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Tides Of War

Object Class: Esoteric

Connected to: SCP-3456

Depiction of SCP-3700's area of effect.

Special Containment Procedures

Foundation Naval Task Force Delta-7 ("Northern Storm") is currently assigned to patrol an area 800 km in diameter encompassing the Orkney, Shetland, and Faroe Archipelagos in the North Sea. 2 refurbished battleships, purchased from the United States military, have been assigned to this task force.1 13 destroyers, 5 cruisers, and 15 smaller support craft2 are to accompany these vessels. Delta-7 has been instructed to patrol in a spiral pattern, moving outwards from a central pre-determined location, known as the Origin. This pattern is to be maintained until Delta-7 either encounters SCP-3700-1, or reaches the edge of the designated 800 km zone wherein they will return to the origin and begin the process again.

Information regarding SCP-3700's actual depth is to be retracted from all public texts and scientific publications. Should SCP-3700-1 be encountered, Delta-7 is to accompany the entity until it encounters SCP-3700-2, or it demanifests. SCP-3700-1 has been implanted with 32 large scale Donovan holoprojectors which give the entity the appearance of a pod of humpback whales.3 Delta-7 is authorized to dissuade SCP-3700-1 from directly approaching any of the archipelagos, via force if necessary. Inquiry into Delta-7's presence is to be explained via maritime exercises between international peacekeeping forces. High ranking elements of the British Royal Navy have been informed of Delta-7's presence and purpose.

Should SCP-3700-1 encounter SCP-3700-2 at any point, Delta-7 is authorized to engage Protocol "Winter Maelstrom".

Protocol Winter Maelstrom

Upon encountering SCP-3700-2 in the presence of SCP-3700-1, Delta-7 is to take the following actions.

  • Destroyers are to deploy harpoon based anchors into SCP-3700-2's skin on its head, securing it in one location.
  • Destroyers are to move in a circular pattern at a distance of 200 m, and engage the entity with both L-cannons, and standard armaments, with anchors at full taut to ensure the entity cannot orient properly in any one direction.
  • Cruisers are to draw SCP-3700-2's attention away from both destroyers and battleships, via use of Class 3 L-cannons and standard armaments. Cruisers should engage in a circular serpentine pattern at 300 m.
  • Battleships are to employ Class 4 L-cannons in systematic continuous barrages, at 180 degrees on either side of the entity, 400 m away. Both vessels should coordinate as to launch each barrage at the same time as their counterparts.
  • All vessels shall follow this protocol until either entity subdues the other.

As conventional weaponry and L-cannons are only capable of doing limited damage to SCP-3700-2, Delta-7 should not engage it in the absence of the other entity. Should SCP-3700-1 prove unable to subdue SCP-3700-2, or should SCP-3700-1 encounter SCP-3700-2 before Delta-7 encounters the entity, protocol "Tumult" will be put in place.

Protocol Tumult

The following procedures are to be enacted upon failure to properly contain SCP-3700-2.

  • Evacuation of naval and civilian craft from the 800 km area of effect.
  • Rerouting of trade and ferry routes to the archipelagos for a period of no less than six months.
  • Continuous aerial and naval reconnaissance of, and engagement with SCP-3700-2.
  • Increased monitoring of SCP-3456 activity, due to SCP-3700-2's regurgitation of instances and a result of the changing, hazardous, weather patterns.
  • Continued surveillance for the reappearance of SCP-3700-1.
  • Activation of land based aquatic defenses.

Due to SCP-3700-1's degrading physical condition, inquiries into the potential damage caused by allowing SCP-3700-2 to subdue SCP-3700-1 twice every 5 years is ongoing. Cooperative requests to local GOC forces are pending via review of GOC demands.


SCP-3700 is the designation for a circular area in the North Sea with a diameter of 800 km encompassing the archipelagos of Faroe, Orkney, and Shetland. SCP-3700 has an abnormal depth, with the sea floor located approximately 5 km below the ocean surface, compared to an average of 250-300 m for the rest of the North Sea. SCP-3700 is subject to a wide and varied array of anomalous occurrences4 due to ritualistic interactions between two entities, which have been designated SCP-3700-1 and SCP-3700-2. Active effects of SCP-3700 are wholly dependent on which entity successfully subdues the other during each ritual. All rituals, with the exception of two consistent dates, take place at random periods of time.5 SCP-3700-1 and SCP-3700-2 always interact on dates corresponding with the spring and fall equinox of the given year.

Interactions between SCP-3700-1 and 2 consist of prolonged struggle, where each entity will attempt to temporarily kill or subdue the other. Interactions on equinox dates always occurs at the center of the 800 km zone. Interactions shortly following the given equinox dates are usually short, and can occur in random locations, with the victor of the previous interaction quickly dispatching the other entity. Historically, the previously subdued party has defeated its counterpart during the next equinox, prior to implementation of current protocols.18 This resulted in two six month cycles where SCP-3700-119 would dominate one cycle, and SCP-3700-220 the other. Since implementation of current containment procedures, SCP-3700-1 has subdued SCP-3700-2 for 64 straight equinoxes with Foundation aid.

Successful defeat of one entity by the other induces a number of different geological and meteorological changes within the 800 km zone. These are described below:

  • When SCP-3700-1 subdues SCP-3700-2
    • Storms, and harsh weather are immediately dispelled, despite meteorological conditions in areas outside of the 800 km zone.
    • Reproductive rates of local oceanic and island fauna increase by a factor of three, crop yields double for the duration of the six month period. Careful culling of ocean fauna must be undertaken, due to unintended creation of dead-zones as a result of overpopulation of certain species of zooplankton.
    • Erosion rates of each archipelago's shores increase from standard rates by a factor of five.21
  • When SCP-3700-2 subdues SCP-3700-1
    • Meteorological conditions become perilous. Continuous storms, ranging in strength from that of a category 1 to category 5 hurricanes occur throughout the 800 km zone. Temperatures experience rapid fluctuations, ranging from well below 0 C, to well above 28 C as a result of the constantly changing storm fronts. Such conditions may cause damage or complete destruction of buildings, and loss of life, resulting in SCP-3456 appearances.
    • Travel by sea is rendered difficult, if not impossible, by turbulent storm surges and waves. Supplies, food, and transport must be arranged by air, or aboard specialized storm faring vessels.
    • Ocean food sources are driven from the area due to the extreme conditions, livestock often expire from exposure or disease. Crop yields are greatly reduced due to high winds, over-saturated soil, and lack of sunlight.
    • SCP-3700-2 does not demanifest. It will actively patrol the zone, and is known to approach the archipelagos explicitly to regurgitate SCP-3456, as well as prey upon any unsuspecting civilian vessels capable of traversing the harsh conditions it generates.

Historical reports indicate that SCP-3700-1 has been regularly encountered by local fishermen since the 1500s; however, based on oral traditions, and known folklore of the area, it is likely that SCP-3700-1 was present during the construction of several nearby [DATA EXPUNGED] and that its counterpart was one of the many targets of such efforts. Reports of SCP-3700-2 are also consistent in local folklore; however, no recorded sightings of the entity were noted until the mid 20th century.