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We All Live in a Nuclear Submarine

Object Class: Esoteric

Satellite image of SCP-2956 taken in Severodvinsk Port four days before its departure. Image captured by SCPS Laniakea in LEO.

Special Containment Procedures

As of the completion of Operation Dostoevsky's Phalanx on ██/██/██, SCP-2956 and SCP-2956-2 are considered neutralized. All containment efforts are to be concentrated in the Java Trench to monitor the remains of SCP-2956, and to impede all civilian attempts at surveying the seabed within 20km of SCP-2956. SCP-2956-1 is still considered an active anomalous entity, as analysis has shown heat signatures at multiple points along the body of the submarine, along with radio transmission originating from within the vessel itself. No attempt to communicate with SCP-2956-1 is to be made by Foundation vessels.

The 2956 designation will be eligible for reclassification as neutralized in 56,000 (±200) years - estimated time at which SCP-2956's structure will collapse completely due to benthic marine detritivores and natural marine weathering processes found in abyssal zones of the Indian Ocean.

Research is to continue regarding the identity of the GRU personnel from Tehran, and all other links to SCP-2956's construction and history. Research into the location of the anomalous Lenin bust and the three missing personnel is to continue with a priority 4 ranking.


SCP-2956 is a Project 941 "Akula" class Soviet submarine currently traversing the world's oceans in a semi-random pattern. As of ██/██/██, all attempts to intercept SCP-2956, ranging from using antisubmarine torpedoes and depth charges, to manually boarding the submarine during its rare surfacing events, have been met with failure. SCP-2956 is able to dive to depths far beyond the tolerance of most Project 941 submarines that were in service, and is able to dive at an exceptionally fast rate, allowing it to evade all attempts to contain it.

SCP-2956 spends most of its time circumnavigating the world at an average depth of 1200 - 1500m below the surface, in a number of different routes which normally take it once through the Bering Strait. SCP-2956 has also regularly been observed to rise to the surface and follow nearby civilian ships, before diving once again. Due to SCP-2956 being a Project 941 submarine, it is believed to have an arsenal of torpedoes at its disposal. Despite this, SCP-2956 has made no attempt to attack civilian or Foundation vessels, and each surfacing event is believed to be SCP-2956 investigating the intent of nearby vessels. Because of this, SCP-2956 is not considered a directly hostile entity to civilian ships. SCP-2956 also spends up to 3 - 4 months in "hibernation", most often staying at the bottom of deep sea trenches, most frequently the Java Trench or Marianas Trench. During these times, SCP-2956-2 reports a significant reduction in hallucinations and images originating from SCP-2956. The mechanisms SCP-2956 uses to maintain structural integrity are currently unknown, along with its apparent regenerative abilities.


Still frame from the Jubilee Congress. Ivan █████ seen wearing military dress in the background, 3rd in from the left.

SCP-2956 is also able to "shed" its hull, replacing it with a new hull via currently unknown means. This allows SCP-2956 to maintain full structural integrity and repair any damages done by Foundation anti-submarine weaponry. As of ██/██/██, there are twelve (12) hull coverings left on the seabed, mostly concentrated in SCP-2956's "hibernation" spots, such as the Kuril-Kamchathka Trench and Marianas Trench. Apart from the physical anomalies, SCP-2956 has also been observed to broadcast a series of pseudorandom repeating tones and Soviet marching songs on a transponder system located within the vessel1. SCP-2956-1 has made efforts to communicate via this method, but these have been rare events. The speech is difficult to decipher, and the voice itself may not originate from a human larynx, but instead from somewhere within the submarine itself.

SCP-2956 is not autonomous, and is instead controlled by an entity hereby referred to as SCP-2956-1. It is currently unknown how SCP-2956-1 controls the submarine, whether SCP-2956-1 is incorporeal in nature, or is the submarine itself. Due to this ambiguity, SCP-2956-1 will henceforth be regarded as an entirely separate entity to SCP-2956 (See Operation DP report). SCP-2956-1 claims to be Ivan █████, a Soviet military officer who had died in a fuel explosion in Almaty, Kazakhstan sometime in the 1980s. According to Soviet documents, Ivan died of his injuries, with his body interred at a GRU site in Murmansk.

