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A Culpritless Crime

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3422 is to be preserved in cold storage at Site-10 and kept under guard by two security personnel at all times. Under no circumstances are personnel to attempt learning more regarding the circumstances behind the murder of SCP-3422. All personnel working with SCP-3422 are to be periodically administered with Class-B amnestics in order to prevent activation of its anomalous effects.

All information regarding the murder of SCP-3422 is to be removed from public record, and a cover story involving its death in a car crash is to be disseminated. SCP-3422's close family and friends with knowledge of its murder are to be dosed with Class-C amnestics in order to correct their memory to suit this cover story.


SCP-3422 is the corpse of thirty-five year old Paul Henderson, who was shot and killed in his home by an anonymous assailant on 01/09/2011. SCP-3422's anomalous effects activate shortly after any individual (hereafter referred to as the victim) attempts to learn more about its murder in a manner that could lead them to the culprit. This can consist of attempts to gather evidence, locate potential witnesses or even simply idle thought regarding the murder.

Upon activation of its anomalous properties, SCP-3422 will disappear from its original location and manifest as several, animate clones of SCP-3422 within the vicinity of the victim. These clones will hereafter be referred to as instances of SCP-3422-1. There does not appear to be a maximum range to SCP-3422's anomalous properties.

Instances of SCP-3422-1 will pursue the victim indefinitely, attempting to make physical contact. Despite their anomalous manifestation, these instances show similar durability to the original SCP-3422 and can thus be destroyed with relative ease. Instances of SCP-3422-1 will continue to appear at an exponential rate, however, invariably causing the victim to eventually succumb. During manifestation, SCP-3422-1 instances have been observed to repeatedly vocalize a number of phrases, most commonly "it's fine", "leave him be" and "it's done now".

Upon physical contact with an instance of SCP-3422-1, the victim will fall unconscious, losing all memories regarding the murder and existence of SCP-3422 upon waking. Following the victim falling unconscious, all SCP-3422-1 instances will vanish and SCP-3422 will reappear at its location prior to activation.