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SCP-3973 in containment.

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3973 is to be kept in a locked box and placed inside of a standard anomalous item locker in the Site-16 storage room. Testing is approved for and staff Level 2 or higher. Staff who wish to test SCP-3973 must make an entry in the log book located in the Site-16 storage room.

Following Interview 3973-1 and Dr. Harpy's request, SCP-3973's containment procedures are to be changed. SCP-3973 is to be kept in a locked 30x30x30 cm acrylic glass box in Site-16's Anomalous Item Research Lab 104. The scenery inside of the glass box should be changed once a month as an incentive for SCP-3973 to continue to comply with interviews. The scenery may be changed by adding more miniatures, plastic foliage, sand, or plastic rocks. These have been provided by Dr. Harpy and can be found in a labeled box in the Site-16 break room.

Staff who wish to test or interview SCP-3973 must have a security clearance of Level 2 or higher and receive permission from Dr. Harpy first.


SCP-3973 is a standard miniature from the tabletop war game Warhammer 40,0001. The object is physically unremarkable, being composed of plastic and reaching a height of about 3.3 cm. SCP-3973 is covered in layers of ███████ brand model paint. The object's only apparent anomalous property is an influence over the outcome of dice rolls within a 50-cm radius caused by unknown means.

When it was originally contained, all dice rolled within a 50-cm radius of SCP-3973 always landed with the lowest side facing up. Due to this, SCP-3973 was originally classified as an anomalous item and denied full SCP classification. For a total of ██ months, SCP-3973 was kept in storage in one of Site-16's anomalous item lockers. During one of Site-16's routine anomalous item checks, Incident 3973-FC occurred. See below for details.

Through testing, it was revealed that SCP-3973 exhibits signs of sapience. A communication system has been established with SCP-3973. The object must be placed on a surface that has a radius less than 50 cm. The interviewer can then roll a 20-sided and a 6-sided die. SCP-3973 will make the die show a number that lines up with a letter of the alphabet. If the letter is on a spot in the alphabet lower than 20, SCP-3973 will make the 6-sided die fall off of the table. All dice falling off of the table indicates a period.

Addendum: SCP-3973 was discovered at ████████, a war game tournament in the city of █████████, ██. A Foundation agent (Agent T████) who was attending that tournament on their personal time had heard rumors of a competitor (M████ C████) who had been accused of cheating at multiple tournaments. M████ C████ left all his figures behind in a box after getting banned for cheating at the tournament. Agent T████ took the box home to try to find out how the cheating had occurred. Shortly after, the anomalous property was discovered.

Several items were discovered in the box that SCP-3973 was found in, including:

  • Several more Space Marine miniatures
  • Several different types of dice
  • Photographs of miniatures posed together, SCP-3973 is possibly in one of them