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Object Class: Esoteric

Connected to: SCP-2935


Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2610-A, -B, -C, -D, and all instances of SCP-2610-E are currently presumed neutralized due to the unlikeliness of survival after the events of "Incident 2610 UIU Tango-Tango" as described in Addendum 2610.8: Incident UIU Tango-Tango.

Despite this, Foundation personnel are to monitor for any additional sightings of any instance of SCP-2610.


SCP-2610-A, -B, -C, and -D were the siblings Simeon, Armond, Yvette, and Jorge Avakian (the latter two of whom were fraternal twins), born 1922, 1929, and possibly 19431, respectively. All four siblings were born to Droman Avakian and Anita Martel of Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Prior to Incident 2610 UIU Tango-Tango, SCP-2610-A was a well known medical doctor and self-proclaimed "telepath", SCP-2610-B was a deckhand employed at the Boston Harbor, and SCP-2610-C and -D were unemployed.

Through the use of currently poorly understood medical techniques developed by SCP-2610-A, the siblings conspired and succeeded in altering their genetic makeup in a way that anomalously affected their incestuously conceived offspring. These offspring (and the offspring of those offspring) were classified as SCP-2610-E collectively, and together with their parents (self-described as "The Firstborn") were classified as "The Colony" by the initial United States Federal Bureau of Investigation Unusual Incidents Unit (UIU) investigators who discovered and led to the neutralization of SCP-2610.

SCP-2610-E instances were anomalously bred to have significantly shorter than natural gestation period, and a rapid rate of growth. As a result of these changes, and the limited diversity of genetic material between SCP-2610-E instances due to severe inbreeding, SCP-2610-E instances were genetically human but carried a high number of physical malformations and abnormalities, along with sharply stunted mental faculties.


Droman Avakian, Anita Martel, and SCP-2610-A, -C, and -D. The other woman is unidentified. On the back of the image was written "Whore of His Deliverance" in black ink.

The entirety of SCP-2610 is believed to have been neutralized by United States Navy fighters at the order of the UIU on November 16th, 1971. More information regarding this incident can be found in Addendum 2610.8: Incident UIU Tango-Tango.

Due to lack of direct involvement in the case of SCP-2610, all information regarding SCP-2610 has been collected through cooperation between Foundation personnel and UIU agents. Please see the addenda below for official UIU reports pertaining to SCP-2610.


SCP-2610-B on left. Image date unknown.

Of SCP-2610-B, little is noted in any records aside from a birth record (also from the West Boston Military Medical Center) and an employment file with the Kervier Shipping Company in 1945 (which included a fingerprint and vehicle registration). Of note, SCP-2610-B is mentioned only once in SCP-2610-A's journals, where it is referenced that SCP-2610-B sexually assaulted an unnamed immigrant woman near the shipyards, which necessitated the lobotomy performed by SCP-2610-A in the previous passage as a cover.

SCP-2610-C and -D are not mentioned in any birth records or citizenship records. Aside from references in SCP-2610-A's journals (including a handful of photographs) and UIU records indicating their involvement, there is no outside evidence of their existence whatsoever.

In March of 1959, SCP-2610-A was arrested on charges of illegal medical practices on minors. Though SCP-2610-A was able to settle with the victims for an undisclosed amount, SCP-2610-A withdrew from the medical field. No further mention of SCP-2610-A or its siblings is noted until Incident UIU Tango-15.

Addendum 2610.2: Incident UIU Tango-11

The following information was gathered from UIU incident logs.

Agent Designation: Cyprus
Date: ██/██/████

Police report filed November 12th, 1965:

BREAK-IN AT ████ W 15th ST. ██████, ██


Unit investigators became involved after Bureau was contacted. Subjects were described as "roughly six-feet tall" and "vaguely human", with a number of obvious and grotesque physical malformations, such as missing or additional limbs, eyes, ears, etc., collapsed ribcages or extruded stomachs, large growths across the body. Did not succumb to weapon fire and moved quickly but jarringly on stilted or broken limbs. Did not attempt to communicate. Three people within the storehouse, identified as ██████ ███████, ████ ███████, and █████ █████████, were found dead at the scene. All individuals showed signs of violent ██████ ███████, including ███████████ ██ ███ ████ █████ ████████████, ███████████ ██ █████ █████████, and other severe trauma. Fingerprints gathered from the scene, but did not match any known suspects.

Investigation is ongoing.

Addendum 2610.3: Excerpt from Recovered Journal

Addendum 2610.4: Incident UIU Tango-15

Agent Designation: Ulysses
Date: ██/██/████

Another theft of a large quantity of livestock feed. A shipment of cattle feed bound for S. Carolina was ransacked last night. Five dockhands are dead, same type of wounds as the ones at the storehouse. Officers responding to the scene did manage to disable one of the fleeing vehicles. The subjects within fled the scene, but the vehicle was recovered and identified as belonging to A. Avakian, a dockhand from Boston whose fingerprints were recognized as also being from the previous scene. Records on file show he has not been employed with the Kervier group for several months.

During a chase with one of the vehicles, one of the human-like creatures described in the previous incident report leaped from within the trailer onto a pursuing squad car and assaulted the officers within. One officer was killed, the other (the driver) managed to crash the vehicle into a nearby embankment, totaling it. The officer managed to escape, while the creature (which was pinned below the vehicle) perished.

Addendum 2610.5: Excerpt from Recovered Journal

Addendum 2610.6: Incident UIU Tango-18

Agent Designation: Grenada
Date: ██/██/1970



On ██/██/1970, after a tip from agents embedded within local utilities companies, Unit Agents moved on the abandoned █████████ Packaging Corp. warehouse. Despite the structure being empty for more than thirty years, it had recently began to draw power from nearby lines. Additionally, an automobile registered to one H. Rutherford, which was confirmed as being sold to one Simeon Avakian five years prior, was seen at the site.

Agents initially found the warehouse empty, but sounds from below led the group to an operational lift located in the northwest corner of the main level. The agents descended to a third basement level via the lift, and then to another basement level by stairs, before encountering [GRAPHIC DETAILS EXPUNGED].

Of the thirteen agents who entered the warehouse, only four escaped to a local FBI stronghouse. The details of the incident are described below.

Addendum 2610.7: Excerpt from Recovered Journal

Addendum 2610.8: Incident UIU Tango-Tango

Agent Designation: Killroy
Date: ██/██/1971

On November 14th, 1971, Bureau agents received word that a cross-country locomotive carrying animal feed had been attacked and overwhelmed, and that the assailants had boarded the train and were en route to the west coast. Agents across the country were mobilized to stop the train's progress.

Early attempts on the east coast did little to slow the advance, as any organized group drawing within 100 yards of the locomotive were quickly overtaken by hordes of SCP-2610-E instances emerging from the cars. Attempts were made to halt the vehicle using explosives, but were similarly fruitless, as SCP-2610-E instances would quickly throw their bodies on top of any incendiary placed on the track.

While additional attempts were being made to slow the first train, Central confirmed reports of two more trains, similarly bound for the west coast, both of which had also been hijacked. One of these trains was only reported after it had come to a stop to take on additional fuel near the town of █████████████, Pennsylvania. Reportedly, "over one-thousand" of the humanoid creatures descended on a local high school football game to [GRAPHIC DETAILS EXPUNGED]. Casualties reached ███ within the hour.

When it became clear that the situation was getting out of hand, UIU Central contacted agents at the SCP Foundation in an attempt to reinforce the already hamstrung UIU forces. Local military units were likewise activated and dispatched towards the paths of the oncoming Colony trains.


Aftermath of Foundation involvement in UIU Tango-Tango

Foundation personnel moved quickly to the town of █████████, Kentucky, where a fourth train would be passing through. Utilizing technology gathered from [REDACTED] disabling the entities ability to communicate with Simeon Avakian. The ensuing panic resulted in the entities losing control of the locomotive and crashing near a train yard. Unable to fight back or defend themselves, the entities were dispatched by Foundation incendiary teams.

Over the next day, UIU and SCP teams continued to try and halt the advance of the remaining locomotives with minimum civilian casualties, all with little success. On November 16th, all remaining trains (six in total) reached the naval port at Long Beach, CA, and quickly overwhelmed the assembled UIU and Foundation personnel waiting there. The entities3 then boarded three waiting oil tanker ships. Against an oncoming storm, the three vessels turned west and set sail.

The vessels were pursued by US Coast Guard ships until the storm was deemed too dangerous to pursue in. As part of a last-ditch effort to stop the advance of the Colony westward, UIU Central requested US Navy F-14 jets to be scrambled and eliminate the ships. At 2028 hours PST, USN pilots confirmed hits on all three vessels.

Aftermath and Final Report: In the aftermath of Incident Tango-Tango, the bodies of no fewer than 1200 humanoid entities were pulled from the sea and incinerated. The rest were presumed neutralized, and later submersible examination confirmed the deaths of the remaining entities. However, despite thorough efforts to locate them, neither Simeon, Armond, or Yvette Avakian were ever found in the wreckage.

