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Pack To The Future

Photo of SCP-3577-127 discovered following its manifestation in temporary GoI-466 captivity. Of note is that SCP-3577-127 was chronologically 'born' following its generation event on 07/15/2020. Photo was allegedly taken on 07/15/2019, one year prior to SCP-3577-127's existence.

Special Containment Procedures

As the majority of SCP-3577's containment is handled by GoI-466 ("Wilson's Wildlife Solutions") Foundation resources are to be focused on the research of the SCP-3577 anomaly.

Currently, a pack of 16 unsterilized instances of SCP-3577 are held in Controlled Habitat-02 on Site-64 for research purposes. Personnel assigned to the observation and handling of SCP-3577 are to check all currently available documentation regarding individual instances in Foundation captivity on a daily basis, for the purpose of detecting any discrepancy in the number of instances in Controlled Habitat-02 or the length of time instances have spent in Foundation captivity. In such an event, containment procedures are to be adjusted depending on the extent of SCP-3577 generation.

SCP-3577 instances of opposite sex are to be separated into groups and transferred to two secondary enclosures one week prior to the conclusion of a courting period. Following the conclusion of a courting period, enclosures must be checked for the generation of new SCP-3577 instances before releasing both groups back into Controlled Habitat-02.

MTF Beta-4 ("Castaways") are currently engaged in an ongoing joint-effort operation with GoI-466 in order to locate and capture all undocumented instances of SCP-3577 in the wild, with the intent of sterilization and controlled release back into the wilderness.


SCP-3577 is the designation for multiple instances of Canis latrans1 that exhibit retroactive reality-altering properties in lieu of nonanomalous reproduction. To date, over 265 instances have been discovered and contained by both Foundation and GoI-466 personnel.

Instances of SCP-3577 are otherwise identical to non-anomalous members of Canis latrans but display no naturally occuring reproductive behaviour. To date, no instance of SCP-3577 has been confirmed to be less than 4 years of age or observed to be visibly pregnant.

Anomalous behaviour occurs following a 'courting' period, during which two SCP-3577 instances of opposite sex remain in each other's presence for 63 days. An exception to this occurs during a time period from February to March, in which the courting period is cut down to 31 days. SCP-3577 cannot initiate a courting period with a non-anomalous counterpart. Sterile instances of SCP-3577 are unable to initiate a courting period.

Upon the conclusion of a courting period, a litter of 3-14 new adult instances of SCP-3577 will be generated in the surrounding general area of the original parent instances. All new instances are a genetic mixture of both parent instances and will invariably be 2 years younger than the female parent. The generation of a SCP-3577 instance to date has never been observed.

Following the generation of additional SCP-3577 instances, information will be retroactively injected into the past two years that proves the existence of the corresponding SCP-3577 instances prior to their generation. Information created as a result of SCP-3577 includes:

  • The appearance of tracks, droppings and animal remains produced during the last two years that can be linked back to new SCP-3577 instances and the area containing its generation point.
  • The creation of documents and files having been chronologically produced at some point during the last two years, containing information regarding new SCP-3577 instances. Existing documents cannot be modified by SCP-3577's retroactivity.
  • The generation of new SCP-3577 instances already fitted with Foundation-standard tracking collars and ID chips when born in Foundation captivity. All instances are generated with existing registry and tracking information logged into the SCP-3577 Database.
  • The appearance of injuries resembling coyote attacks received in the past two years manifesting on humans who closely interact with SCP-3577 on a regular basis. Medical records will be altered with additions addressing incidents in which said individuals were attacked by a new instance of SCP-3577 and were treated for wounds at some point during the previous two years.

SCP-3577 cannot affect memory; Retroactive existence of SCP-3577 instances consistently has a chronallagi rating of less than 0.012 and does not appear capable of causing paradoxes.