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Omega Messier

A non-anomalous specimen of Homarus gammarus.

Special Containment Procedures

Foundation agents within aerospace organizations are to monitor for discovery of SCP-3485. Class-A amnestics are to be administered to personnel with memories of SCP-3485. In the event that the discovery of SCP-3485 is published, false information is to be disseminated flagging it as a hoax.


SCP-3485 is an extranormally large specimen of Homarus gammarus, or common lobster, located seventeen light-years away from Earth. SCP-3485 measures approximately 1.57 x 106 kilometers from head to tail. For comparison, the Sun is 1.39 x 106 kilometers in diameter.

Multiple major differences have been noted between SCP-3485 and non-anomalous lobsters, aside from its massive difference in size. Firstly, the carapace of SCP-3485 is abnormally resistant to damage. In multiple instances, collisions with exo-planets have left no signs of damage. In addition, SCP-3485 shows no signs of burns or radiation damage from its regular, extended contact with small stars.

Secondly, SCP-3485 has a complex digestive system adapted to its esoteric diet. The primary food source of SCP-3485 is residue created by stars during fission reactions, such as leftover hydrogen and helium. SCP-3485 has also been observed to feed on star material by itself; feeding is accomplished using heat-resistant tendons located in its mouth.

To digest this material, SCP-3485 has an extremely efficient digestive system that uses a poorly understood nuclear reaction to process material. This digestive system is capable of complete mass-energy conversion and produces no waste products.

Thirdly, SCP-3485 has an efficient transportation system that negates the need for nutrients and oxygen. The bloodstream of SCP-3485 does not use blood, but rather a highly conductive gaseous solution to transport electrical energy. In addition to this, multiple high-efficiency recycling systems replace regular respiratory procedures responsible for life. This fluid also heats up during energy transportation, generating enough heat to keep SCP-3485 alive, essentially negating the Square Cube Law.

Finally, SCP-3485 is capable of instantaneously teleporting itself to other stars to use them as a fuel source. It is unknown how SCP-3485 accomplishes this.

Aside from these modifications, SCP-3485 has the same systems as a non-anomalous lobster, although scaled up by several magnitudes. SCP-3485 is normally very sluggish, due to its large size and the time required for nervous signals to travel across its body. However, it is unknown how SCP-3485 does not collapse according to the rules of gravity, or how it is biologically immortal.

Discovery: SCP-3485 was discovered by amateur astronomer Ronald ███████ in 1998. He attempted to publish his findings in a scientific journal, and was met with mass ridicule. The Foundation discovered SCP-3485 after investigating ███████'s findings in 2001.