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Boned Beyond Belief

A portion of HS-229, recently renovated by SCP-3716-A. Ritualistic skeletal fragments not pictured.

Special Containment Procedures

Instances of SCP-3716 are currently stored in Safe-class Containment Locker 128-B in Site-42. Access is only permitted to individuals with Level 3/3716 or above clearance. Due to the large quantity of SCP-3716-A instances currently extant, no further testing is deemed necessary.

All 62 SCP-3716-A instances are currently housed in Historical Site-229 ("Caldey Island Abbey"), as per Protocol 3716-002. The Cistercian monastery originally present on the island was largely abandoned in the late 1700s: a disinformation campaign is currently being employed to counter this, and maintain the public opinion that no such abandonment ever occurred. The eldest instance and de-facto leader of the group (SCP-3716-A-1) has agreed to maintain the secrecy of their order in exchange for the ownership of the land, which instances use primarily as a space of contemplation and meditation. A small security team of no more than six eighteen members is to be permanently stationed on the island, as well as a standard low-risk anomaly research team.

To maintain cooperation, a monthly excursion has been agreed upon, during which SCP-3716-A instances will be allowed to visit the mainland and interact with the civilian population (0.08% of whom are embedded Foundation agents). Amnestic distribution should be employed following this, and a high rotation of resident civilians should be encouraged to prevent a resurgence of suppressed memories. MTF-Phi-Eolh ("Bag & Taggers") are tasked with apprehending and processing any civilians with knowledge of SCP-3716, SCP-3716-A, or the nature of the excursions.

As a breach of SCP-3716-A could easily escalate into a Broken Masquerade scenario, maintaining high morale among instances is desirable — accordingly, any dissent or dissatisfaction is to be treated as a High Priority issue.


SCP-3716 is the designation for around 3000 metal zippers1 that, when placed on the navel and rolled upwards to the neck, enable the user to extricate themselves from their entire integumentary system and most of their muscular system (with the exception of ligaments and joints) without blood loss, in a manner similar to removing an anorak and pants. Although their visceral organs, skeletal system, and other organ systems are wholly exposed, affected individuals (hereby termed SCP-3716-A) experience no adverse side effects.

SCP-3716-A will repeatedly and persistently attempt to persuade others to use SCP-3716, but are pacifistic and do not make violent attempts at coercion. Persuasion attempts most commonly take the form of brochures, door-to-door salesmanship, timeshare sales pitches, and other such media2.

All instances of SCP-3716-A have certain benefits compared to baseline humans, such as the ability to take on the appearance of another instance by wearing their skin, (even when their anatomies are incompatible), and extremely enhanced longevity. They subscribe to a monastic doctrine termed "Orthodox Osteonism", which contains elements of various philosophies and religions (including various branches of Christianity, agnosticism, Theravada Buddhism, and democratic socialism), along with elements borrowed from classical and modern literature. Although no two instances have expressed the exact same views, common themes involve the ideas that violence is sinful in any form, that the requirement of a nervous system in higher lifeforms is a myth3, that all living things are part of the same "Metaphysical Skeleton", and that all invertebrate organisms are "worthy of our love and compassion, but ultimately irredeemable". Reverence for elder SCP-3716-A instances, particularly SCP-3716-A-1 (the oldest living instance at time of writing) is common, though not an element of official doctrine.

If an instance of SCP-3716-A is unable to convert a new instance to the doctrine within a certain amount of time (usually a period of years), said instance's non-osseous tissue will start rapidly decomposing. The majority of their anomalous abilities are lost during this process, although basic life functions and all cognitive functions remain unchanged. Instances claim that successful conversions will nullify and reverse the degradation — it is for this reason that instances express desire to interact with the civilian population on a semi-regular basis. Amnesticisation of converted subjects has no effect on SCP-3716-A instances, as it seems to be the act of conversion, rather than the continued devotion to the faith, that halts the decay process.

4, Ischium, commissioned the production of a "holy spirit" for use in communion. We had been supplying them with a weak solution commonly used in Christian practises but this was deemed, and I quote, "ineffective and rather ghastly".

The brewer's first sample came in today. The acolytes are calling it 'Marrow'. It's an acquired taste, to be sure — around 30% Formaldehyde, according to preliminary analysis.

Date: 11/02/2018

Today is apparently a holy one in the skeletal calendar. The monks will be hosting a celebration to honour the life and death of all things. Foundation personnel such as myself were invited, but politely declined.

The festival takes place at the rising of the moon and a large batch of 'Marrow' has been produced in preparation.

Woke in the middle of the night to drunken chanting. Seems that even under the influence, they can remember that "the neck bone's connected to the head bone". It was funny for about five minutes, and Jared from the Horticulture Department even joined in at one point, but at this stage it's been going on for hours.

There's not much I can do, I suppose. I'll let them have their fun.

Date: 12/02/2018

2:00 AM

All the boats are gone.

All the monks, bar one, are gone.

We found them dozing on the grass, still clutching an empty bottle. They explained that they had left in the night to find the reincarnation of their deity, and bring them back to the Abbey, their new spiritual home.

I don't know what they plan to do, but I imagine the paperwork will be nightmarish.

The departure of SCP-3716-A instances from the island was verified shortly afterwards, and Incident 3716-S was formally designated a High-Level priority. The on-site security team, later discovered to have been overwhelmed by the instances, were disciplined severely thereafter, and a higher staff requirement introduced (see Containment Procedures).

Update (12/02/2018):