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Welcome to the Top of the Mountain

Nanga Parbat.

Special Containment Procedures

Site-3833 has been constructed one kilometer below SCP-3833's lower bound to assist in monitoring and containment efforts. No personnel or civilians are allowed to enter SCP-3833, aside from D-class personnel equipped with recording equipment for testing purposes. A no-fly zone is to be enforced around Nanga Parbat under the guise of Standard Cover Story 088 ("Weather Hazard").


SCP-3833 is a rectangular volume of space centered on the summit of Nanga Parbat, a mountain in the Himalayas mountain range. The lower bound of SCP-3833 is approximately six kilometers above sea level, and SCP-3833 is one kilometer in width and length. The upper bound of SCP-3833 is unknown1, but is believed to be between 20 and 30 kilometers above sea level.

SCP-3833 plays host to two known anomalous phenomena, designated SCP-3833-1 and SCP-3833-2. SCP-3833-1 is a recurring phenomena where the conditions of Nanga Parbat will become extremely severe. An unusually intense snowstorm signifies the arrival of SCP-3833-1. SCP-3833-1 often involves:

  • The aforementioned snowstorm, described as being strong and very cold.
  • Rock formations becoming increasingly difficult to climb.
  • Equipment failure becoming increasingly common.
  • Areas of the mountain become iced over and hard to navigate.

Without intervention from SCP-3833-2, death due to SCP-3833-1 is unavoidable. Circumstances attributable to equipment failure prevent subjects from exiting SCP-3833. None of this anomalous phenomena has been observed by subjects outside of SCP-3833. SCP-3833-1 tends to only affect solo climbers or small groups, though SCP-3833-1 has been known to cause the crashes of commercial airliners flying through SCP-3833 on rare occasions. SCP-3833-1 typically lasts 3 to 6 hours before subsiding.

SCP-3833-2 is a cabin located within SCP-3833. Though GPS devices left within SCP-3833-2 do not change location, SCP-3833-2 has not been observed outside of SCP-3833-1 occurrences. SCP-3833-3 is a Caucasian male of Slavic descent who inhabits SCP-3833-2, apparently as its caretaker.

In approximately 33% of all SCP-3833-1 occurrences, the subject will find SCP-3833-2. SCP-3833-3 will invite the subject to enter SCP-3833-2. Once they are inside, SCP-3833-3 will coerce the subject into staying in SCP-3833-2 to shelter themselves from SCP-3833-1. Once SCP-3833-1 has subsided, the subject will be given proper equipment to descend Nanga Parbat if their equipment was broken.

Discovery: SCP-3833-1 and SCP-3833-2 came to the Foundation's attention after mountain climber Jerry Helder ascended Nanga Parbat and encountered both SCP-3833-1 and SCP-3833-2. Helder posted about this incident on his mountain-climbing blog, where it was flagged by Foundation webcrawler I/O-BLACKLEECH for potential anomalous activity. The blog was seized by Foundation assets and the post was deleted.