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Cocoon Park

Special Containment Procedures

Currently, there is an unknown number of uncontained SCP-3757 instances. Captured SCP-3757 instances are to be kept collectively in a standard insectoid containment cell with dim lighting. A used rubber tire is to be placed in the containment cell every two days for consumption.

Areas affected by SCP-3757 are to be concealed with black tarp extending 2 meters taller than the area and surrounded with wire fencing. Additionally, signs stating that the area is "under construction" are to be placed along the perimeter. All fixtures may be removed only after the metamorphosis is completed (three weeks on average) and the area is cleared of any remaining evidence of the incident.

Foundation agents have been dispatched to the Midwestern United States to search for leads concerning Hive Detailing & Restoration Midwest, LLC.


SCP-3757 is a species of insect bearing close similarities to lampyridae (commonly known as fireflies or lightning bugs). SCP-3757 instances are completely identical to natural fireflies, with the exception of a slightly larger size (22mm on average) and two other major biological differences.

The first is the presence of a spinneret, located on the front of the lower abdomen and above the luminescent organ. The spinneret is fully functional and can be used to form webbing in a similar fashion to most spiders. Researchers have concluded that the reason for the increased size is to store webbing within its body more effectively.

The second noted biological difference between SCP-3757 and members of the lampyridae family concerns SCP-3757’s webbing, which is consistent with different types of construction material, the most common being plastic and rubber, rather than silk. The majority of SCP-3757 instances have exhibited the ability to only synthesize one type of material, although a minority are able to create more than one.

Additionally, SCP-3757 has been seen feeding from non-organic sources as opposed to plant pollen and nectar. Testing has shown that SCP-3757 does not consume the same webbing material in order to create it (e.g. consume rubber to make rubber web). As such, it is currently unknown how it is able to produce these materials.

Discovery: The Foundation first gained knowledge of SCP-3757 during an incident within Perkins Park in Burlington, Iowa. The park houses a playground that, according to city officials, was very popular several years ago, but had lost a significant amount of traffic due to safety concerns among parents. Most frequent comments were as follows:

  • Metal slides in varying heights with rusty railings
  • Swing sets disconnected from suspension chains
  • Graffiti on play structures
  • Wooden benches in disrepair; splintered planks in minor cases, planks completely missing in severe cases.
  • Weeds and overgrowth under majority of play structures.

Incident Log:

08/20/17, approx. 10:00pm CST: An evening jogger had reported to local police authorities what they had believed to be an attempt to vandalize the playground area. Upon closer inspection, a swarm of SCP-3757 had coated the entire playground in webbing (later testing confirmed the material to be a rubber compound). Soon after, a Foundation agent implanted in the police force requested assistance from Site-319 to begin containment, following procedures listed at the top of the document.

08/21/17, approx. 7:00am CST: The communal webbing made by the SCP-3757 swarm had formed into a dome construct over the playground equipment and hardened, resembling a cocoon. Overall toughness of the cocoon was found to be similar to plexiglass, with thickness estimated at 9cm. Request sent to Site-319 Director for permission to use force to break through the surface. Request denied.

08/25/17, approx. 2:30pm CST: SCP-3757 instances are seen entering through a crevice at the apex of the cocoon. Several instances are successfully recovered at this time and are taken back to Site-319 for study.

08/25/17-09/09/17: Very subtle vibrations in the cocoon become apparent. Sounds can be heard from the inside of the cocoon, described to be similar to squeaking plastic and clinking metal. Researchers note a smell akin to burning rubber. An attempt to view the inside of the cocoon is made via camera, but it is disabled upon entry due to hard plastic coating the lens, presumably from an SCP-3757 instance.

09/10/17, approx. 11:15pm CST: SCP-3757 instances are seen exiting the cocoon and leaving the park area. Attempts to follow the flight paths of several SCP-3757 instances to their point of origin are met with failure: each instance traveled to different locations, the majority stopping to feed on lawn ornaments or garden hoses, and further investigation found no connection to SCP-3757 among any of them.

09/13/17, approx. 6:00am CST: Cocoon begins to crack, starting from the entry crevice at the top. This continues for 2.5 hours. At the end of the process, the playground is revealed to have been modified to some degree. Previous testimonies from surrounding neighborhoods are proven to be irrelevant, as all playground equipment appears to be brand new after a thorough investigation of the playground site. Large play structures have a logo imprinted on them, depicting a cartoonish wasp hive and "HIVE DETAILING & RESTORATION MIDWEST, LLC" underneath. No SCP-3757 instances are found during clean-up and fragments of the cocoon are taken for study.

Addendum: No web results have appeared for HD&R Midwest, nor have any transaction records among construction suppliers yielded any useful information.

One month after the discovery incident, a cover story had been prepared for Burlington City Council. They were cleared to launch a "Grand Reopening" of the Perkins Park playground after Foundation agents confirmed the playground had not exhibited any anomalous activity since emergence, with a shell company created by the Foundation taking credit for the new additions to the playground.

In the eight months following the discovery incident, there have been four additional SCP-3757 related incidents sighted and secured by the Foundation in the Midwestern United States. Each incident shares a common trait of park playgrounds that have not been maintained or updated to meet modern safety standards. It is unclear if SCP-3757 will cease repairing public areas, in the event that all playground areas are made safe, or if they will "reassign" themselves to other recreational areas.