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Evolutionary Rescission Device

Connected to: SCP-411

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3769 is to be contained in a standard non-humanoid holding cell at Site-12. Level 4 security clearance is required in order to handle SCP-3769. SCP-3769 is not to be touched without the use of gloves or other protective hand gear. Any organisms affected by a Rescission Event are to be kept in a bio-research containment cell for DNA testing.


SCP-3769 is an electronic device of approximately the same size and shape as a standard scientific calculator. Buttons labeled with the numbers 0 through 9 and a button labeled with a decimal point are present on the device, along with a rectangular electroluminescent display screen. No other external features are present. SCP-3769 does not require a power source in order to function.

SCP-3769 will adhere itself to any organic life form upon contact. Humans exposed to SCP-3769 have reported a mild stinging sensation during this process. Once attached, SCP-3769 cannot be removed without heavily damaging the affected organism until a number has been entered and the resulting Rescission Event has completed.

The primary effect of SCP-3769, classified as a Rescission Event, can last anywhere between a few minutes and several days, depending on the number entered. During this time, the affected organism will evolutionarily regress, undergoing extreme genetic and physiological changes until it resembles a species from some point in its evolutionary or ancestral lineage. The exact resultant species depends on the number entered. According to human subjects, this process is extremely painful. This process will only activate when in contact with a living organism. If an organism dies while a Rescission Event is in progress, SCP-3769 will detach itself, leaving the transformation incomplete.

Attention, Level 4 clearance is required in order to access further documentation on SCP-3769