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Connected to: SCP-919

Special Containment Procedures

The 50 km2 island located at ██°██'██.█″N █°██'██.█″E in the Pacific Ocean is to be stricken from all governmental and personal accounts. The location is to be actively shielded from remote observation so as to prevent inquiry or information breach. Any remote observation device such as drones which may pose a possible threat to the continued secrecy of the island must be promptly destroyed or redirected. Manned aircraft or seafaring vessels must be flagged down and questioned about their knowledge regarding the location. If it is determined the person or persons has no prior knowledge regarding the island, they are to be amnesticized and released. In the event a detained human has prior knowledge regarding the island, please refer to Document 3877-004 for proper interrogation techniques.

The approx. 11 km2 section of the island which constitutes SCP-3877 is to be kept under guard from a distance of at least 500 meters. Guard is to be advised that if they are in a position in which they are capable of establishing line of sight with an instance of SCP-3877-1, they are at risk and they should be watchful for instances of SCP-3877-2. Any personnel planning to venture into SCP-3877 for any reason should carry with them equipment and body armor capable of overpowering a member of the species Ursus arctos in the event they are attacked by an instance of SCP-3877-2, as well as adequate radiation shielding from the remains of trampled grass instances of SCP-3877-3. Members of the indigenous population of the island are permitted entry to SCP-3877 for religious reasons.

Any captive instances of SCP-3877-2 are to be transported to Biological Containment Site-66 in a simulated forested environment, and fed a diet typical of the species Ursus arctos on a regular basis. Caretakers are to be advised that given their anomalously efficient metabolism, SCP-3877-2 is capable of functioning on a significantly smaller amount of food than a non-anomalous member of their species of equivalent proportions.


SCP-3877 is the collective designation given to the entities which inhabit the 11 square kilometers of land on an island in the Pacific at the coordinates listed above.

SCP-3877-1 are an estimated collection of ████ double sided freestanding mirrors of variable height and width. They are functionally identical to non-anomalous mirrors in most applications. Upon reflecting another instance of SCP-3877-1, the instances will display each other as a member of the kingdom Plantae, despite no physical change. A full list of observed species can be found in Document 3877-16, although the most prominently observed group, consisting of approximately 87% of all sightings, is the genus Quercus. Given the high density of SCP-3877-1, looking into an instance gives the illusion of the area consisting of SCP-3877 as a densely populated forest. Instances of SCP-3877-1 removed from the immediate area demonstrate no additional anomalous properties.

SCP-3877-2 are a presumed biological species which populate the reflected surface within SCP-3877-1. The species is virtually indistinguishable from members of the species Ursus arctos, as the only observed difference has been SCP-3877-2's ability to subsist on a comparatively smaller amount of food. (Despite apparent vocalizations, no sound has been detected in accordance.) SCP-3877-2 only exists on one side of one instance of SCP-3877-1 at any given time. However, SCP-3877-2 may travel to another instance of SCP-3877-1 by concealing their complete mass behind the corresponding image of the plant displayed. Although not observed often, SCP-3877 is also able to travel to the reverse side of SCP-3877-1 by walking beyond the visible boundary. SCP-3877-2 demonstrates significant knowledge of this phenomenon and is able to utilize this knowledge tactically.

SCP-3877-2 is capable of interacting with any object reflected onto the surface of SCP-3877-1. As SCP-3877-2 displays the general behavior and instinct of the species Ursus arctos, it will act somewhat aggressively to defend what it considers its territory and will actively hunt prey. A lack of availability of edible plant life has caused the population to become uncharacteristically aggressive and carnivorous. Due to the local populace's religion, human meat has become a significant part of SCP-3877-2's diet. Any material which is interacted with on the surface of SCP-3877-1 by SCP-3877-2 is to be considered an instance of SCP-3877-3. Any organism which is incapable of fending off SCP-3877-2 and reverting to normal reflection is also to be considered an instance of SCP-3877-3.1

SCP-3877-3 instances will no longer display a reflection on any surface, save the instance of SCP-3877-1 on which they were eaten, killed or otherwise moved by SCP-3877-2. Further research has revealed SCP-3877-3 instances are perceived telepathically as opposed to visually by observers, and light is no longer able to reflect off of the object or organism. Over the course of a 360 hour period, the telepathic effect will decrease in effectiveness and the instance of SCP-3877-3 will become gradually more blurred and transparent in observation. At the end of the 360 hour period, the subject will become impossible to perceive visually, and their material composition will rapidly (>1 second) degrade into alpha and beta particles and gamma radiation. Human subjects have reported a sharp vision throughout the process, suggesting the telepathic perception originates from the instance itself.

Many experiments have been conducted on the entities of SCP-3877, some of which are listed below.

Experiment Log 3877-001
Description: Shattering an instance of SCP-3877-1 (Oak tree) with a sledgehammer
Result: Upon impact, SCP-3877-1 ceased to appear as an oak tree on all other instances of SCP-3877-01, simply reflecting as a shattered mirror. Remains have been determined to be non-anomalous.

Experiment Log 3877-002
Description: Introduction of foreign mirror into SCP-3877 measuring 66 x 100 cm
Result: Mirror reflected as large tubular bear cage trap. All repeated attempts with many different mirrors have yielded similar results. Upon SCP-3877-2 entering and activating trap, foreign mirror displayed top down view of the closed bear cage with SCP-3877-2 inside.

Experiment Log 3877-005
Description: Shattering foreign mirror containing SCP-3877-2 with sledgehammer.
Result: Upon impact, foreign mirror ceased display of tubular bear trap, and reflected cage displayed on SCP-3877-1 opened. SCP-3877-2 exited cage hurriedly and escaped.

Experiment Log 3877-015
Description: Attempt to establish captive population of SCP-3877 utilizing transplanted instances of SCP-3877-1 and caged instances of SCP-3877-2
Result: Attempt successful. Successful captive population of ~39 instances of SCP-3877-2 established at Biological Containment Site-66.

An unrelated and non-anomalous indigenous human population has been discovered inhabiting the island. Their hierarchy and tools are tribal in nature, and they have been dubbed the "Ursapiens" given their proximity and relationship with SCP-3877. Through the efforts of Foundation translators, contact and positive relationships with these natives has been established. Their tribal rites surrounding death are closely related to SCP-3877, suggesting SCP-3877 may precede the invention of the mirror. The population refers to SCP-3877 as the "Green Sea". An interview was conducted with a chief of the tribe regarding the tribe's relationship with SCP-3877.