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The Necromancer’s Saddle

Object Class: Esoteric

Picture of H████ Y██████ (highlighted) circa 1931

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3886-01 is to be detained in a standard humanoid containment cell in Site-102’s Low-Threat Humanoid Wing. To encourage compliance with Foundation staff, SCP-3886-01 may be granted requested reading and recreational items pending approval of Site administration. Under no circumstances outside of testing is SCP-3886-01 to be allowed access to SCP-3886 (which itself is to be kept in a locked storage box in Site-102’s Safe Object Wing). Testing may occur with oversight from at least one Level 3 personnel.

Should current containment procedures fail or SCP-3886-01 become uncooperative with Foundation interests, punitive measures, from restriction of privileges to termination of SCP-3886-01 are authorized given the assent of Site-102 administration and the current overseeing researcher.


SCP-3886 is a leather English dressage saddle of late 18th century design. SCP-3886 is uniformly black in color, with no ornamentation save for silver clasps at the terminating ends of its girth and billets. Despite its current state of tarnish and moderate disrepair, SCP-3886 is seemingly impervious to all further forms of damage or alteration.

When first acquired by the Foundation in ██/██/2010, SCP-3886 was believed to be neutralized (with only Document-3886-01 certifying its prior abilities.) It has since been realized that such only represented a temporary 'passive' state, with containment procedures being updated accordingly.

An active state is achieved upon SCP-3886 making physical contact with a relative of French-American immigrant and equestrian carnival performer, ‘H████ Y██████’. Once this occurs, said relative (from here on labeled SCP-3886-011) is physically incapable of moving more than 1.6 kilometers from SCP-3886 and may engage SCP-3886's active effect, as follows:

If the active SCP-3886 is attached to a recently deceased body2 of a sufficiently sized animal3, the animal (now termed SCP-3886-02) will animate and seek out SCP-3886-01. Upon reaching SCP-3886-01, this SCP-3886-02 will attempt to interact with the subject in a variety of playful and theatrical manners and will obey all commands of SCP-3886-01, verbal and otherwise, to the best of its ability. Certain elements of this link (including SCP-3886-01 claiming to be able to ‘see’ the containment chamber in which the current instance of SCP-3886-02 was stored) are not entirely understood.

In its active state, living horses (Equus caballus) react with panic upon becoming aware of SCP-3886's presence.