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Wondertainment's Murder Mystery Mates

Special Containment Procedures

Each instance of SCP-3585 is stored in a separate standard item containment locker. Each locker is to be equipped with a basic motion tracking camera. If movement above two meters is detected within a thirty day period a Ventura Event will be initiated by Foundation personnel.

All suggested testing of SCP-3585 must be approved by two Level 3 personnel. Any banned materials included in suggested testing materials will result in immediate denial. The list of banned materials is found in document 3585-291.

As of 11/29/10, D-Class personnel with backgrounds in law enforcement have been added to the list of banned materials.


SCP-3585 is a set of nine, thirty-four centimeter tall, plush toys depicting slightly exaggerated representations of various animals. Animals represented by SCP-3585 consist of:

  • SCP-3585-A a fennec fox
  • SCP-3585-B an American bullfrog
  • SCP-3585-C a striped skunk
  • SCP-3585-D a white tailed deer
  • SCP-3585-E a tiger
  • SCP-3585-F a long eared Hedgehog
  • SCP-3585-G a common potoo
  • SCP-3585-H a red legged sun squirrel
  • SCP-3585-I a red legged sun squirrel

Each SCP-3585 has an attached tag reading on one side as follows:


On the reverse side the tag reads as follows:


When located in the same room all instances of SCP-3585 become both fully sapient and capable of independent motion. Once in this state SCP-3585-D will approach human individuals in the room, and vocalize an offer to begin a Ventura event. The process through which SCP-3585-D makes this vocalization is currently unknown. If all human subjects refuse, all instances of SCP-3585 will return to an inactive state. If a human subject accepts, SCP-3585-D instances will ask that all humans leave the room.

Upon the room being evacuated by all entities except for SCP-3585 instances, the SCP-3585 instances will use all materials available in the room to construct a representation of a murder crime scene. The process by which the SCP-3585 instances manipulate the materials is currently unknown. A seemingly random SCP-3585 instance shall be used as the murder victim in question. This instance has never been documented to be SCP-3585-D. In 5% of all Ventura Events, these crime scenes have matched a documented murder case. Once the scene has been created1 the human individuals who agreed to participate in the Ventura Event will be invited back into the room.

Once the room contains all individuals who agreed to participate in the Ventura Event SCP-3585-D will explain the rules of the Ventura Event.2 The individuals will then be given ten hours to decide which SCP-3585 instance is playing the part of the murderer.

If the proper SCP-3585 instance is guessed by the end of the ten hours SCP-3585-D will vocalize congratulations on a job well done, and give them a plastic novelty sheriff's badge. If the proper SCP-3585 instance was not chosen as the murderer all instances will deactivate without vocalization. At the end of the Ventura Event all damaged SCP-3585 instances will revert to the state they were in before activation.

Addendum: The following is a sample of past testing on Ventura Events.

Date: 6/29/10

Room: Standard testing chamber.

Participants: D-31937 (Male, 27)

Materials Provided: None

Brief Overview of Resulting Ventura Event: While D-31937 was waiting outside of the testing chamber, SCP-3585 instances stood in a circle for five minutes. At the end of the five minutes SCP-3585-C fell to the ground, and the rest of the SCP-3585 instances excluding SCP-3585-D began to move around the fallen SCP-3585-C simulating panic. SCP-3585-D moved to the door to the testing chamber, and knocked against the door three times while vocalizing the words 'We're done.'

Upon entering the chamber D-31937 was given an explanation of the rules. He was told that he had ten hours to find out which SCP-3585 instance had killed SCP-3585-C. He was informed that everyone in the room would cooperate as long as the information being asked for didn't give them away as being a possible suspect, but all of them would have clear signs of when they were trying to deceive D-31937.

D-31937 started by questioning SCP-3585-D. He was told that SCP-3585-C had been walking home the night prior with SCP-3585-A, and that SCP-3585-D had no information beyond that. Upon questioning SCP-3585-A, D-31937 was given the information that SCP-3585-C had been attacked by a dark and green being while they were walking home, and passing by the river. During this conversation SCP-3585-A had its ears placed over the plastic representing its eyes, and was letting out occasional sobbing sounds. This behavior ceased at the end of questioning.

After examining SCP-3585-C for approximately four minutes, D-31937 noticed that SCP-3585-C was as he described it 'unusually wet'. At the thirty minute mark, D-31937 declared that he believed the murderer to be SCP-3585-B. After this declaration all SCP-3585 instances fell to the ground with no vocalization.

Additional notes: Test was to see what would happen if the SCP-3585 instances were not given any materials to work with.

Date: 8/24/10

Room: Standard testing chamber.

Participants: D-93482 (Female, 36)

Materials Provided: Twenty-two wooden planks, a box of forty nails, and two hammers.

Brief Overview of Resulting Ventura Event: SCP-3585 instances stand in a circle for five minutes. At the end of the five minutes SCP-3585-A, SCP-3585-B, and SCP-3585-G began construction of a small wooden structure similar in design to a style house. The other instances of SCP-3585 remained away from the building area, and began to vocalize sounds of heavy construction equipment.

The building was completed lacking a front wall, and the excess materials were put to the side of the structure. Inside of the structure SCP-3585-G had been nailed to an interior wall in a way resembling crucifixion.

At this point SCP-3585-D once again moved to the door, and repeated its previous behavioral patterns signifying that the Ventura Event was ready for participants. The rules were the same as the previous tests. D-93482 entered into the room, and began to examine the built structure. D-92482 seemed discouraged upon noticing the state that SCP-3585-G was currently in, and asked for the game to stop.

SCP-3585-G pulled itself out of the wall, and upon hitting the ground ended its activation along side all other SCP-3585 instances. The damage SCP-3585-G received due to the crucifixion was missing when it was examined after the test.

Additional Notes: Test was to demonstrate the building capabilities of SCP-3585 instances. D-93482 was disciplined for ending the testing early without approval. First example of a Ventura Event ending before a guess was made as to which SCP-3585 instance the murderer was.

Date: 11/29/10

Room: Standard testing chamber

Participants: D-97921 (Male, 54, Previously employed as a detective.)

Materials Provided: Paper, a clipboard, twenty wooden planks, box of nails, two golden plated watches, one ceremonial knife, a bottle of spring water, and three day old fresh bread.

Brief Overview of Resulting Ventura Event: Upon entering the room to begin the Ventura Event D-97921 was approached by SCP-3585-D. Instead of the normal vocalization SCP-3585-D gave D-97921 the plastic novelty sheriff badge given to individuals who correctly guessed during an Ventura Event. SCP-3585-D then congratulated D-97921 on a job well done, and fell to the ground in a pattern identical to the response given upon correct guess during an Ventura Event.

Additional Notes All tests done with personnel who previously had a background in law enforcement have ended in this manner, suggesting that nothing more can be gained from testing individuals with this type of background in conjunction with SCP-3585