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Reality Missile

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3452 is to be contained in a white room with lights reflecting upon its body. 3452's enclosure is kept lock under all circumstances including testing. D-class personal are permitted to enter it's chamber on request, though the D-class personal is not allowed to stay inside for longer than 3 minutes, reason being described in the description.


SCP-3452 has the looks like a lost 9 year old child, measuring to 52.5" (133.3 cm) with ripped clothing and a black, long neck that is kept in a socket which normal humans don't have. It also can stretch out on command as a warning. It tends to make a spiral first when after, it sinks back in in a straight manner, as our scans from afar could tell, not many bones are in the extension. As hinted back in the Special Containment Procedures , if a D-class personal had been there for more then 3 minutes, it seems to use its warning system, and after 1 minute of its neck moving around, after sinking back down to its body, it swiftly turns around and jumps on the D-class personal. After a calculated time of around 1-5 hours, SCP-3452 stops abruptly and sits down looking at the now battle scared D-class. Nothing else has been reported about this action.

Every day on a 12 hour period, it wants a new item. If not given in 12 hours or more, it will have a "tantrum" and scratch the walls while screeching. This seems to end in the next 12 hours. Personal have reported experiencing this first hand, saying how the scratching leaves marks on the walls, but after SCP-3452 stops, the marks are gone.

The only method to figure out the item it wants is brain scans. An example is if the cerebrum is acting up, it wants a bandage. The items are every day things, but it tends to ask for a rose more often. When this happens, it starts speaking in gibberish.

This is an interview with the founder of SCP-3452.

Foreword: Mr. Anders and Dr. █████ were in a dark room with one light and 2 small couches. Dr. █████ as holding a clipboard with multiple questions that Mr. Anders answered.

Interviewed: Steve Anders
Interviewer: Dr. █████
<Begin Log,

Interviewer: So, we were told you found SCP-3452 walking like a lost child, is this true?
Steve: Yes. When I found them, it seemed harmless enough. It kept following me, so when I headed home I closed the door and slept. The next day, everything in my house was destroyed and wreaked in some way. I quickly swatted the child out, but no response. As it turned to 12:00, everything seemed back to normal and looking around, the child was no where to be found. I luckily found it them again while closing my window. It was sitting there, and the moment it was 12:00, its neck started stretching out. I quickly ran at the back of my house and waited for the next day. A little while later, I was able to catch it in a net i use for fishing. Then, the rest is history.
Interviewer: Have you gotten any closer to what does it say?
Steve: We haven't gotten even close, due to the fact science tests have stopped researching because of lost of interest.
Interviewer: Mr. Anders, your interview is over. You may leave now.

< End Log,