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The Eternal Soviet Prison

Special Containment Procedures

Access to SCP-3957 is to be restricted to Foundation personnel. SCP-3957 is to be guarded by no less than 25 armed security officers at all times, with a half kilometer perimeter established to prevent any civilians from entering the immediate vicinity of SCP-3957. A cover story implying structural instability of the prison is to be disseminated among the local civilian populace. Civilians who breach the perimeter and reach SCP-3957 are to be detained immediately and turned over to Russian authorities for trespassing. Civilians who breach the perimeter and reach SCP-3957 or witness any testing are to be either terminated or given Class-A amnesiacs before being detained, at the discretion of the overseeing security officer.


SCP-3957 is the abandoned prison complex of ██████████ Penitentiary, located north of Nyrob in Perm Krai, Russia. SCP-3957 is in a slightly dilapidated state, with sections of the outer wall appearing worn and the presence of rust on the front doorway and outside window bars. Watchtowers surrounding SCP-3957 upon discovery were found to be in a state of disrepair1.

All entrances to SCP-3957 are sealed and rendered inaccessible, save for the front entrance. The entrance to SCP-3957 is a steel double-door of unremarkable design with dimensions 2m x 3m x 0.25m. The doorway to SCP-3957 has no door handles or knobs; the only way to open SCP-3957 is to enter a four-digit code on a keypad outside the door2. Anyone who enters the incorrect combination into the locking mechanism immediately vanishes, and is transported to the interior of SCP-3957 through unknown means. Upon entering the correct combination, the door will open on its own, revealing the interior.

The interior of SCP-3957 is a dimly lit prison much larger than the exterior would suggest, with the cell block ranging to be 1 kilometer in length and 50 meters in width.

The cell block has three levels of cells, with a staircase leading to the additional levels positioned by the door. Cells begin lining the walls approximately 25 meters into the cell block. The cell block is constructed out of solid concrete, albeit with some sections in a dilapidated state. Rust covers some of the doors, with a few potholes and cracks present in the flooring.

At 50 meter intervals, there are doors on the right-hand side of the cell block, taking the place of cells that would otherwise occupy said space. These doors lead to the interrogation wing, where instances of SCP-3957-1-C are located.

At the end of the cell block is a steel double-door that leads into what instances inside of SCP-3957 refer to as the “surgical unit”, where prisoners and damaged instances of SCP-3957-1-A and SCP-3957-1-B are converted into instances of SCP-3957-1-B or SCP-3957-1-D. It is currently unknown as to how these conversions are made, as no documentation of SCP-3957-1-E has been made while performing surgery.

There are currently ████ cells within SCP-3957, with each cell being 2m x 1m in area. There is one meter of concrete wall separating each cell. There are currently 958 inmates being held within these cells. Cell doors are barred and have a keyhole that will only open with a key produced by instances of SCP-3957-1-A. Aside from inmates, cells are completely empty, save for four chains positioned on the left and right side of the cell, fixated on the side walls and roof.

Subjects contained within the prison deteriorate in health if not released soon, entering stages of extreme malnutrition due to lack of food or water. However, subjects held within SCP-3957 do not require sustenance or a need to expel waste, regardless of their time held within SCP-3957, nor will they expire from starvation, thirst, or septic shock.

SCP-3957 is home to five types of anomalous entities, designated as SCP-3957-1-A through SCP-3957-1-E. Instances of SCP-3957-1 are highly resilient to physical harm, displaying no signs of pain recoil when injured, even when struck in bodily regions where the heart, brain, or other vital organs would normally be located. SCP-3957-1 instances must take significant bodily harm in order to be incapacitated, and significant destruction of the head in order to be fully killed.

Discovery: SCP-3957 was discovered in 1997 by Field Agent Golav, who was working undercover with Russian authorities. Field Agent Golav and his assigned partner, V███████ █████, were investigating a case concerning a missing teenager who was reported by friends to have gone to the [REDACTED] prison for urban exploration. No traces of the teenager, identified as 16-year-old Alisa █████, were found, except for a handbag belonging to her, which was located in front of the door to the prison.

Upon discovery of SCP-3957, V███████ █████ attempted to open the lock on SCP-3957, and, upon his failure to do so, immediately vanished. Field Agent Golav contacted members of Site-219, situated ██ kilometers east of the Perm Krai district, who proceeded to send a security team to establish a perimeter around SCP-3957. Field Agent Golav has notified his colleagues in the Russian authorities that no traces of the missing teenager were discovered. Those associated with V███████ █████ were administered Class C amnesiacs, and all records of him were expunged from public records.

Exploration Logs: Following the discovery of SCP-3957’s combination, several exploration teams were assembled to document the interior of SCP-3957.