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Every Wandering Golden City of the Caesars

Connected to: SCP-2583

Special Containment Procedures

Provisional Containment Area-846 is to be constructed around SCP-2955, and is currently disguised as an Argentinean military installation. Area-846 is to be staffed by members of Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 ("Mole Rats"). No personnel are allowed to approach, directly observe, or conduct sample extractions on SCP-2955. All observations on SCP-2955 are to be conducted via satellite imaging and remote surveillance. The usage of Helios-class aerial surveillance drones to monitor SCP-2955 is prohibited.

In the event of a transmigration event, MTF-Z-9 is to track down SCP-2955 and identify the next location in which it will resurface. Once verified, Area-846 is to be rebuilt over the newly identified location. Foundation agents embedded in the governments of affected nations are to maintain the cover story of an earthquake during each transmigration event.


SCP-2955 refers to a collection of granular particles, capable of autonomous movement. An exact total number of SCP-2955 instances cannot be verified, partly due to their anomalous properties. Current estimations suggest there are at least 4,000,000 such instances.1

Individual instances of SCP-2955 have a measured diameter of 15 mm on average. Samples taken indicate that SCP-2955 is composed of a mixture of tumbaga2 and silica. SCP-2955 typically takes the shape of a pavement laid out over an approximate land area of 8 km2, and a collection of Pueblo great houses clustered within the area. The architecture is consistent with dwellings of the Pueblo II Era.3 However, no openings are found in the structures inside SCP-2955.

SCP-2955 will only move (referred to as a transmigration event) when portions of it are extracted forcefully or when it is directly observed by the following:

  • Human beings
  • Helios-class aerial surveillance drone (as of 08/07/2008)

The transmigration event is marked by seismic activity occurring in SCP-2955's vicinity. SCP-2955 will then disassemble itself and seep into the ground. Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) indicates that SCP-2955 instances typically move along multiple files when underground, vibrating themselves as a means of motion and coordinating their movements underground. After a period of time of at least 2 weeks,4 SCP-2955 instances will resurface and reassemble themselves, preferring locations that are devoid of any pre-existing human settlements. When reformed, the positions of all structures in SCP-2955 remain unchanged.

SCP-2955 was originally classified as an Extra-normal Event (EE-72806), due to unsubstantiated evidence of its existence initially. Below is the documentation of EE-72806.

After a similar sighting and seismic event in Gorgona Island, Colombia on 09/09/2007, it was determined to be another instance of EE-72806 and the anomaly was reclassified as SCP-2955. Below is a catalogue of known locations SCP-2955 has appeared in, since its discovery by the Foundation.

Reference Date Location Description
15/08/2007 Ica Region, Peru First known sighting of SCP-2955; initially classified as EE-72806.
09/09/2007 Gorgona Island, Colombia Second known sighting of SCP-2955; identified by a park ranger from Gorgona Natural National Park. Transmigration event occurred afterwards, triggering a magnitude 6.2 earthquake and SCP-2955 vanished at the end of the event. Anomaly reclassified as SCP-2955.
16/12/2007 Antofagasta Province, Chile As per Dr. Rodriguez's suggestion,5 Helios-class aerial drones were dispatched to survey SCP-2955. Transmigration event triggered when drones began collection of samples from SCP-2955, triggering a magnitude 6.7 earthquake. SCP-2955 vanished post-event. GPR detected movement of SCP-2955 instances underground.
08/07/2008 Arequipa Region, Peru Helios-class aerial drones deployed to survey SCP-2955. Transmigration event apparently triggered by the presence of the drones, triggering a magnitude 6.2 earthquake. SCP-2955 vanished post-event. GPR detected movement of SCP-2955 instances underground.
13/03/2009 Mendoza Province, Argentina Current location of SCP-2955; its location initially verified via satellite imaging, remote observation and GPR. Construction of Area-846 around SCP-2955 began.

Addendum 2955-2: While inside SCP-2955, aerial drones were able to detect low frequency (<20 Hz) Rayleigh waves emitting constantly from SCP-2955. Upon inspecting the sample of SCP-2955 available to the Foundation, each SCP-2955 instance is identified to be producing individual Rayleigh waves.

SCP-2955 instances from the sample are noted to be vibrating at increasing frequencies, often breaking their container via resonance. This has led to multiple counts of containment breach since its acquisition. Sample was incinerated on ██/██/2009.

Addendum 2955-3" id="">Addendum 2955-1: Upon cross-referencing SCP-2955's description, multiple historic accounts of it have been identified. The excerpts listed below are translated to English. For a complete collation of historic accounts, refer to Document 2955-Alpha.

Addendum 2955-2: While inside SCP-2955, aerial drones were able to detect low frequency (<20 Hz) Rayleigh waves emitting constantly from SCP-2955. Upon inspecting the sample of SCP-2955 available to the Foundation, each SCP-2955 instance is identified to be producing individual Rayleigh waves.

SCP-2955 instances from the sample are noted to be vibrating at increasing frequencies, often breaking their container via resonance. This has led to multiple counts of containment breach since its acquisition. Sample was incinerated on ██/██/2009.

Addendum 2955-3 On ██/██/2009, approximately 400,000 gold nuggets were found in proximity of SCP-2955. According to surveillance, they were produced from SCP-2955, via a process similar to moulting. These nuggets do not trigger transmigration events, and do not possess any anomalous properties.