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A still of SCP-3436, pre-enclosure, taken from video feed during initial reconnaissance. An abrupt, barb-like projection can be seen at the apex.

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3436 is contained within a 70 m × 85 m, 172 m tall concrete building, which acts as a provisional site (Provisional Site 3436). The building is designed to blend conspicuously with the surrounding metropolis.

Access into the building is exclusive to the Site Director and accompanying Engineering and Technical Service Department Class C/D personnel who have been consented (Form 3436-A) and briefed to Level 2 security clearance.

There is no known safe method by which to rescue those who physically encounter SCP-3436. No aspect of SCP-3436 is to be touched, neither by direct nor indirect means. The Site Director has been authorized by the Ethics Committee to utilize euthanasia procedures as deemed appropriate for those who have come into contact with SCP-3436 and who have yet to experience atmospheric buoyant events.


SCP-3436 is a 166 m tall free-standing structure in Lower Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA. It is dark grey in color, has vermiform massing, features an apical barb-like projection, and is made of an undetermined material that visually resembles steel. Evidence suggests SCP-3436 was constructed by the avant-garde art collective Are We Cool Yet? (AWCY?) in 1994. The identities of the author(s) and any involved patrons are not known.

Individuals who make direct or indirect physical contact with SCP-3436 and then cease said contact will begin to accelerate upwards at rate of approximately 3.14 m/s2 until the height of SCP-3436 is reached. After this point, the object is accelerated dramatically, and is beyond the scope of the unaided eye within seconds. Events of this nature are referred to as atmospheric buoyant events, or ABEs, and the boundary demarcated by the height of SCP-3436 is referred to as the event threshold.

Selected Supporting Documents: