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Reverse Locked Room Mystery

Special Containment Procedures

MTF Iota-20 ("Room Keys") is responsible for monitoring public records, police stations and news reports for potential instances of SCP-3630. However, as most instances of SCP-3630 are largely self-containing, monitoring should primarily consist of ensuring any instances of SCP-3630-1 and SCP-3630-2 have no memory of the events that led to SCP-3630 occurring. If any instances report being the victim or perpetrator of a murder, Iota-20 agents are to administer Class-C amnestics on them and anyone they have spoken to about the events.

Under the guidance of MTF Iota-20's assigned supervisor, Dr. Juri Markell, instances of SCP-3630-1 with a particularly strong memory of their murders may be taken into custody and given a Hume-Lyle Reality Shift Resilience Test. Those with sufficiently high scores and applicable skills may be offered a position within the Foundation.

Otherwise, instances of SCP-3630-1 and SCP-3630-2 are not anomalous on their own, and they can usually be left to participate in civilian life. On orders from the Ethics Committee, after 4/5/████, Iota-20 must report instances of SCP-3630-2 who planned their actions in advance to local law enforcement.


SCP-3630 is an anomalous phenomenon or entity that alters aspects of non-anomalous murders to create logical inconsistencies. These inconsistencies include but are not limited to:

  • Locking the door or other entrance to the area where the murder occurred from the inside or outside
  • Removing other points of access and exit from the area, such as windows or grates
  • Damaging or otherwise altering the weapon used in the murder so that it does not function properly
  • Altering aspects of the area so that the murder would have been noticed by others, such as causing a door or floorboard to make noise when moved or removing a wall blocking off access to the area
  • The introduction of large groups of people into the area who under most circumstances would not have been present, preventing the murderer from accessing their victim

These inconsistencies will never completely prevent access to the area where the murder occurred, and overall will not be seen as anomalous by most sentient beings. The majority of people who have become aware of the changes created by SCP-3630 are Foundation employees scoring more than 90 on the Hume-Lyle Reality Shift Resilience Test.

After these logical inconsistencies are introduced, the murder itself will cease to exist, and any victims will no longer be deceased. These former victims are then classified as SCP-3630-1. Victims usually emerge from other parts of the building or area in which they were killed with no memory of the crime. Any others who witnessed their deaths or their subsequent returns also have no memory of the murders occurring, and do not process that anything anomalous has occurred.

Those who committed the murders also have no memory of the events occurring, and are then classified as SCP-3630-2. If the murder was planned before it occurred, they will believe that some previously unforeseen event or circumstance diverted them from their previous plans, usually for vague and inconsistent reasons such as being "in the wrong place" or because "the timing wasn't right."

Discovery: SCP-3630 was discovered when Dr. Burgundy Lowell, who had been trained to recognize the effects of CK-Class Reality Shifts due to his previous work with SCP-███ and had a Hume-Lyle score of 101, was murdered by his former Research Assistant Valerie Kind in his office at Site-140. Upon emerging from the men's bathroom down the hall, Lowell retained memories of the event and reported it to site security. Upon reaching his office, it was discovered that the door had been locked from the outside, although there were no signs of a forced exit. After she was found in the site canteen, Kind claimed she had postponed her murder attempt because she "didn't like the way the room looked."

The circumstances of the event reminded Site-140 Agent M. Carter of an event a month earlier involving Cara Baker, a civilian who he was intermittently monitoring due to an encounter she had with SCP-████ two years earlier.1 Ms. Baker had recently called 911, claiming that her ex-husband, Ryan Baker, had murdered her.

Excerpt from 911 call between Cara Baker and an operator, 2/10/████

Operator: 911, emergency.

Cara Baker: Oh god! Please help! Oh god!

Operator: Ma'am, can you calm down for me? Can-

Cara Baker: It's my husband. My husband, he's killed me. He fucking killed me.

Operator: Ma'am, calm down. You're hurt? I'm sending an ambulance right now.

Cara Baker: I should be- I should be, I don't know. I'm not bleeding.

Operator: Okay. Where were you hurt? Can you find where you were hurt?

Cara Baker: In my chest. He shot- I've been shot. My chest. Why am I speaking?

Operator: Okay, an ambulance is on its way, ma'am. Do you know where your husband is?

Cara Baker: He…

[Ms. Baker pauses. Five seconds of silence.]

Operator: Ma'am?

Cara Baker: He was just here. Oh god. We were on the porch and he ran into the backyard, he…

Operator: Alright, stay on the line, ma'am-

Cara Baker: I'm dead. I'm dead. What's going on? What's happening? I'm dead.

Emergency workers who arrived on the scene believed Ms. Baker's beliefs were the result of a psychotic break resulting from stress due to her recent divorce, and she was kept under watch at ████████ ████ Hospital for five days. Upon leaving care, Ms. Baker believed that this was true and showed no further signs of acknowledging the anomalous.

Upon investigation, Agent Carter, who had a Hume-Lyle Score of 97, reported that Ms. Baker's back porch, which had previously been open-air, was now enclosed in walls. Deadbolts had also been added to both sides of the door leading into the area from the kitchen. Ms. Baker's financial records did not show any purchases related to a renovation or to the deadbolts, and her neighbors reported that the outside of her residence had undergone no major changes in the last year.