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We Are Possum. We Are Legion.


Special Containment Procedures

A single instance of SCP-3778 is to be kept in a Standard Botanical Containment Unit in Site-103. Staff are not allowed to consume any instances of SCP-3778-1, due to the risk that instances of SCP-3778-1 may fall into the possession of an instance of SCP-3778-A. Absolutely no instances of Didelphis virginiana (the Virginia Opossum) are to be allowed in the vicinity of Site-103, regardless of whether they are an instance of SCP-3778-A or not.

Any wild or otherwise uncontained instances of SCP-3778 are to be exterminated. Coordination with the UIU and GOC in targeting and eliminating the spread of SCP-3778 is ongoing.

Current containment protocol regarding instances of SCP-3778-A is the establishment and continued maintenance of diplomatic ties with the five tribal authorities of SCP-3778-A. Various treaties between the Five Tribes of SCP-3778-A and the Foundation include the following stipulations on SCP-3778-A:

  • Instances of SCP-3778-A may not interact or communicate with any humans, with the exception of authorized Foundation liaisons.
  • The tribes of SCP-3778-A will avoid human settlements as much as possible, with the exception of ██████████, Louisiana, due to reasons of cultural significance.
  • Instances of SCP-3778-A will not attempt to cross the border fence separating the United States and Mexico, or attempt to gain entry into Latin America through any means.
  • Cultivation of SCP-3778, either by SCP-3778-A or humans, is not allowed.

In return for their compliance with these demands, the Five Tribes of SCP-3778-A expect that the Foundation adhere to the following:

  • The Foundation is to not actively detain any instances of SCP-3778-A, unless they pose an active threat to the Foundation or the Five Tribes, or are voluntarily participating in the Methuselah Project.
  • The Foundation is to sway the domestic policy of the United States to preserve the Gulf Coast against the effects of sea level rise and other forms of climate change, as well as facilitate the creation of additional national parks.
  • The Foundation is to deploy positive memetic devices on the internet to bolster the acceptance of the Virginia Opossum among the general population, and to discourage the concept of the Virginia Opossum being a form of vermin.
  • The Foundation must focus significant resources on the Methuselah Project, which involves the extension of the lifespan of the Virginia Opossum. Details on the projected timeline of the Methuselah Project can be found in Addendum 3778-MPT.

The Foundation must also stymie the technological progress of SCP-3778-A for as long as possible, while still maintaining positive relations. For this reason, all interference with the progress of SCP-3778-A must be conducted via clandestine operations. Stages of the Methuselah Project must not be completed ahead of schedule.


SCP-3778 is an anomalous type of Vitis Vinifera, or Common Grapevine. Like any other grapevine, SCP-3778 produces grapes (henceforth referred to as SCP-3778-1). While these grapes do not lead to any changes when ingested by humans, their anomalous properties manifest when they are consumed by any member of the genus Didelphis, causing rapid neural restructuring and development. Through ingestion of SCP-3778-1, any opossum can reach sapience. Opossums that have reached sapience through SCP-3778-1 are henceforth referred to as SCP-3778-A.

SCP-3778, SCP-3778-1, and SCP-3778-A are all genetically and physically identical to their non-anomalous counterparts, making detection of these anomalies difficult.

Upon reaching sapience, SCP-3778-A instances will attempt to enlighten their non-sapient counterparts. While opossums do not normally exhibit social behavior, instances of SCP-3778-A seem to attract other members of their species to them. This attraction appears to extend out ██km, though vocalization, sight, pheromones, and █████████ seem to aid the process. Once a sufficient congregation size has been reached, SCP-3778-A will provide SCP-3778-1 to the other opossums present, allowing them to also reach sapience, and thus forming more instances of SCP 3778-A. SCP 3778-A can also be created by natural birth between two instances of SCP-3778-A or one SCP-3778-A instance and a non-anomalous opossum.


An instance of SCP-3778-A

The intelligence of SCP-3778-A is comparable to that of a human, and instances are capable of learning human languages. SCP-3778-A shows special preference for learning and using Cajun, French, Spanish, English, and various forms of Creole, though these preferences are primarily attributable to the region that SCP-3778-A achieved sentience in. Due to the innate differences of biology between humans and opossums (specifically regarding the mouth and throat) SCP-3778-A instances vocalize distinct syntax patterns and accents that are markedly different from any human speech. Efforts to streamline communication between humans and SCP-3778-A are ongoing.

As of writing, all instances of SCP-3778-A have coalesced into the aforementioned Five Tribes. See Addendum 3778-5T for details on each tribe.

SCP-3778-A possesses a primitive albeit rapidly advancing technological level. SCP-3778-A, as of now, has technology comparable to humanity during the Early Bronze Age. While the Foundation maintains technological superiority, ██ years ago SCP-3778-A was at pre-agricultural levels, indicating a rapid level of advancement. Unchecked, SCP-3778-A may potentially lead to an SK-Class dominance shift scenario. Countermeasures are currently in place to prevent SCP-3778-A from gaining a large enough population1 or from gaining great enough political unity to mount an offensive against Foundation activities. The possibility that SCP-3778-1’s effects will spread from the Virginia Opossum to other members of the Didelphis family cannot be ruled out. As the majority of the opossum population lies in Latin America, coordination between the Foundation, the Mexican government, and various Central American nations have been dedicated to the elimination of suspected instances of SCP-3778.