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The Zoo Zipper


Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3660 is kept in a standard, secure locker at Site-64. Personnel handling SCP-3660 are required to wear gloves. Personnel handling SCP-3660 are required to wear full-body, hazardous material suits. In the event of accidental implantation, local anesthesia may be applied to the surrounding tissue but SCP-3660 must be surgically removed from the epidermis as soon as possible.


SCP-3660 is a black metal zipper, similar to those found on sweaters and backpacks. The item is in poor condition. A significant amount of its paint has been ground off, the metal is warped and half of its slider is missing(appearing wrenched off). SCP-3660 is non-anomalous and inert until it is pressed against the skin of a human being1. The amount of force applied can be disregarded when considering an implantation event. In a manner not dissimilar to magnetic attraction, SCP-3660 will gravitate into the subject if held lightly against their skin.

In the event of implantation, SCP-3660 will sink into the flesh until only the pull-tab is visible. While subjects have reported feeling an itch at this location, significant pain is rarely reported. Major distress has only been observed in subjects already aware of SCP-3660’s effects.


D-33313. Deceased.

Within 10 minutes, SCP-3660 will activate and unzip the host’s skin by dragging itself across the epidermis before detaching from the skin. While resultant opening varies in size between subjects, and is presumed dependant on the size of the new organsism within, it is consistently lined with metallic zipper teeth. This process not only "hollows" the subject, but also gives their skin the consistency and composition of silicone rubber. Extreme shifts in mass have occurred. What SCP-3660 exactly does with the subject's viscera is currently unknown.

As SCP-3660 activates, an animal will be synthesized inside the skin. This transfiguration is instantaneous and, theoretically, would require massive investments of energy. The friction involved in the destruction/creation of cells at this speed should generate heat high enough to boil blood and damage cells. SCP-3660 bypasses this process entirely. Beyond a small amount of steam expelled from the skin's opening, there are no indications that energy dynamics have occurred at all. As of ███ experiments, only amniotes, cephalopods, and chondrichthyans have been created by SCP-3660. Utilizing species from other biological groupings is presumed non-viable. Testing as to whether SCP-3660 creates species at random, or in accordance to an undiscovered pattern is ongoing is pending approval.


D-46296 following induced identity expungement.

While a subject immediately post-transfiguration may initially display shock and/or animalistic behavior attesting to the contrary, the human identity is relatively intact. Transfigured subjects are consistently capable of confirming their identities through various methods such as standard memory tests, simple communication through gestures and, when applicable, written testimony. However, it is inaccurate to state that SCP-3660 does not fundamentally alter the subject. Transfigured subjects adopt a natural proficiency in operating their new forms. Examples include:


D-30812, acquired by Site-45 on 02/21/2018.

  • Fin propelled locomotion in water.
  • Winged flight.
  • Prehensile tail manipulation.
  • Venom injection.
  • Courtship rituals.
  • Internal heat regulation.

Furthermore, subjects may experience the supplanting of specific, albeit now incompatible, aspects of their humanity in order to accommodate species-specific traits. These new instincts and behaviors are not necessarily compulsive nor overpowering. Depending on the individual constitutions of the subjects, human identities can be easily maintained with minimal deviation, even unconsciously so, while others may have their identities steadily eroded away without professional intervention. Currently the change in diet and mating urges are reported as being the most difficult to resist, according to 94.7% and 59.2% of the cumulative subject pool, respectively.

The transformation is, currently, irreversible. Testing into this matter is ongoing.

SCP-3660 CoMARP Integration: The Collaborative Materials and Research Project has accepted Proposal-048, submitted by Dr. Scarcliffe, and this item is now cleared for a CoMARP General Acquisition and Use Authorization. As such, subjects transfigured by SCP-3660 may be acquired or temporarily utilized by other research teams. Usage of SCP-3660's subjects, as with other resources with an attached CoMARP-G2AU Authorization, requires satisfaction of the following requirements.

  1. Applications for use/acquisition must be provided by the applicant team’s senior research personnel and include either long or short term plans for requested material, depending on the proposed duration of use.
  2. Applications must be approved by administrative personnel responsible for the applicant site before submission. Applications that fail this requirement will be automatically denied and the appropriate administration will be notified.
  3. The supplying research team must approve the application through the relevant CoMARP liason. For SCP-3660, this is Dr. Stephanie Scarcliffe. Dr. Aldrich Hanssen.