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The Devotion Locket

Object Class: Esoteric

SCP-3580-a prior to containment.

Special Containment Procedures

Each of SCP-3580's five components are to be held within a humidity controlled padded lock box. At the time of writing, only SCP-3580-a in conjunction with SCP-3580-d have demonstrated anomalous properties. However, the complete set is to be contained in the event that unprecedented interactions manifest. In order to prevent unintended contact between the aforementioned items, SCP-3580-a through SCP-3580-d are to be kept within individual cotton pouches. SCP-3580-e is to be held within a fitted 6x10cm glass frame.

In accordance with L-4 Standard Antique Preservation Procedures, relative humidity levels should not be permitted to exceed 1%. SCP-3580-a through SCP-3580-d are to be inspected annually for signs of oxidation, and cleaned if necessary.

Documented permission from the Head of On-Site Research is required if any containment protocols are to be disturbed or otherwise altered for study of SCP-3580. In order to prevent unnecessary damage to the heirloom, personnel hands must be washed and placed within standard disposable gloves prior to contact. The antiques remain fragile, and are to be handled with care.

All occurrences of SCP-3580-2 are to be contained within a sealed 64 m2 room. Furnishings standard with that of a middle income living area are required upon request. As per subject desire, the cell's interior may be remodeled assuming that said changes do not compromise containment, subject safety, nor the ability for staff personnel to gain access to SCP-3580-2 at any given time.

Mandatory weekly psychological evaluations on SCP-3580-2 are to be performed by a trained psychiatrist. As per subject request, counselling sessions and a means in which to contact their assigned psychiatrist at any time may also be provided. On a case to case basis and alongside psychiatrist recommendation, SCP-3580-2 may be permitted to keep a small animal companion of their choice.


SCP-3580 is composed of a set of gilded jewelry consistent with traditional Chinese betrothal wear. Each piece of the set contains an evident flower motif, and displays near-perfect condition.

SCP-3580-* Appearance Known Anomalous Interactions
-a A diamond shaped locket. It is 7x5cm at its widest, and is inlaid with several gems in order to depict a bed of flowers. The edges are intricately carved into leaves. The interior contains a concave divot used to secure photographs. -See Affliction 2.a
-b A pair of earrings each shaped to form a budding flower. They are 1x1cm at their widest. None Observed
-c A 2cm wide bangle shaped to depict a growing vine. Contains 4 (1.43 carat) ruby gemstones inlaid as blossoms. None Observed
-d An index ring shaped to form a blooming flower. The ring's head is 3x3cm at its widest. None Observed
-e The photograph removed from SCP-3580-a. It is 6x10cm and displays two middle aged Chinese newly weds of upper class. -See Affliction 2.a

SCP-3580-e after removal from SCP-3580-a. Clothing styles indicate Qing Dynasty era wedding, Circa 1900.

Affliction 2.a:
Upon physical exposure to SCP-3580-e while contained within SCP-3580-a, subject [hereafter referred to as SCP-3580-2] demonstrates no immediate adverse effects. After an indeterminate amount of time, subject will grow increasing despondent and withdrawn. As time progresses SCP-3580-2 will develop pervasive hypercritical delusions regarding human physical appearance indicative of [DATA EXPUNGED].

All instances of SCP-3580-2 express mild to extreme distress when confronted with their own physical appearance. Attempts are frequently made to either hide or correct one's perceived flaws. Methods noted include drastic bodily dissimulation, including excessive use of cosmetic surgery2. SCP-3580-2 will frequently seek the reassurance of others to deny that any notable change has taken place. Self-mutilation has been observed in late stage psychosis.

SCP-3580-2 will also express mild to extreme distress when confronted with the physical appearance of others3. SCP-3580-2 will often terminate both romantic and platonic relationships. When forced to converse with or view another human, all subjects have been noted to close eyes or avoid visual contact with the individual. Several display immediate urges to terminate interaction through physical or verbal means. If this fails, SCP-3580-2 has been noted to dissociate from reality, and/or grow violent.

Behavior demonstrated by SCP-3580-2 includes an acute fixation on commonly viewed physiological regions such as the nose, stomach, thighs, skin, and hair. Incidences expand to include height, lip shape/size, shoulder width, proportional limb distribution, and muscle size. This degradation worsens proportionately as time passes, eventually encompassing SCP-3580-2's viewpoint of all visible features of themselves and others. No instances of SCP-3580-2 have manifested a genuine post-exposure alteration of appearance.

Extreme methods of establishing and maintaining self isolation have been noted. SCP-3580-2 are at a heightened risk for anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation/attempt. The application of amnestics to remove memory of encounter with SCP-3580-a and SCP-3580-e demonstrate no observable effects on psychosis.

Note: The mental well being of all cases of SCP-3580-2 should now be considered high priority. No further creations of SCP-3580-2 are to be permitted under any circumstances. -Dr. ███ ████

Addendum 3580-4: [02/11/201█] Transcript of interview with Agent M███ ███ who came under the effects of SCP-3580 during initial recovery mission alongside Agent L███ ██. All other incidences of SCP-3580-2 threatened some variation of [REDACTED] when asked to leave their quarters.