On July 15th, 1979, a request was made to close the case of UIU-15511: "The Colony".

On July 19th, 1979, a request to close the case of UIU-15511: "The Colony" was denied.

Addendum 2610.9" id="">Addendum 2610-1: Background and Discovery

SCP-2610-A, -B, -C, and -D were all born near Boston, Massachusetts. Their father, Droman Avakian, was a laborer in the area. Much of their extended family lived either in Iran (paternal) or France (maternal). Little information about the family is available prior to the birth of SCP-2610-A, though immigration forms do confirm that a "D. Avakian" traveled to New York from Morocco in 1911.

SCP-2610-A was born on January 16th, 1922 at the West Boston Military Medical Center (now defunct). From a young age, SCP-2610-A expressed a variety of anomalous traits, specifically a self-described "telepathy". SCP-2610-A wrote extensively about this in several journals recovered after Incident UIU Tango Tango. Below is an excerpt from one of those journals:

"…it is not so much that I feel the feelings of those around me, like the common empath, but more that I can see the images and hear the impulses of every person, man and wo-man, who I can reach out to with my mind. The cacophony that was once the nightmare of my youth has, in experience, turned into a most curious and invaluable tool…"

Years later, SCP-2610-A described an event that is referenced several times elsewhere in the text, and was seen as being of great importance to the subject:

…and it was then that I reached out with my own mind to the person on the table and, sensing the emptiness in theirs, put myself within it. Like a shade had been pulled from over my face, suddenly I could see with other eyes, hear with other ears, indeed, I saw and heard myself staring down at myself, mouth agape with wonder.

But the lobotomy is not so simple or without risk that it could be administered to the number that my thoughts imagine without notice. As to what would happen were I to find myself together with another conscious, should the patient recover, I cannot say. Better it would be, I think, should the subject be birthed with no consciousness at all; a completely virgin mind…


SCP-2610-B on left. Image date unknown.

Of SCP-2610-B, little is noted in any records aside from a birth record (also from the West Boston Military Medical Center) and an employment file with the Kervier Shipping Company in 1945 (which included a fingerprint and vehicle registration). Of note, SCP-2610-B is mentioned only once in SCP-2610-A's journals, where it is referenced that SCP-2610-B sexually assaulted an unnamed immigrant woman near the shipyards, which necessitated the lobotomy performed by SCP-2610-A in the previous passage as a cover.

SCP-2610-C and -D are not mentioned in any birth records or citizenship records. Aside from references in SCP-2610-A's journals (including a handful of photographs) and UIU records indicating their involvement, there is no outside evidence of their existence whatsoever.

In March of 1959, SCP-2610-A was arrested on charges of illegal medical practices on minors. Though SCP-2610-A was able to settle with the victims for an undisclosed amount, SCP-2610-A withdrew from the medical field. No further mention of SCP-2610-A or its siblings is noted until Incident UIU Tango-15.

Addendum 2610.2: Incident UIU Tango-11

The following information was gathered from UIU incident logs.

Agent Designation: Cyprus
Date: ██/██/████

Police report filed November 12th, 1965:

BREAK-IN AT ████ W 15th ST. ██████, ██


Unit investigators became involved after Bureau was contacted. Subjects were described as "roughly six-feet tall" and "vaguely human", with a number of obvious and grotesque physical malformations, such as missing or additional limbs, eyes, ears, etc., collapsed ribcages or extruded stomachs, large growths across the body. Did not succumb to weapon fire and moved quickly but jarringly on stilted or broken limbs. Did not attempt to communicate. Three people within the storehouse, identified as ██████ ███████, ████ ███████, and █████ █████████, were found dead at the scene. All individuals showed signs of violent ██████ ███████, including ███████████ ██ ███ ████ █████ ████████████, ███████████ ██ █████ █████████, and other severe trauma. Fingerprints gathered from the scene, but did not match any known suspects.

Investigation is ongoing.

Addendum 2610.3: Excerpt from Recovered Journal

Addendum 2610.4: Incident UIU Tango-15

Agent Designation: Ulysses
Date: ██/██/████

Another theft of a large quantity of livestock feed. A shipment of cattle feed bound for S. Carolina was ransacked last night. Five dockhands are dead, same type of wounds as the ones at the storehouse. Officers responding to the scene did manage to disable one of the fleeing vehicles. The subjects within fled the scene, but the vehicle was recovered and identified as belonging to A. Avakian, a dockhand from Boston whose fingerprints were recognized as also being from the previous scene. Records on file show he has not been employed with the Kervier group for several months.

