Pack To The Future
Photo of SCP-3577-127 discovered following its manifestation in temporary GoI-466 captivity. Of note is that SCP-3577-127 was chronologically 'born' following its generation event on 07/15/2020. Photo was allegedly taken on 07/15/2019, one year prior to SCP-3577-127's existence.
Special Containment Procedures
As the majority of SCP-3577's containment is handled by GoI-466 ("Wilson's Wildlife Solutions") Foundation resources are to be focused on the research of the SCP-3577 anomaly.
Currently, a pack of 16 unsterilized instances of SCP-3577 are held in Controlled Habitat-02 on Site-64 for research purposes. Personnel assigned to the observation and handling of SCP-3577 are to check all currently available documentation regarding individual instances in Foundation captivity on a daily basis, for the purpose of detecting any discrepancy in the number of instances in Controlled Habitat-02 or the length of time instances have spent in Foundation captivity. In such an event, containment procedures are to be adjusted depending on the extent of SCP-3577 generation.
SCP-3577 instances of opposite sex are to be separated into groups and transferred to two secondary enclosures one week prior to the conclusion of a courting period. Following the conclusion of a courting period, enclosures must be checked for the generation of new SCP-3577 instances before releasing both groups back into Controlled Habitat-02.
MTF Beta-4 ("Castaways") are currently engaged in an ongoing joint-effort operation with GoI-466 in order to locate and capture all undocumented instances of SCP-3577 in the wild, with the intent of sterilization and controlled release back into the wilderness.
SCP-3577 is the designation for multiple instances of Canis latrans1 that exhibit retroactive reality-altering properties in lieu of nonanomalous reproduction. To date, over 265 instances have been discovered and contained by both Foundation and GoI-466 personnel.
Instances of SCP-3577 are otherwise identical to non-anomalous members of Canis latrans but display no naturally occuring reproductive behaviour. To date, no instance of SCP-3577 has been confirmed to be less than 4 years of age or observed to be visibly pregnant.
Anomalous behaviour occurs following a 'courting' period, during which two SCP-3577 instances of opposite sex remain in each other's presence for 63 days. An exception to this occurs during a time period from February to March, in which the courting period is cut down to 31 days. SCP-3577 cannot initiate a courting period with a non-anomalous counterpart. Sterile instances of SCP-3577 are unable to initiate a courting period.
Upon the conclusion of a courting period, a litter of 3-14 new adult instances of SCP-3577 will be generated in the surrounding general area of the original parent instances. All new instances are a genetic mixture of both parent instances and will invariably be 2 years younger than the female parent. The generation of a SCP-3577 instance to date has never been observed.
Following the generation of additional SCP-3577 instances, information will be retroactively injected into the past two years that proves the existence of the corresponding SCP-3577 instances prior to their generation. Information created as a result of SCP-3577 includes:
- The appearance of tracks, droppings and animal remains produced during the last two years that can be linked back to new SCP-3577 instances and the area containing its generation point.
- The creation of documents and files having been chronologically produced at some point during the last two years, containing information regarding new SCP-3577 instances. Existing documents cannot be modified by SCP-3577's retroactivity.
- The generation of new SCP-3577 instances already fitted with Foundation-standard tracking collars and ID chips when born in Foundation captivity. All instances are generated with existing registry and tracking information logged into the SCP-3577 Database.
- The appearance of injuries resembling coyote attacks received in the past two years manifesting on humans who closely interact with SCP-3577 on a regular basis. Medical records will be altered with additions addressing incidents in which said individuals were attacked by a new instance of SCP-3577 and were treated for wounds at some point during the previous two years.
SCP-3577 cannot affect memory; Retroactive existence of SCP-3577 instances consistently has a chronallagi rating of less than 0.012 and does not appear capable of causing paradoxes.
Sent by: Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Recipient(s): Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Date: 03/20/2019
You should be receiving this once you're at Warm Springs. I don't think you're that familiar with the Tribal Council, so let your mother do the talking for the most part. I don't have to tell you to set up shop once you've arrived, so I'm going to assume that from here on out.
Most of the documentation the council put together should be in the car, but I'll throw in some extra advice:
- As far as our priorities currently are, Project Acme is pretty low on Wilson's list. It's not that he doesn't care, it's just that he trusts us enough to get this done without needing his involvement.
- We still don't have any official numbers on the current coyote population. I've gotten everything from 30 to 100 but the important part is, there's more than there should be.
- I've only thought about this today, but a lot of these coyotes reported in the accounts don't seem to be pups. Not newborns, anyway. Maybe they're being pushed into a different territory. Doesn't explain why we've only just been hearing about them now. They can't be that sneaky.
Wilson sends his regards, by the way. Tell your mother that aswell, I'm sure she'd appreciate it.
Good luck!
Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Wilson's Wildlife Solutions
Sent by: Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/23/2019
Hey dad! Just wanted to let you know that we've finished setting up the pens. Just in time, we got lucky early on about last Thursday. A farmer phoned mom in the middle of the night, huge panic, told her he was looking at a pack of over 20 running and yammering around his yard like they owned the place. Killed his dogs, too. About seven of them gave us the slip but we managed to get the others, 22 in total.
Mom's giving them all the standard checkups with the help from Amanda and Zeke. Great people, by the way. I'm so glad we're able to help them out. Volunteers are doing good too! There's these two girls who keep getting distracted, though. Keep wandering off like they're on spring break or something!!!
Besides that, we're gonna try and reconnoiter some reconnaissance and see what the nitty-gritty is on the bigger packs. Gonna have to go mountain-man for a day or two, real off the grid shit; cars give the coyotes way too big a head start.
Mom'll send you the records we made on the first 22 once we're done feeding them. Nothing's seeming out of the ordinary so far; they're healthy, they're not doing anything strange. Not even coywolves we're dealing with here. You're right though, way too many. When we got to the farmhouse the other night they were already at each other's throats over chicken bones and feathers. Not gonna be good living for them at that rate.
