol, has proven efficacious in eliminating and preventing SCP-2680 infection in 99% of all test subjects. Efforts to scale up production of the substance are underway.

SCP-2679 SCP-2681