SCP-2956-2 is a 48 year old Caucasian male, with a height of 1.78m. SCP-2956-2 is Peter ██████, an American citizen who had gained citizenship after defecting from the Russian Government during the fall of the USSR in 1991. SCP-2956-2 appeared to show knowledge of the Foundation's existence before his containment, which has lead intelligence officials to believe that SCP-2956-2 may have been a part of GRU Division "P". However, when questioned, SCP-2956-2 affirms that he was not part of the branch and only knew them by name, and simply knew of the Foundation due to his time in the Russian Government. SCP-2956-2 was first discovered after actively seeking out Site-██ in [LOCATION REDACTED].

Hippo-Cortex Neurological Analysis has shown that SCP-2956-2 exhibits a Class IV telepathic connection between him and SCP-2956-1, who he claims is his biological brother, Ivan ██████. SCP-2956-2 describes being able to communicate with SCP-2956-1, as well as receiving a series of hallucinations and mental images from SCP-2956-1 of varying degrees of lucidity. SCP-2956 appears to be more active when SCP-2956-2 is in REM sleep or unconscious, for example appearing at the surface more often and following Foundation and civilian vessels closely. To date, there has been only one incident of SCP-2956 firing an SLBM2, during which SCP-2956-2 had undergone cardiac arrest (see Incident-2956 report). This supports the hypothesis that SCP-2956 is kept in a docile state (Code: Non-Nuclear) via a constant telepathic connection to SCP-2956-2.

It is currently unknown how SCP-2956-1 came to control SCP-2956, or how SCP-2956 was originally created, as no GRU documents exist pertaining to a date when SCP-2956 was first created. SCP-2956-2 accounts of the process in which SCP-2956-1 was created in its current form, or how he was involved with the process, is vague and scattered, with possible false memories being present.

Discovery Log: SCP-2956 first came to the Foundation's attention in 1987, after a series of unusual events took place in Severodvinsk Port on the White Sea. Foundation satellites detected a mass, of unknown material, steadily growing in the port's dry docks. After six (6) days, the mass formed into a fully functioning Akula class submarine, before leaving the port entirely. Foundation vessels based in Svalbard were alerted and attempted to intercept SCP-2956. This attempt failed, however, as SCP-2956 had dived at an unknown point, and wasn't sighted again until 1995.

In 1995, the vessel was observed off the coast of Madagascar after all other Akula class submarines had been either decommissioned or accounted for. Foundation operatives were able to attach a GPS device to the top of its hull. Three months later, the current containment procedures were adopted, and preparations were made to attempt a containment of the anomaly.

After this point, SCP-2956 was considered a Level "Red" threat to humanity, and preparations were made to neutralize the anomaly as soon as possible, due to the presence of SLBMs aboard SCP-2956. After authorization from O5 Command, SCPF Faithfull and a group of other Foundation ships were sent to the last known location of SCP-2956. The plan involved making radio contact with SCP-2956-1, to give time for the crew of the Faithfull to destroy SCP-2956. A 100kt nuclear warhead was re purposed from Armed Area-██, along with a bathyscaphe (Previously Bathyscaphe ██████)

Dr Vasily, aboard the Faithful, attempted to make contact with SCP-2956-1 during its voyage from the Bering Strait. SCP-2956 headed directly south, before turning west at the ██th Parallel and heading past Papua New Guinea. A flotilla of Foundation vessels were assembled from the Andaman Islands in an attempt to corner SCP-2956 against the coastline of Australia. However, SCP-2956 slipped through, before descending rapidly down the Java Trench. The vessels then entered formation, with Faithfull, Turgenev and Dominica forming the forward echelon during the incursion.