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Buuny Butler

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3569 is to be kept in a standard safe-class storage locker on Site 19 when not being used for testing. Testing must be overseen by one Lvl-3 researcher. Research is to take place in an empty testing room and all handling of SCP-3569 requires the use of the standard issue gloves, apron, and eyewear. Items spawned can be discarded or given to the child if appropriate. After the events of Experiment 3569-6, all spawned objects are to be kept for further research into the origin of the item.


SCP-3569 is a .8 meter tall wooden rabbit statue with a tray attached. It appears to be hand painted and has the words "Buuny Butler"(sic) written in pencil across the baseboard. No electronic or mechanical devices have been found within the statue or tray, and all samples taken consist entirely of Cedar Wood, PVA Glue, and Acrylic Paint. It has no anomalous effects until two circumstances are met.

  1. There is only one child under the age of 10 who can talk and comprehend human speech within the same room as the statue. Any number of subjects above this age may be present.
  2. Said child is holding an inorganic object 375 g-907 g in weight. This object is to be classified as SCP-3569-1 while the events of SCP-3569 are transpiring. Once the events have concluded, the classification can be removed and the object considered mundane.

Once the two conditions are met, SCP-3569-1 will disappear from the child's hand and a jingle will play, consisting of a short run up the harmonic scale played on a xylophone and originating from a point .5 meters above SCP-3569's tray. After the music has concluded, a voice (classified as SCP-3569-2) will speak from the same origin point, calling the effected child by name, and asking if they want to know about their "toy" (SCP-3569-1). Voice recognition attempts so far have been unsuccessful.

In the case of a negative response, the voice will respond with an equally negative remark, SCP-3569-1 will reappear in the child's hand, and the events will be considered complete. In the case of a positive response, SCP-3569-1 will appear on the tray, and the tray will slowly rotate. SCP-3569-2 will then begin to list attributes of SCP-3569-1, for anywhere from 3-15 minutes. It will start with the simple, plainly visible traits, and then give trivia facts about the object. During this time, the object will slowly rise off of the tray, and hover at the exact point of origin for the voice.

Once SCP-3569-2 has completed its list, it will then ask the child if they would like a better toy. If a negative answer is given, the result will be similar to if the child had responded negatively to the first question. If a positive answer is given, SCP-3569-1 will disappear, the jingle will repeat, and an object of the exact same weight will appear in its place. The object spawned will be entirely random, however it is always inorganic and manmade. Spawned objects are to be classified as SCP-3569-1-A. SCP-3569-2 will begin listing facts about the new object as it did with the previous. A list of spawned objects can be found in Article 3569-1.

This process will repeat until the child gives a negative answer, at which point the voice will give its own negative remark, and the spawned object will appear in the child's hand in a safe position. If the spawned item has a blade or another part dangerous to the touch, that area will always spawn away from the child.

SCP-3569 was found in █████, Florida, in an orphanage. The statue came to the attention of The Foundation when the local news reported on a fight that broke out in said orphanage, and one child wounded another with a WWI era military shovel. The boy had claimed to get the shovel by trading his blanket with "the bunny". The Foundation confiscated SCP-3569 and administered Class-C Amnestics to the children and caretakers involved.