Will keep you up to speed! Mom says hi to Wilson, btw.
Sent by: Marie-Sophie Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/24/2019
heres the records
bandit is going to take a photo of every coyote he can find and hes going to mark the locations of each major pack on a map and hes going to send it all to you and i hope thats good for you
why did you make him pack the aye aye shirt
Sent by: Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Recipient(s): Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Date: 03/24/2019
Thank your mother for the files. Also, thank you for informing her about the dropbox. I figured it would make the process of information gathering much less stressful for her. I doubt she'll be using it, but I've put aside her records in a separate folder for her to add to or modify. Please let her know.
Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Wilson's Wildlife Solutions
Sent by: Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/26/2019
Hey so mom had to kick off one of the volunteers today, Kristen I think her name is. Caught her smoking dope in one of the storerooms with this one local fella I haven't seen much of, think he's the brother of one of the council members. He was nuts, covered in all these old scratches and marks and shit, kept yapping about how his mind can jump the gap. They had to bring a deputy in to get the guy out, wouldn't leave without a fight.
So yeah that's the bad news. Good news is Project Acme's going strong. We've got a routine and we've pinned down the routes the coyotes usually take. Mostly it's just me tracking them and waiting for a good time to call in the cavalry. Wish you were here dad, you'd love the views. We're actually nabbing more than we can hold, even with a fourth pen up. Lois and the McMillans are willing to hold on to a few at the Sanctuary, so that's a relief atleast.
Currently we're looking at over 40 so far that we've caught. I've seen more out in the wilderness but I'm struggling to keep up. Hoping we'll see their numbers thin out before mating season rolls up.
Keeping a watchful eye!
- B.B.
Sent by: Marie-Sophie Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/26/2019
now before you say anything to anyone look i know the girls only 20 years old but she was hanging out with the most disgusting beast of a fucker ive ever met i bet if he didnt have pot she wouldnt have ever given him the time of day
gotta solve these problems when they pop up
i looked a little into his background and his name is geoffry gosset
related to the paiute chief on the tribal council i think you know her well i dont
i did find out that geoffry used to be heavily involved with a bunch of paiute religious ceremonies before he got the boot for constantly showing up drunk
dunno if thats important or anything but he was squatting in warm springs up until today and every inch of him looked like it got savaged at some point
he must have ran into the coyotes at one point and survived but theyre old injuries
there were alot of injuries
Sent by: Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/31/2019
Hey! Just gonna throw a bunch more documents your way, I've been slacking with that lately. We sent 20 out of the 98 to the Sanctuary the other day. I don't know if that'll be enough to address the space concerns but hey, progress!
It's funny, there's this one little guy that keeps following me back and forth every time I pass the pen. He keeps doing this thing where he gnashes his teeth against the bars, never making a sound. It's the dorkiest little thing I've seen them do.
I hope little Wiley isn't too upset about his current accommodations, it's crowded in there! We'll get him back onto the prairie where he belongs once it's a wrap.
- B.B.
Sent by: Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/31/2019
Dad, that wasn't me. I didn't send anything today until now. I'm going to need a bit of time to figure out how I'm going explain how that wasn't me but
Ok I'm not sure but I'll try. We woke up to another commotion coming from the pens so we went and checked and we're not sure what happened. Maybe more coyotes slipped in because they got attracted by the noises, I don't know. It was like a game of canine Sardines in there, pulling them out was a nightmare. It's weird because the pens feel bigger, and they are. I checked the dimensions. They're all off.
There were a few wandering outside captivity nearby too, but they're in our database. I checked my phone and that's when I found that message. I don't even know which one is that Wiley one.
Also, I have two maps now. They're almost identical, they're covered in my handwriting and scribblings but the only difference is that one has slightly more written down. All the new additions are talking about packs and coyotes I definitely wasn't aware existed. It all sounds like I wrote it down but it's not me!!!
Mom thinks there's something going on. I'm gonna talk about it with her a little more and get back to you.
- B.B.
Sent by: Marie-Sophie Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/31/2019
amanda has a bite on her arm
it looks like something i saw on that geoffry man
bandit is getting a call from lois
it isnt sounding great
Sent by: Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/31/2019
Getting calls coming in from Lois and the Sanctuary, none of them good. The five we sent somehow became twenty overnight. One managed to get out of her habitat and nearly savaged Little McMillan. They haven't been breeding; all the new ones are adults from what I've been told. And the weirdest part is, they all have documentation from when they arrived. We have documentation on them too!!!
We've got documentation on every new coyote that's popped up. It's all in mom's writing (and I can tell right away when it's her writing) but she doesn't remember ever making half of them. I don't either, nobody does.
Dad, have you seen anything like this before? Anything weirder than this?
- B.B.
Sent by: Marie-Sophie Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 04/01/2019
a few years ago the tribal council of warm springs published a psa video detailing how visitors should respect the wildlife and what they can do to avoid predator attacks
i am currently looking at two different versions of the same video on the same youtube and the major difference between the two is one has a clip of amanda with a fresh coyote bite as part of a segment showing how you can treat bite wounds
she doesnt remember ever being involved in making that video either one of them
i managed to get them taken down but bandit will send you copies
Sent by: Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Recipient(s): Marie-Sophie Baptise, Bandit "B.B." Baptise, Additional Staff
Date: 04/02/2019
To all involved with Project Acme,
Following the information I have received, I will be adjusting Project Acme's current status from Slight Concern to Highly Unusual. As the information I am obtaining regarding recent occurrences in Project Acme is still developing, I hereby respectfully ask that everybody stay on-guard for the time being. Wilson and I will continue to deliberate on what step to take next.
Keep a close eye on the coyotes you've already wrangled. If there's any you don't recognize, check the files you've already assembled. I'm hopeful that you've all already separated the authentic articles from those relating to our current troubles.
I'm sure Marie-Sophie and B.B. will be able to assist with any concerns or questions you may have regarding what exactly we're dealing with.
Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Wilson's Wildlife Solutions
Sent by: Marie-Sophie Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 04/03/2019
its worse than i thought zeke was hospitalized
keyword being was
theres a horrible gash all the way down his throat and hes lost his voice the damage goes deep but he hasnt a clue what caused it
it didnt kill him its just like amandas and geoffrys its already healed
the hospital even has files on record of the night he had to go in for surgery because of a coyote bite to his neck
back in september 2017
volunteers are getting scared they think itll happen to them eventually
theyre gonna be right
i have a theory but bandit is still finding things
will be back with more
Sent by: Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 04/04/2019
Dad, here's what I've found so far:
- I've checked the new notes on the second map and followed them back to where I allegedly found more coyotes. I guess I wasn't wrong? I've seen a couple but I haven't the chance to properly settle down and check. I did notice more tracks than usual, though.
- People are getting weird injuries. They look like old ones, too. All scabbed over with fixed skin, nothing but scars and aches. Anyone who has one can't remember what made them. Hospital claims they've all been in ER for coyote attacks, otherwise we'll find an email or a written note sourced from the Council about a years-old incident if the wound was treated here.
- I can't exactly remember how mom put it, but the coyotes are 'filling in' gaps in the information we made with new details about themselves. If they can't do that, they either give up or make an obvious copy with their own changes. I have no idea how. Again, paraphrasing mom.
She's still looking into it. Thinking she'll want some more attention from the rest of you guys when she comes to a conclusion. It's looking to be that way.
- B.B.
Sent by: Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Recipient(s): All WWS Employees
Date: 04/05/2019
To all,
I will be contacting the Foundation with a request for aid and assistance on Project Acme following the growing threat displayed by the fauna anomaly that has been encountered. It's evident that we do not have the resources or the ability to contain the self-replicating and reality-altering effects that have been exhibited by the subjects associated with the anomaly.
All involved with Project Acme are to relocate to a preferably safe location outside of Warm Springs and remain there until the all-clear has been received from onsite Foundation reinforcements. Ensure the evacuation of any civilian residents or transients.
Following the all-clear, stand by for additional orders from either myself or the highest ranked Foundation authority present.
Stay safe, everyone.
Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Wilson's Wildlife Solutions
Sent by: Marie-Sophie Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 04/05/2019
sylvester you fuck what the hell are you doing
this is why you are a horrible little rodent man so stop it stop it right now
Sent by: Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Recipient(s): Marie-Sophie Baptise
Date: 04/05/2019
I know you're stressed and receiving this news certainly doesn't help, but the unfortunate reality is this is the only option we have left. I understand you were trying to figure out the cause and purpose of the anomaly, but that is a domain that is more preferably handled by the Foundation. We really don't have the time to spend sinking into additional research, especially with how in the dark we are regarding the extent of the anomaly.
I'm not ready to be reckless, especially with you and Bandit in the eye of the storm. I let my guard down again and it'll be a repeat of Safari Dave.
Please, I just want to ensure that both of you are safe.
Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Wilson's Wildlife Solutions
Sent by: Marie-Sophie Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 04/05/2019
oh god you and your fucking aye aye
of all the times to fucking bring the aye aye up
this is not a heLP IN THE SLIGHTEST
Sent by: Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Recipient(s): All WWS Employees
Date: 04/05/2019" id="addendum-3577-a-strong-to-date-all-instances-of-scp-3577-have-been-discovered-within-the-general-area-of-oregon-usa-initial-reports-of-unusual-coyote-populations-were-noted-to-have-originated-from-within-numerous-indian-reservations-located-within-oregon-with-the-majority-of-accounts-gathered-from-the-warm-springs-indian-reservation-throughout-2019-p-pinvestigation-into-previous-foundation-activities-within-the-oregon-area-indicate-that-scp-3577-does-not-appear-to-correlate-with-current-or-previous-known-anomalous-activity-related-to-native-american-tribes-located-in-oregon-or-the-greater-united-states-p-pwhile-the-foundation-was-not-aware-of-the-existence-of-scp-3577-for-an-unknown-number-of-years-numerous-accounts-had-been-made-throughout-oregon-from-1998-to-2016-involving-civilians-and-the-apparent-collective-loss-of-memories-involving-coyote-inflicted-injuries-and-attacks-despite-the-presence-of-previous-documentation-of-said-incidents-while-previously-designated-as-ongoing-extranormal-event-76f67-all-information-has-since-been-confirmed-as-the-result-of-previous-scp-3577-generation-events-p-pprior-to-a-request-for-foundation-intervention-on-04-05-2019-goi-466-quotwilsons-wildlife-solutionsquot-was-reportedly-relocating-and-rehabilitating-instances-of-scp-3577-within-warm-springs-indian-reservation-following-the-emergence-of-an-explosive-coyote-population-located-on-reservation-land-goi-466-was-initially-not-aware-of-scp-3577s-properties-and-struggled-to-contain-the-anomaly-for-a-period-of-time-preluding-the-request-for-foundation-aid-from-goi-466-individual-dr-sylvester-baptise-one-of-the-personnel-responsible-for-goi-466s-containment-of-