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The Storyteller of Isfahan

The only known picture of the interior of SCP-3501 prior to its containment, taken by Dr. James Scott in June 1913. SCP-3501-1 can be seen on the left; several SCP-3501-2 instances can be seen on the right.

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3501 has been removed from its original location in Isfahan, Iran, and taken to a Secure Holding Facility in Site 90, the headquarters of the Unreality Division.

Testing on and entry into SCP-3501 is currently suspended. Experiment 3501-101 was given special sanction by the O5 Council.


SCP-3501 is a small coffeehouse originally located in the city of Isfahan, Iran. Externally, SCP-3501 appears as a small cubical structure, approximately 9m3 in size (the equivalent to 3 Iranian pank'a), with a cobalt-coloured dome protruding from the roof. It has been dated to the 17th century.

The interior of SCP-3501 consists of a single large room. With each visit into SCP-3501, the room is decorated in a different style. Each style originates from a different Iranian period and city. Several containers of coffee, hookah pipes, and other beverages can be found within SCP-3501, alongside bowls of dates and pistachio nuts. A number of books of poetry and a set of backgammon are also visible, sometimes being utilised by the SCP-3501-2 instances. A fireplace can be seen at one end; this is only lit between the Autumn and Spring equinoxes.

SCP-3501 is inhabited by SCP-3501-1 and a number of SCP-3501-2 instances. SCP-3501-1 is a humanoid with a variable appearance, taking on a different age and gender for each visitor. SCP-3501-1 appears to take the role of a storyteller. The SCP-3501-2 instances are a series of 5-10 humanoids who reside within SCP-3501. The SCP-3501-2 instances present change with each visit. SCP-3501-2 instances can ordinarily be found talking amongst themselves, reading poetry or playing backgammon; they will not acknowledge any outside visitor unless said visitor attempts to disturb them, at which point the SCP-3501-2 instances will insult or push away the visitor.

Only one individual can enter SCP-3501 at any one time. Should any individual enter SCP-3501, SCP-3501-1 will urge the visitor to sit down on a chair and take some form of refreshment. The invariable response of all visitors is to silently follow the instructions of SCP-3501-1, leading researchers to believe that they are affected by some form of cognitohazard.

Once they are seated, SCP-3501-1 begins to tell the visitor a story. This story appears to be derived from events in the life of the visitor, although the setting and context are often altered or left vague. Once the SCP-3501-1 instance has finished telling the story, any camera feeds and sensory equipment sent into SCP-3501 with the visitor will immediately be cut off. Approximately 30 minutes after this occurs, visitors can once again enter SCP-3501. It is unknown what happens to the visitor, but no sign of previous visitors have been noticed on subsequent visits.

Following a visit, the story told by SCP-3501-1 will abruptly become part of the oral tradition of the surrounding region. Those who recite it will insist that they were taught it by their parents of other forebears in a tradition stretching back centuries. Local historians will sometimes present a history of the story's development, despite a lack of evidence for such a story existing before SCP-3501-1's recitation.

SCP-3501 was first discovered in June 1913, when Foundation researcher and prominent Orientalist Dr. James Scott went missing on a research trip in Iran. Foundation investigations managed to recover his camera- which had apparently been thrown out onto the street- and eventually discover SCP-3501. A legend referring to the "Frankish creator of perfect images" was later discovered to be a fixture of local Isfahani lore, with local historians claiming that it has been circulated since the 16th century.

The logs of Experiments 3501-29, 3501-56 and 3501-77 have been included below, as examples of SCP-3501's effects.

Addendum 3501-2: On 21/01/16, Senior Researcher Montague proposed sending an artificial intelligence into SCP-3501, as this would not result in any loss of life. Testing was briefly re-opened to allow this test to take place.