During a chase with one of the vehicles, one of the human-like creatures described in the previous incident report leaped from within the trailer onto a pursuing squad car and assaulted the officers within. One officer was killed, the other (the driver) managed to crash the vehicle into a nearby embankment, totaling it. The officer managed to escape, while the creature (which was pinned below the vehicle) perished.

Addendum 2610.5: Excerpt from Recovered Journal

Addendum 2610.6: Incident UIU Tango-18

Agent Designation: Grenada
Date: ██/██/1970



On ██/██/1970, after a tip from agents embedded within local utilities companies, Unit Agents moved on the abandoned █████████ Packaging Corp. warehouse. Despite the structure being empty for more than thirty years, it had recently began to draw power from nearby lines. Additionally, an automobile registered to one H. Rutherford, which was confirmed as being sold to one Simeon Avakian five years prior, was seen at the site.

Agents initially found the warehouse empty, but sounds from below led the group to an operational lift located in the northwest corner of the main level. The agents descended to a third basement level via the lift, and then to another basement level by stairs, before encountering [GRAPHIC DETAILS EXPUNGED].

Of the thirteen agents who entered the warehouse, only four escaped to a local FBI stronghouse. The details of the incident are described below.

Addendum 2610.7: Excerpt from Recovered Journal

Addendum 2610.8: Incident UIU Tango-Tango

Agent Designation: Killroy
Date: ██/██/1971

On November 14th, 1971, Bureau agents received word that a cross-country locomotive carrying animal feed had been attacked and overwhelmed, and that the assailants had boarded the train and were en route to the west coast. Agents across the country were mobilized to stop the train's progress.

Early attempts on the east coast did little to slow the advance, as any organized group drawing within 100 yards of the locomotive were quickly overtaken by hordes of SCP-2610-E instances emerging from the cars. Attempts were made to halt the vehicle using explosives, but were similarly fruitless, as SCP-2610-E instances would quickly throw their bodies on top of any incendiary placed on the track.

While additional attempts were being made to slow the first train, Central confirmed reports of two more trains, similarly bound for the west coast, both of which had also been hijacked. One of these trains was only reported after it had come to a stop to take on additional fuel near the town of █████████████, Pennsylvania. Reportedly, "over one-thousand" of the humanoid creatures descended on a local high school football game to [GRAPHIC DETAILS EXPUNGED]. Casualties reached ███ within the hour.

When it became clear that the situation was getting out of hand, UIU Central contacted agents at the SCP Foundation in an attempt to reinforce the already hamstrung UIU forces. Local military units were likewise activated and dispatched towards the paths of the oncoming Colony trains.


Aftermath of Foundation involvement in UIU Tango-Tango

Foundation personnel moved quickly to the town of █████████, Kentucky, where a fourth train would be passing through. Utilizing technology gathered from [REDACTED] disabling the entities ability to communicate with Simeon Avakian. The ensuing panic resulted in the entities losing control of the locomotive and crashing near a train yard. Unable to fight back or defend themselves, the entities were dispatched by Foundation incendiary teams.

Over the next day, UIU and SCP teams continued to try and halt the advance of the remaining locomotives with minimum civilian casualties, all with little success. On November 16th, all remaining trains (six in total) reached the naval port at Long Beach, CA, and quickly overwhelmed the assembled UIU and Foundation personnel waiting there. The entities3 then boarded three waiting oil tanker ships. Against an oncoming storm, the three vessels turned west and set sail.

The vessels were pursued by US Coast Guard ships until the storm was deemed too dangerous to pursue in. As part of a last-ditch effort to stop the advance of the Colony westward, UIU Central requested US Navy F-14 jets to be scrambled and eliminate the ships. At 2028 hours PST, USN pilots confirmed hits on all three vessels.

Aftermath and Final Report: In the aftermath of Incident Tango-Tango, the bodies of no fewer than 1200 humanoid entities were pulled from the sea and incinerated. The rest were presumed neutralized, and later submersible examination confirmed the deaths of the remaining entities. However, despite thorough efforts to locate them, neither Simeon, Armond, or Yvette Avakian were ever found in the wreckage.

On July 15th, 1979, a request was made to close the case of UIU-15511: "The Colony".

On July 19th, 1979, a request to close the case of UIU-15511: "The Colony" was denied.

Addendum 2610.9 Excerpt from Recovered Journal