scp-3577-p-pas-part-of-the-boring-agreement-goi-466-agreed-to-offer-the-foundation-access-to-all-documentation-and-correspondence-involving-their-containment-of-scp-3577-prior-to-the-foundations-awareness-of-the-anomaly-and-installment-of-current-containment-procedures-p-pknown-internally-as-project-acme-containment-of-scp-3577-was-headed-by-both-dr-sylvester-baptise-and-his-wife-marie-sophie-baptise-marie-sophie-was-present-onsite-at-warm-springs-indian-reservation-with-the-assistance-of-her-son-bandit-quotbbquot-baptise-and-a-small-group-of-volunteer-workers-throughout-the-course-of-project-acme-mr-baptise-remained-at-goi-466-hq-in-boring-oregon-during-this-period-of-time-p-pstrongaddendum-3577-b-goi-466-correspondence-and-after-report-strong-p-div-classcollapsible-block-div-classcollapsible-block-foldeda-classcollapsible-block-link-hrefjavascriptdocument-3577-466-3nbsp-nbsppleasenbspenternbspcredentials-a-div-div-classcollapsible-block-unfolded-styledisplaynone-div-classcollapsible-block-unfolded-linka-classcollapsible-block-link-hrefjavascripthidenbspdocument-a-div-div-classcollapsible-block-content-div-styleborder1px-solid-665731-div-idu-466-stylecolorwhite-background-a3c162padding-15px-div-styletext-align-center-pspan-stylefont-size200project-acme-correspondence-span-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-recipients-bandit-quotbbquot-baptisebr-date-03-20-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-pbandit-p-pyou-should-be-receiving-this-once-youre-at-warm-springs-i-dont-think-youre-that-familiar-with-the-tribal-council-so-let-your-mother-do-the-talking-for-the-most-part-i-dont-have-to-tell-you-to-set-up-shop-once-youve-arrived-so-im-going-to-assume-that-from-here-on-out-p-pmost-of-the-documentation-the-council-put-together-should-be-in-the-car-but-ill-throw-in-some-extra-advice-p-ul-lias-far-as-our-priorities-currently-are-project-acme-is-pretty-low-on-wilsons-list-its-not-that-he-doesnt-care-its-just-that-he-trusts-us-enough-to-get-this-done-without-needing-his-involvement-li-liwe-still-dont-have-any-official-numbers-on-the-current-coyote-population-ive-gotten-everything-from-30-to-100-but-the-important-part-is-theres-more-than-there-should-be-li-liive-only-thought-about-this-today-but-a-lot-of-these-coyotes-reported-in-the-accounts-dont-seem-to-be-pups-not-newborns-anyway-maybe-theyre-being-pushed-into-a-different-territory-doesnt-explain-why-weve-only-just-been-hearing-about-them-now-they-cant-be-that-sneaky-li-ul-pwilson-sends-his-regards-by-the-way-tell-your-mother-that-aswell-im-sure-shed-appreciate-it-p-pgood-luck-p-pdr-sylvester-baptisebr-wilsons-wildlife-solutions-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-bandit-quotbbquot-baptisebr-recipients-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-date-03-23-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-phey-dad-just-wanted-to-let-you-know-that-weve-finished-setting-up-the-pens-just-in-time-we-got-lucky-early-on-about-last-thursday-a-farmer-phoned-mom-in-the-middle-of-the-night-huge-panic-told-her-he-was-looking-at-a-pack-of-over-20-running-and-yammering-around-his-yard-like-they-owned-the-place-killed-his-dogs-too-about-seven-of-them-gave-us-the-slip-but-we-managed-to-get-the-others-22-in-total-p-pmoms-giving-them-all-the-standard-checkups-with-the-help-from-amanda-and-zeke-great-people-by-the-way-im-so-glad-were-able-to-help-them-out-volunteers-are-doing-good-too-theres-these-two-girls-who-keep-getting-distracted-though-keep-wandering-off-like-theyre-on-spring-break-or-something-p-pbesides-that-were-gonna-try-and-reconnoiter-some-reconnaissance-and-see-what-the-nitty-gritty-is-on-the-bigger-packs-gonna-have-to-go-mountain-man-for-a-day-or-two-real-off-the-grid-shit-cars-give-the-coyotes-way-too-big-a-head-start-p-pmomll-send-you-the-records-we-made-on-the-first-22-once-were-done-feeding-them-nothings-seeming-out-of-the-ordinary-so-far-theyre-healthy-theyre-not-doing-anything-strange-not-even-coywolves-were-dealing-with-here-youre-right-though-way-too-many-when-we-got-to-the-farmhouse-the-other-night-they-were-already-at-each-others-throats-over-chicken-bones-and-feathers-not-gonna-be-good-living-for-them-at-that-rate-p-pwill-keep-you-up-to-speed-mom-says-hi-to-wilson-btw-p-pbb-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-marie-sophie-baptisebr-recipients-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-date-03-24-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-pheres-the-records-p-pbandit-is-going-to-take-a-photo-of-every-coyote-he-can-find-and-hes-going-to-mark-the-locations-of-each-major-pack-on-a-map-and-hes-going-to-send-it-all-to-you-and-i-hope-thats-good-for-you-p-pwhy-did-you-make-him-pack-the-aye-aye-shirt-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-recipients-bandit-quotbbquot-baptisebr-date-03-24-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-pbandit-p-pthank-your-mother-for-the-files-also-thank-you-for-informing-her-about-the-dropbox-i-figured-it-would-make-the-process-of-information-gathering-much-less-stressful-for-her-i-doubt-shell-be-using-it-but-ive-put-aside-her-records-in-a-separate-folder-for-her-to-add-to-or-modify-please-let-her-know-p-pdr-sylvester-baptisebr-wilsons-wildlife-solutions-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-bandit-quotbbquot-baptisebr-recipients-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-date-03-26-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-phey-so-mom-had-to-kick-off-one-of-the-volunteers-today-kristen-i-think-her-name-is-caught-her-smoking-dope-in-one-of-the-storerooms-with-this-one-local-fella-i-havent-seen-much-of-think-hes-the-brother-of-one-of-the-council-members-he-was-nuts-covered-in-all-these-old-scratches-and-marks-and-shit-kept-yapping-about-how-his-mind-can-jump-the-gap-they-had-to-bring-a-deputy-in-to-get-the-guy-out-wouldnt-leave-without-a-fight-p-pso-yeah-thats-the-bad-news-good-news-is-project-acmes-going-strong-weve-got-a-routine-and-weve-pinned-down-the-routes-the-coyotes-usually-take-mostly-its-just-me-tracking-them-and-waiting-for-