Note: Foundation personnel's contact information; typically appearing on instances of SCP-3803-1, has been expunged from records for their privacy.
Subject: Researcher Bellus
Title on SCP-3803-1: Level-3 Researcher, SCP Foundation
Instances Produced: 10
Subject: Dr. Xuen
Title on SCP-3803-1: Containment Specialist, SCP Foundation
Instances Produced: 10
Subject: Junior Researcher Callaway
Title on SCP-3803-1: In Over Her Head, SCP Foundation
Instances Produced: 10
Note: This is the first occurrence of SCP-3803 producing an instance of SCP-3803-1 not reflecting an accurate title. It is possible that SCP-3803 is capable of sensing one's perceived position as opposed to 'knowing' one's official title.
Subject: Researcher Palacio
Title on SCP-3803-1: Level-4 Researcher/Catering Expert
Instances Produced: 20
Note: Researcher Palacio is a self-admitted amateur chef. SCP-3803 was held open for longer than any previously performed test and is the first recorded instance of producing more than 10 SCP-3803-1 instances.
Subject: Dr. Jonas
Title on SCP-3803-1: Traitor, GOC
Instances Produced: 10
Note: Dr. Jonas defected from the Global Occult Coalition in 20██, and expressed discontent with the results of the test. Dr. Jonas requested a repeat of the test.
Subject: Dr. Jonas
Title on SCP-3803-1: Quisling, GOC
Instances Produced: 10
Note: Dr. Jonas requested a third attempt to repeat the test.
Subject: Dr. Jonas
Title on SCP-3803-1: Judas, GOC
Instances Produced: 10
Note: Dr. Jonas refused another attempt at testing. The results of the most recent experiments further belief in what was hypothesized following the Callaway experiment.
Subject: D-99963
Title on SCP-3803-1: Serial Arsonist/███████ Cashier
Instances Produced: 20
Note: The instances of SCP-3803-1 possessed the location of D-99963's Cell within Site 55 instead of contact information. SCP-3803-1 also displayed the subject's birth name and D-Class designation. This remains constant for almost all further tests performed with D-Class subjects.
Subject: D-99963
Title on SCP-3803-1: Serial Arsonist/Human Guinea Pig
Instances Produced: 10
Note: D-99963 was administered Class C Amnestics to erase memories of her criminal activities before coming under Foundation control. The produced instances of SCP-3803-1 still listed her as a 'Serial Arsonist', but also added 'Human Guinea Pig'. The subject's birth name was no longer listed on SCP-3803-1, only their D-class designation. It is possible that SCP-3803 may, in fact, possess a level of omniscience.
Subject: D-008
Title on SCP-3803-1: Cannibal/Human Guinea Pig
Instances Produced: 10
Note: D-008 was not administered amnestics prior to the experiment.
Subject: D-627
Title on SCP-3803-1: Innocent/Accountant, ███ Bank
Instances Produced: 10
Note: Investigation on D-627's background produced an extensive legal battle over the subject's involvement in the murder of 4 individuals in █████████, Virginia in 2███. It is currently unknown if SCP-3803's labeling of D-627 as 'innocent' means the subject is actually innocent or if the subject only believes himself to be.
Subject: D-5400
Title on SCP-3803-1: Human Guinea Pig/Business Card Extraordinaire
Instances Produced: 3,500
Note: SCP-3803 seemed to be aware of the intentions of the test with D-5400; to test the yielding capacity of the object over an extended period of time.
Subject: D-743
Title on SCP-3803-1: Human Guinea Pig/Business Card Tycoon
Instances Produced: 8,000
Subject: D-1221
Title on SCP-3803-1: Absolute Buffoon/Enemy of Nature
Instances Produced: 12,000 Estimated over 2 billion
Note: See Incident 3803-1221 Report.