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Special Containment Procedures

Contained instances of SCP-3911 are to be incinerated in a quarantined Off-Site location unless specified by an individual of level-3 clearance or above. To ensure the complete destruction of all spores, the remains of incinerated instances of SCP-3911 are to be mixed in with concrete and contained in warehouse 127-B. Instances of SCP-3911 that are preserved for testing are to be regarded as a Level-2 biohazard. Medical records and police reports in areas where SCP-3911 has been known to be found are to be monitored for keywords relating to SCP-3911, and a full list of keywords can be found on document 134-F.


SCP-3911 is the collective designation for a species of parasitic fungus bearing similarities to organisms in the Neocallimastigomycota phylum. A fully grown specimen of SCP-3911 consists of a main body portion stored within a host object, and a vast quantity of tendril like growths capable of rudimentary movements and rapid growth, with an average circumference of one micrometer, extending from the main body into the body of the secondary host. The structure of SCP-3911's tendrils roughly mirrors that of the secondary host's nervous system. Instances of SCP-3911 go through six distinct stages in their life.

During stage 1 instances of SCP-3911 disperse from their parent fungi as spores and seek out a host item. Items that have previously been recorded as serving as host items include glasses, contact-lenses, hearing-aids, nasal strips, and other sensory aids. SCP-3911's methods for identifying and discerning host objects are currently unknown. Instances of SCP-3911 typically expire within 72 hours of dispersal if a host object is not found.

Stage 2 consists of SCP-3911's integration into its host object. Only 9% of instances successfully acquire and integrate themselves into a host object. The location and size of SCP-3911 during stage 2 is reflective of the host object. For instance, in glasses, SCP-3911 typically consumes and replaces the majority of the inside bulk of the frames with its central body mass and tendrils, but in contact-lenses SCP-3911 has been observed digesting and replacing only a minimal section of the lenses around the edge, as well as possessing disproportionately small tendrils. This noticeable size difference does not seem to have a significant effect on the speed or effectiveness of SCP-3911's progress through future steps.

Stages 3 through 6 will not occur unless a human1 being uses SCP-3911's host item in its intended fashion for a period of time exceeding 15 minutes. If this occurs, SCP-3911 will begin to root its tendrils within the body of its secondary host2 and connect with the nervous system of the human. If a human being does not use SCP-3911's host item, SCP-3911 will expire within 96 hours of completely consuming its host objects.

In stage 4 the tendril like structures begin sapping nutrients from the host's body. Additionally, the tendrils begin improving the functionality of whatever sensory organ the host item is associated with. This is achieved by sections of SCP-3911's tendrils acting as extra muscles, redirecting approximately 33% of the nutrients sapped from the host's body directly to the cells of the sensory organ, as well as several seemingly anomalous processes that augment the capabilities of specialized structures in sensory organs, such as increasing the photosensitivity of cones in the eyes. It is theorized that the intended effect of this is that secondary hosts will draw the connection between their increased sensory performance and the host object, and continue the use of the host object as a result. In the scenario that the secondary host does remove the host object, the section of SCP-3911 residing within the host object will split from the tendrils3 and remain inactive until being used by the original individual, where it will reconnect with the tendrils.

From stage 5 and on, SCP-3911 exhibits hazardous anomalous effects. Instances of SCP-3911 that have progressed to stage 5 begin developing unique anomalous cells on their tendrils. When fully developed, cells begin reconstituting the atoms of previously absorbed nutrients into Silica Aerogel4. These nutrients include those previously used in the augmentation of sensory organs. After stage 5, any attempts to remove SCP-3911's host object will result in the tendril system releasing the Silica Aerogel material around the secondary host's nervous system. Due to the Silica Aerogel's exceptionally high electrical resistance, this results in the secondary host's nervous system sending out reduced electrical impulses. Early symptoms of stage 5 include reduced acuity in some or all senses5. However, removal of the host object late into stage 5 and in stage 6 will result in the complete elimination of all sensory perception, leaving no way for secondary hosts to sense any kind of stimuli. These adverse affects can be reversed by recontinuing use of a host object.

Instances of SCP-3911 in stage 6 are considered to be fully matured. During stage 6 instances of SCP-3911 will produce anywhere between 20,000 to 50,000 individual spores, and then slowly release these spores over a course of 72 hours. After releasing all of its spores, an instance of SCP-3911 has roughly a 25% chance of perishing. If the instance survives, they will restart stage 6. If the instance expires, the secondary host will suffer from a complete lack of sensory perception, unless infected by a new instance of SCP-3911. It is important to note that the "death" of an instance only applies to the main body, as the tendril structure will merely go into its dormant state. If SCP-3911 is artificially supplemented with extra nutrients, the chances of SCP-3911 perishing drop dramatically.

History: SCP-3911 was discovered by authorities during a raid on an abandoned [DATA REDACTED] eyewear warehouse in Malaysia, after several individuals reported possible cult activity.

After several members of the police force involved in the raid began to develop seemingly anomalous enhanced sensory perception, Foundation personnel launched an investigation. Documents found within the warehouse and Foundation testing later confirmed the anomalous nature of SCP-3911 and all instances were confiscated. Amnestics were administered appropriately without incident.

The interior of the warehouse was covered in graffiti, of which the majority were words relating to the five senses, and a supposed sixth one.

The following is a document (translated from Malay) found within the abandoned warehouse.

To my Dear Searchers of Malaysia,

When I heard of your discovery, I cried with joy. We have finally been blessed with what we have been searching for for years. With this gift we can help the masses that have not had the privilege of being being born with the door to the sixth sense (praise be) unlocked and beckoning. As Brother Tengku can tell you firsthand, the loss of one of the holy senses makes you that much more strong in the others. Our previous attempts to use this principle with the sixth sense (praise be) yielded success, but our admittedly crude methods had their drawbacks. With this godsend, our Erebus, we can finally raise up those less fortunate among our ranks. Stay hopeful, for a leg of The Search for the Sixth Sense has ended! We shall emerge from the darkness to bask in the light, so says the Prophet of the Sixth!

With much joy,
The Third Father

Addendum 3911-1 Documents detailing events such as the Foundation investigation and the police raid dated two weeks prior to any police involvement have been discovered in a hidden safe at the discovery site of SCP-3911, along with a letter detailing [DATA EXPUNGED], which was apparently written with the intention of it being discovered by Foundation personnel. An investigation into the means used to discover this information is currently ongoing, and the acquisition of any information regarding the current location of any individuals connected of the potential GoI "Searchers of Malaysia" or the PoI referred to as The Third Father is of utmost importance.