a-good-time-to-call-in-the-cavalry-wish-you-were-here-dad-youd-love-the-views-were-actually-nabbing-more-than-we-can-hold-even-with-a-fourth-pen-up-lois-and-the-mcmillans-are-willing-to-hold-on-to-a-few-at-the-sanctuary-so-thats-a-relief-atleast-p-pcurrently-were-looking-at-over-40-so-far-that-weve-caught-ive-seen-more-out-in-the-wilderness-but-im-struggling-to-keep-up-hoping-well-see-their-numbers-thin-out-before-mating-season-rolls-up-p-pkeeping-a-watchful-eye-p-p-bb-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-marie-sophie-baptisebr-recipients-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-date-03-26-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-pnow-before-you-say-anything-to-anyone-look-i-know-the-girls-only-20-years-old-but-she-was-hanging-out-with-the-most-disgusting-beast-of-a-fucker-ive-ever-met-i-bet-if-he-didnt-have-pot-she-wouldnt-have-ever-given-him-the-time-of-day-p-pgotta-solve-these-problems-when-they-pop-up-p-pi-looked-a-little-into-his-background-and-his-name-is-geoffry-gosset-p-prelated-to-the-paiute-chief-on-the-tribal-council-i-think-you-know-her-well-i-dontbr-i-did-find-out-that-geoffry-used-to-be-heavily-involved-with-a-bunch-of-paiute-religious-ceremonies-before-he-got-the-boot-for-constantly-showing-up-drunkbr-dunno-if-thats-important-or-anything-but-he-was-squatting-in-warm-springs-up-until-today-and-every-inch-of-him-looked-like-it-got-savaged-at-some-point-p-phe-must-have-ran-into-the-coyotes-at-one-point-and-survived-but-theyre-old-injuriesbr-there-were-alot-of-injuries-p-pdunno-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-bandit-quotbbquot-baptisebr-recipients-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-date-03-31-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-phey-just-gonna-throw-a-bunch-more-documents-your-way-ive-been-slacking-with-that-lately-we-sent-20-out-of-the-98-to-the-sanctuary-the-other-day-i-dont-know-if-thatll-be-enough-to-address-the-space-concerns-but-hey-progress-p-pits-funny-theres-this-one-little-guy-that-keeps-following-me-back-and-forth-every-time-i-pass-the-pen-he-keeps-doing-this-thing-where-he-gnashes-his-teeth-against-the-bars-never-making-a-sound-its-the-dorkiest-little-thing-ive-seen-them-do-p-pi-hope-little-wiley-isnt-too-upset-about-his-current-accommodations-its-crowded-in-there-well-get-him-back-onto-the-prairie-where-he-belongs-once-its-a-wrap-p-p-bb-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-bandit-quotbbquot-baptisebr-recipients-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-date-03-31-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-pdad-that-wasnt-me-i-didnt-send-anything-today-until-now-im-going-to-need-a-bit-of-time-to-figure-out-how-im-going-explain-how-that-wasnt-me-but-p-pok-im-not-sure-but-ill-try-we-woke-up-to-another-commotion-coming-from-the-pens-so-we-went-and-checked-and-were-not-sure-what-happened-maybe-more-coyotes-slipped-in-because-they-got-attracted-by-the-noises-i-dont-know-it-was-like-a-game-of-canine-sardines-in-there-pulling-them-out-was-a-nightmare-its-weird-because-the-pens-feel-bigger-and-they-are-i-checked-the-dimensions-theyre-all-off-p-pthere-were-a-few-wandering-outside-captivity-nearby-too-but-theyre-in-our-database-i-checked-my-phone-and-thats-when-i-found-that-message-i-dont-even-know-which-one-is-that-wiley-one-p-palso-i-have-two-maps-now-theyre-almost-identical-theyre-covered-in-my-handwriting-and-scribblings-but-the-only-difference-is-that-one-has-slightly-more-written-down-all-the-new-additions-are-talking-about-packs-and-coyotes-i-definitely-wasnt-aware-existed-it-all-sounds-like-i-wrote-it-down-but-its-not-me-p-pmom-thinks-theres-something-going-on-im-gonna-talk-about-it-with-her-a-little-more-and-get-back-to-you-p-p-bb-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-marie-sophie-baptisebr-recipients-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-date-03-31-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-pamanda-has-a-bite-on-her-armbr-it-looks-like-something-i-saw-on-that-geoffry-man-p-pbandit-is-getting-a-call-from-loisbr-it-isnt-sounding-great-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-bandit-quotbbquot-baptisebr-recipients-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-date-03-31-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-pgetting-calls-coming-in-from-lois-and-the-sanctuary-none-of-them-good-the-five-we-sent-somehow-became-twenty-overnight-one-managed-to-get-out-of-her-habitat-and-nearly-savaged-little-mcmillan-they-havent-been-breeding-all-the-new-ones-are-adults-from-what-ive-been-told-and-the-weirdest-part-is-they-all-have-documentation-from-when-they-arrived-we-have-documentation-on-them-too-p-pweve-got-documentation-on-every-new-coyote-thats-popped-up-its-all-in-moms-writing-and-i-can-tell-right-away-when-its-her-writing-but-she-doesnt-remember-ever-making-half-of-them-i-dont-either-nobody-does-p-pdad-have-you-seen-anything-like-this-before-anything-weirder-than-this-p-p-bb-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-marie-sophie-baptisebr-recipients-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-date-04-01-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-pa-few-years-ago-the-tribal-council-of-warm-springs-published-a-psa-video-detailing-how-visitors-should-respect-the-wildlife-and-what-they-can-do-to-avoid-predator-attacks-p-pi-am-currently-looking-at-two-different-versions-of-the-same-video-on-the-same-youtube-and-the-major-difference-between-the-two-is-one-has-a-clip-of-amanda-with-a-fresh-coyote-bite-as-part-of-a-segment-showing-how-you-can-treat-bite-wounds-p-pshe-doesnt-remember-ever-being-involved-in-making-that-video-either-one-of-them-p-pi-managed-to-get-them-taken-down-but-bandit-will-send-you-copies-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-recipients-marie-sophie-baptise-bandit-quotbbquot-baptise-additional-staffbr-date-04-02-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-pto-all-involved-with-project-acme-p-pfollowing-the-information-i-have-received-i-will-be-adjusting-project-acmes-current-status-from-slight-concern-to-highly-unusual-as-the-information-i-am-obtaining-regarding-recent-occurrences-in-project-acme-is-still-developing-i-hereby-respectfully-ask-that-everybody-stay-on-guard-for-the-time-being-wilson-and-i-will-continue-to-deliberate-on-what-step-to-take-next-p-pkeep-a-close-eye-on-the-coyotes-youve-already-wrangled-if-theres-any-you-dont-recognize-check-the-files-youve-already-assembled-im-hopeful-that-youve-all-already-separated-the-authentic-articles-from-those-relating-to-our-current-troubles-p-pim-sure-marie-sophie-and-bb-will-be-able-to-assist-with-any-concerns-or-questions-you-may-have-regarding-what-exactly-were-dealing-with-p-pdr-sylvester-baptisebr-wilsons-wildlife-solutions-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-marie-sophie-baptisebr-recipients-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-date-04-03-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-pits-worse-than-i-thought-zeke-was-hospitalized-p-pkeyword-being-was-p-ptheres-a-horrible-gash-all-the-way-down-his-throat-and-hes-lost-his-voice-the-damage-goes-deep-but-he-hasnt-a-clue-what-caused-itbr-it-didnt-kill-him-its-just-like-amandas-and-geoffrys-its-already-healed-p-pthe-hospital-even-has-files-on-record-of-the-night-he-had-to-go-in-for-surgery-because-of-a-coyote-bite-to-his-neckbr-back-in-september-2017-p-pvolunteers-are-getting-scared-they-think-itll-happen-to-them-eventuallybr-theyre-gonna-be-right-p-pi-have-a-theory-but-bandit-is-still-finding-thingsbr-will-be-back-with-more-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-bandit-quotbbquot-baptisebr-recipients-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-date-04-04-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-pdad-heres-what-ive-found-so-far-p-ul-liive-checked-the-new-notes-on-the-second-map-and-followed-them-back-to-where-i-allegedly-found-more-coyotes-i-guess-i-wasnt-wrong-ive-seen-a-couple-but-i-havent-the-chance-to-properly-settle-down-and-check-i-did-notice-more-tracks-than-usual-though-li-lipeople-are-getting-weird-injuries-they-look-like-old-ones-too-all-scabbed-over-with-fixed-skin-nothing-but-scars-and-aches-anyone-who-has-one-cant-remember-what-made-them-hospital-claims-theyve-all-been-in-er-for-coyote-attacks-otherwise-well-find-an-email-or-a-written-note-sourced-from-the-council-about-a-years-old-incident-if-the-wound-was-treated-here-li-lii-cant-exactly-remember-how-mom-put-it-but-the-coyotes-are-filling-in-gaps-in-the-information-we-made-with-new-details-about-themselves-if-they-cant-do-that-they-either-give-up-or-make-an-obvious-copy-with-their-own-changes-i-have-no-idea-how-again-paraphrasing-mom-li-ul-pshes-still-looking-into-it-thinking-shell-want-some-more-attention-from-the-rest-of-you-guys-when-she-comes-to-a-conclusion-its-looking-to-be-that-way-p-p-bb-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-recipients-all-wws-employeesbr-date-04-05-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-pto-all-p-pi-will-be-contacting-the-foundation-with-a-request-for-aid-and-assistance-on-project-acme-following-the-growing-threat-displayed-by-the-fauna-anomaly-that-has-been-encountered-its-evident-that-we-do-not-have-the-resources-or-the-ability-to-contain-the-self-replicating-and-reality-altering-effects-that-have-been-exhibited-by-the-subjects-associated-with-the-anomaly-p-pall-involved-with-project-acme-are-to-relocate-to-a-preferably-safe-location-outside-of-warm-springs-and-remain-there-until-the-all-clear-has-been-received-from-onsite-foundation-reinforcements-ensure-the-evacuation-of-any-civilian-residents-or-transients-p-pfollowing-the-all-clear-stand-by-for-additional-orders-from-either-myself-or-the-highest-ranked-foundation-authority-present-p-pstay-safe-everyone-p-pdr-sylvester-baptisebr-wilsons-wildlife-solutions-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-marie-sophie-baptisebr-recipients-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-date-04-05-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-psylvester-you-fuck-what-the-hell-are-you-doing-p-pthis-is-why-you-are-a-horrible-little-rodent-man-so-stop-it-stop-it-right-now-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-recipients-marie-sophie-baptisebr-date-04-05-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-pi-know-youre-stressed-and-receiving-this-news-certainly-doesnt-help-but-the-unfortunate-reality-is-this-is-the-only-option-we-have-left-i-understand-you-were-trying-to-figure-out-the-cause-and-purpose-of-the-anomaly-but-that-is-a-domain-that-is-more-preferably-handled-by-the-foundation-we-really-dont-have-the-time-to-spend-sinking-into-additional-research-especially-with-how-in-the-dark-we-are-regarding-the-extent-of-the-anomaly-p-pim-not-ready-to-be-reckless-especially-with-you-and-bandit-in-the-eye-of-the-storm-i-let-my-guard-down-again-and-itll-be-a-repeat-of-safari-dave-p-pplease-i-just-want-to-ensure-that-both-of-you-are-safe-p-pdr-sylvester-baptisebr-wilsons-wildlife-solutions-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-marie-sophie-baptisebr-recipients-dr-sylvester-baptisebr-date-04-05-2019-strong-p-div-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-d1ed9apadding-15px-poh-god-you-and-your-fucking-aye-ayebr-of-all-the-times-to-fucking-bring-the-aye-aye-up-p-pthis-is-not-a-help-in-the-slightestbr-every-time-the-supervisors-step-in-they-gobble-up-a-bigger-piece-of-usbr-they-take-this-what-will-they-come-for-nextbr-maybe-theyll-come-back-for-the-turtles-sylvesterbr-would-you-like-them-to-take-the-turtles-back-p-div-div-idu-466-stylecolor665731-background-c8e293padding-15px-div-styletext-align-right-pstrongsent-by-bandit-quotbbquot-baptisebr-recipients-all-wws-employeesbr-date-04-05-2019">Addendum 3577-A: To date, all instances of SCP-3577 have been discovered within the general area of Oregon, USA. Initial reports of unusual coyote populations were noted to have originated from within numerous Indian reservations located within Oregon, with the majority of accounts gathered from the Warm Springs Indian reservation throughout 2019.
Investigation into previous Foundation activities within the Oregon area indicate that SCP-3577 does not appear to correlate with current or previous known anomalous activity related to Native American tribes located in Oregon or the greater United States.
While the Foundation was not aware of the existence of SCP-3577 for an unknown number of years, numerous accounts had been made throughout Oregon from 1998 to 2016 involving civilians and the apparent collective loss of memories involving coyote-inflicted injuries and attacks despite the presence of previous documentation of said incidents. While previously designated as ongoing Extranormal Event-76f67, all information has since been confirmed as the result of previous SCP-3577 generation events.
Prior to a request for Foundation intervention on 04/05/2019, GoI-466 ("Wilson's Wildlife Solutions") was reportedly relocating and rehabilitating instances of SCP-3577 within Warm Springs Indian reservation following the emergence of an explosive coyote population located on reservation land. GoI-466 was initially not aware of SCP-3577's properties and struggled to contain the anomaly for a period of time preluding the request for Foundation aid from GoI-466 individual Dr. Sylvester Baptise, one of the personnel responsible for GoI-466's containment of SCP-3577.
As part of the Boring Agreement, GoI-466 agreed to offer the Foundation access to all documentation and correspondence involving their containment of SCP-3577 prior to the Foundation's awareness of the anomaly and installment of current containment procedures.
Known internally as 'Project Acme', containment of SCP-3577 was headed by both Dr. Sylvester Baptise and his wife, Marie-Sophie Baptise. Marie-Sophie was present onsite at Warm Springs Indian reservation with the assistance of her son, Bandit "B.B." Baptise and a small group of volunteer workers throughout the course of Project Acme. Mr. Baptise remained at GoI-466 HQ in Boring, Oregon during this period of time.
Sent by: Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Recipient(s): Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Date: 03/20/2019
You should be receiving this once you're at Warm Springs. I don't think you're that familiar with the Tribal Council, so let your mother do the talking for the most part. I don't have to tell you to set up shop once you've arrived, so I'm going to assume that from here on out.
Most of the documentation the council put together should be in the car, but I'll throw in some extra advice:
- As far as our priorities currently are, Project Acme is pretty low on Wilson's list. It's not that he doesn't care, it's just that he trusts us enough to get this done without needing his involvement.
- We still don't have any official numbers on the current coyote population. I've gotten everything from 30 to 100 but the important part is, there's more than there should be.
- I've only thought about this today, but a lot of these coyotes reported in the accounts don't seem to be pups. Not newborns, anyway. Maybe they're being pushed into a different territory. Doesn't explain why we've only just been hearing about them now. They can't be that sneaky.
Wilson sends his regards, by the way. Tell your mother that aswell, I'm sure she'd appreciate it.
Good luck!
Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Wilson's Wildlife Solutions
Sent by: Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/23/2019
Hey dad! Just wanted to let you know that we've finished setting up the pens. Just in time, we got lucky early on about last Thursday. A farmer phoned mom in the middle of the night, huge panic, told her he was looking at a pack of over 20 running and yammering around his yard like they owned the place. Killed his dogs, too. About seven of them gave us the slip but we managed to get the others, 22 in total.
Mom's giving them all the standard checkups with the help from Amanda and Zeke. Great people, by the way. I'm so glad we're able to help them out. Volunteers are doing good too! There's these two girls who keep getting distracted, though. Keep wandering off like they're on spring break or something!!!
Besides that, we're gonna try and reconnoiter some reconnaissance and see what the nitty-gritty is on the bigger packs. Gonna have to go mountain-man for a day or two, real off the grid shit; cars give the coyotes way too big a head start.
Mom'll send you the records we made on the first 22 once we're done feeding them. Nothing's seeming out of the ordinary so far; they're healthy, they're not doing anything strange. Not even coywolves we're dealing with here. You're right though, way too many. When we got to the farmhouse the other night they were already at each other's throats over chicken bones and feathers. Not gonna be good living for them at that rate.
Will keep you up to speed! Mom says hi to Wilson, btw.
Sent by: Marie-Sophie Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/24/2019
heres the records
bandit is going to take a photo of every coyote he can find and hes going to mark the locations of each major pack on a map and hes going to send it all to you and i hope thats good for you
why did you make him pack the aye aye shirt
Sent by: Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Recipient(s): Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Date: 03/24/2019
Thank your mother for the files. Also, thank you for informing her about the dropbox. I figured it would make the process of information gathering much less stressful for her. I doubt she'll be using it, but I've put aside her records in a separate folder for her to add to or modify. Please let her know.
Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Wilson's Wildlife Solutions
Sent by: Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/26/2019
Hey so mom had to kick off one of the volunteers today, Kristen I think her name is. Caught her smoking dope in one of the storerooms with this one local fella I haven't seen much of, think he's the brother of one of the council members. He was nuts, covered in all these old scratches and marks and shit, kept yapping about how his mind can jump the gap. They had to bring a deputy in to get the guy out, wouldn't leave without a fight.
So yeah that's the bad news. Good news is Project Acme's going strong. We've got a routine and we've pinned down the routes the coyotes usually take. Mostly it's just me tracking them and waiting for a good time to call in the cavalry. Wish you were here dad, you'd love the views. We're actually nabbing more than we can hold, even with a fourth pen up. Lois and the McMillans are willing to hold on to a few at the Sanctuary, so that's a relief atleast.
Currently we're looking at over 40 so far that we've caught. I've seen more out in the wilderness but I'm struggling to keep up. Hoping we'll see their numbers thin out before mating season rolls up.
Keeping a watchful eye!
- B.B.
Sent by: Marie-Sophie Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/26/2019
now before you say anything to anyone look i know the girls only 20 years old but she was hanging out with the most disgusting beast of a fucker ive ever met i bet if he didnt have pot she wouldnt have ever given him the time of day
gotta solve these problems when they pop up
i looked a little into his background and his name is geoffry gosset
related to the paiute chief on the tribal council i think you know her well i dont
i did find out that geoffry used to be heavily involved with a bunch of paiute religious ceremonies before he got the boot for constantly showing up drunk
dunno if thats important or anything but he was squatting in warm springs up until today and every inch of him looked like it got savaged at some point
he must have ran into the coyotes at one point and survived but theyre old injuries
there were alot of injuries
Sent by: Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/31/2019
Hey! Just gonna throw a bunch more documents your way, I've been slacking with that lately. We sent 20 out of the 98 to the Sanctuary the other day. I don't know if that'll be enough to address the space concerns but hey, progress!
It's funny, there's this one little guy that keeps following me back and forth every time I pass the pen. He keeps doing this thing where he gnashes his teeth against the bars, never making a sound. It's the dorkiest little thing I've seen them do.
I hope little Wiley isn't too upset about his current accommodations, it's crowded in there! We'll get him back onto the prairie where he belongs once it's a wrap.
- B.B.
Sent by: Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/31/2019
Dad, that wasn't me. I didn't send anything today until now. I'm going to need a bit of time to figure out how I'm going explain how that wasn't me but
Ok I'm not sure but I'll try. We woke up to another commotion coming from the pens so we went and checked and we're not sure what happened. Maybe more coyotes slipped in because they got attracted by the noises, I don't know. It was like a game of canine Sardines in there, pulling them out was a nightmare. It's weird because the pens feel bigger, and they are. I checked the dimensions. They're all off.
There were a few wandering outside captivity nearby too, but they're in our database. I checked my phone and that's when I found that message. I don't even know which one is that Wiley one.
Also, I have two maps now. They're almost identical, they're covered in my handwriting and scribblings but the only difference is that one has slightly more written down. All the new additions are talking about packs and coyotes I definitely wasn't aware existed. It all sounds like I wrote it down but it's not me!!!
Mom thinks there's something going on. I'm gonna talk about it with her a little more and get back to you.
- B.B.
Sent by: Marie-Sophie Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/31/2019
amanda has a bite on her arm
it looks like something i saw on that geoffry man
bandit is getting a call from lois
it isnt sounding great
Sent by: Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 03/31/2019
Getting calls coming in from Lois and the Sanctuary, none of them good. The five we sent somehow became twenty overnight. One managed to get out of her habitat and nearly savaged Little McMillan. They haven't been breeding; all the new ones are adults from what I've been told. And the weirdest part is, they all have documentation from when they arrived. We have documentation on them too!!!
We've got documentation on every new coyote that's popped up. It's all in mom's writing (and I can tell right away when it's her writing) but she doesn't remember ever making half of them. I don't either, nobody does.
Dad, have you seen anything like this before? Anything weirder than this?
- B.B.
Sent by: Marie-Sophie Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 04/01/2019
a few years ago the tribal council of warm springs published a psa video detailing how visitors should respect the wildlife and what they can do to avoid predator attacks
i am currently looking at two different versions of the same video on the same youtube and the major difference between the two is one has a clip of amanda with a fresh coyote bite as part of a segment showing how you can treat bite wounds
she doesnt remember ever being involved in making that video either one of them
i managed to get them taken down but bandit will send you copies
Sent by: Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Recipient(s): Marie-Sophie Baptise, Bandit "B.B." Baptise, Additional Staff
Date: 04/02/2019
To all involved with Project Acme,
Following the information I have received, I will be adjusting Project Acme's current status from Slight Concern to Highly Unusual. As the information I am obtaining regarding recent occurrences in Project Acme is still developing, I hereby respectfully ask that everybody stay on-guard for the time being. Wilson and I will continue to deliberate on what step to take next.
Keep a close eye on the coyotes you've already wrangled. If there's any you don't recognize, check the files you've already assembled. I'm hopeful that you've all already separated the authentic articles from those relating to our current troubles.
I'm sure Marie-Sophie and B.B. will be able to assist with any concerns or questions you may have regarding what exactly we're dealing with.
Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Wilson's Wildlife Solutions
Sent by: Marie-Sophie Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 04/03/2019
its worse than i thought zeke was hospitalized
keyword being was
theres a horrible gash all the way down his throat and hes lost his voice the damage goes deep but he hasnt a clue what caused it
it didnt kill him its just like amandas and geoffrys its already healed
the hospital even has files on record of the night he had to go in for surgery because of a coyote bite to his neck
back in september 2017
volunteers are getting scared they think itll happen to them eventually
theyre gonna be right
i have a theory but bandit is still finding things
will be back with more
Sent by: Bandit "B.B." Baptise
Recipient(s): Dr. Sylvester Baptise
Date: 04/04/2019
Dad, here's what I've found so far:
- I've checked the new notes on the second map and followed them back to where I allegedly found more coyotes. I guess I wasn't wrong? I've seen a couple but I haven't the chance to properly settle down and check. I did notice more tracks than usual, th