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A very angry box of cereal

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3671 is to be stored on a labelled shelf in the Site-19 break room. Personnel are free to eat from its contents. SCP-3671's appearance and contents are to be photographed and documented daily.

Update: Following Incident 2018-03-13, SCP-3671 is to be stored in a medium-security storage locker in Site 19, storage wing K-14. Its appearance and contents are to be photographed and documented daily, and any harmful substances within disposed of appropriately.


SCP-3671 is a standard-size, generic brand cereal box. Each day, at 6:30 AM local time, a new plastic bag of cereal objects will manifest inside it, replacing the previous bag and its contents if they have not been removed. Its packaging will also change to match the new contents.

As of Incident 2018-03-13, SCP-3671 is believed to be sapient, and aware to an extent of its surroundings.

Records of SCP-3671's appearance and content: