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Object Class: Esoteric

Special Containment Procedures

Preserved juvenile specimens of SCP-3571 are to be kept in standard thermally-controlled storage unit at Site-66. A consistent temperature of -2° C must be maintained in order to induce hibernation without damage to the specimens.

In the event that any number of SCP-3571 specimens awaken and begin Stage 1 of infestation for any non-intentional reason, they are to be removed if possible. Termination of the escaped specimens is permitted if removal is not possible.

Any locations affected by SCP-3571 infection are to be dealt with by MTF Psi-7 ("Home Improvement"). Affected buildings are to be demolished, and SCP-3571 samples are to be recovered. Cover stories are to be issued appropriately if affected locations are within public notice/concern.

When testing instances of SCP-3571, it should be done only on abandoned or otherwise unused buildings within 50 km of Site-66. Small structures with wood or steel frames can be built for the purpose of testing SCP-3571, if needed.


SCP-3571 is a distinct species genetically identical to the common earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris), although key internal and external physical differences are observable in later stages of specimens' life cycle. SCP-3571 also exhibits behavioral differences, as well as rudimentary pheromonal communication observable in large groups. SCP-3571 goes into an inert state in temperatures of -2° C, their bodies curling into a spiral position. Tissue damage occurs at -8°C.

The infestation-cycle and anomalous properties of SCP-3571 begin when at least one young, mobile specimen enters a currently unoccupied man-made structure with a wooden or metal skeleton. The original specimen(s) of SCP-3571 will enter the wall through any openings or crevices that are present on the wall, and will burrow through until reaching the skeleton of the building. From here, the life cycle and infestation cycle of SCP-3571 begins.

Stage 1 of infestation consists of the specimen(s) of SCP-3571 consuming part of the building's frame by secreting a caustic fluid of PH █.█. SCP-3571 will grow and expand to fit the sections consumed. Eventually, a majority of the building's frame will be consumed, with SCP-3571 in the place of the consumed portions. It is unknown how the building remains stable during this process.

Stage 2 occurs when a majority of the frame has been consumed. SCP-3571 specimens will arrange themselves accordingly to imitate the original frame of the building. Subjects will secrete a fluid through their pores that hardens into a thick, dense layer of unidentified organic material resembling the building skeleton's original material in appearance and properties. SCP-3571 specimens begin to asexually reproduce at this point, releasing microscopic eggs through cracks and openings in their shells.

Stage 3 of infestation begins when laid eggs hatch. Newly born SCP-3571 instances will leave the walls of the building and occupy open rooms. From there, they will change the internal layout of the building and drastically, internal dimensions contrasting with external appearance. SCP-3571 instances will create elaborate and absurd obstacles and traps, usually in the style of elimination-challenge obstacle course games and TV-programs, albeit more unstable and hazardous to passerby. It is presumed they build these objects through their secretions, although formal observation has proven difficult due to SCP-3571 instances swarming/consuming recording devices placed in infected buildings. Decor changes are also made on occasion, some cases of infestation ending in aesthetically thematic courses. Signage is often produced near the entrance by SCP-3571 instances, with the name of the course and rules pasted before the entrance. Common names for courses have included “AMAZING ANDY'S ALLEY OF AWE!”, “CREEPY CARL'S CRAZY CRYPT OF CALAMITY!”, and “WACKY WILLY AND WILD BILL'S TRAPS OF TRULY TREACHEROUS TERROR!”

Unlike the name, the rules are mostly uniform and do not change (See addendum 1), save for small variations of the overall template. All attempts to observe SCP-3571 instances during Stage 3 of infestation, in its entirety, have failed. Entrances are sealed through an unknown procedure during Stage 3, and cameras are quickly consumed by SCP-3571 instances. Brief footage shows walls, floors, and ceilings completely coated in juvenile SCP-3571 instances, but the footage fails to capture how they alter the internal dimensions.

Stage 4 begins after the building is completely transformed. Instances of SCP-3571 that exist outside of the frame vacate and migrate to another susceptible building, where Stage 1 begins again. From here, exits are unsealed.

When a human subject enters a building affected by SCP-3571 infestation, all means of entry and exit are sealed through an unknown process, with the exception of a single backdoor placed on the opposite side of the transformed structure. Pasted rules encourage the subject to move quickly through the obstacles and traps to this exit, with the promise of escape and “a grand prize”. Conditions become increasingly uncomfortable and dangerous with the amount of time elapsed, including (but not limited to) high rises/drops in temperature, poor air quality, rising water, heavy fog, malodorous scents, caustic substances leaking from unseen punctures in the ceiling, and swarms of earthworms. Subjects often take notice of these changes, and, in most cases, hasten. Subjects acting against the standard “rules” of the course will encounter more severe hazards, often rapid accumulation of the course's gradually building hazard. These hazards often mount at too rapid of a rate for most participants to respond to.

Means of long-distance communication do not function in affected buildings. If multiple human subjects attempt entry at the same time, the entry point quickly closes and seals.

The majority of subjects are killed on the course by the laid obstacles. Subjects that reach the end are able to leave through the back door. The “grand prize”, usually a briefcase or large sack of the subject's native currency, can be located in close proximity outdoors. Analysis shows that the currency is counterfeit, made of SCP-3571 secretions.

Addendum 3571-7:

Addendum 3571-19: Thorough investigation on the origins of SCP-3571 has begun conduction after a second spike of incidents in ███████, TX, where the first incidents were reported. █ houses adjacent to one-another had all been affected by SCP-3571 infection. The investigation was headed by Dr. H█████ C██████, Dr. G█████ ███ N██████, and Dr. K███ F██████. Several undercover field agents were selected to examine local records and interview affected civilians, as well as demolish the buildings and issue false-memories and stories of a fire ravaging the █ affected houses. The investigation carried on for █ weeks before field agents discovered evidence pointing to a local private organization that was deemed likely to possess SCP-3571 instances. The aforementioned organization held public displays of classified information pertaining to SCP-3571, which had sparked public controversy in the local community. These claims were quickly rebuked and discredited by the organizers of the investigation, under the story of the information being an elaborate hoax by the organization done for financial gain. The involved field agents frisked the organization's headquarters and discovered SCP-3571 instances, as well as classified information on SCP-███, SCP-████, and SCP-████. Several members of the organization were detained and interrogated.

The interrogated operatives claimed to not possess any knowledge on the origins of SCP-3571. One had informed the Foundation that a large population existed in a cavern near the neighboring town of ███████. The same operative had admitted that the private organization had made repeated attempts to investigate unusual phenomena in several locations across the USA, and that they had wished to share the findings to expose what they had suspected was a "larger conspiracy". The involved operatives were issued Class-A amnesics while a separate investigation was launched to uncover more about the organization. The heads of the investigation on SCP-3571 had proceeded to launch an investigation of the cavern mentioned by the operative. For details on the exploration of the cavern, see Addendum 3571-22.

Addendum 3571-22: