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Anyone Fancy A Cup Of Jade? Or maybe some Earl, or Jasmine?


Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3401 is contained in a standard anomalous item locker.


SCP-3401 is a brown clay teapot, measuring 11cm in height and 17cm in length. The bottom of SCP-3401 bears the inscription 'A lasting memento for any tea lover'.

SCP-3401's anomalous effects manifest when a small portion of human ash, approximately a single teaspoon, is placed into SCP-3401 and then filled with boiled water. Ashes placed inside SCP-3401 will then begin to infuse with the boiled water in a manner consistent to fermented tea leaves. The water will initially experience a change in color and gain a particular scent depending on the ashes.

After 2-3 minutes, the water inside SCP-3401 will take a quasi-liquid form, coated in a thin clear membrane consistent with vegetable oil. In this state, the resulting ‘brew’ will resemble a miniaturized limp human body, resembling the individual whose ashes were used (SCP-3401-1). SCP-3401-1 instances are intricately detailed, portraying minor features of the individual, such as finger/toenails, hair and wrinkles. SCP-3401-1 will behave partly as a single liquid mass, separating only when manipulated feasibly by exterior sources. Closer examination of SCP-3401-1 instances reveals a faint sound emanating from them, similar to a heartbeat.

SCP-3401-1 may be drunk and is often described as having a consistency similar to hot tea and watery jelly. SCP-3401-1 each have their own distinguishing taste depending on the ashes used and are usually a complex mixture of flavours; including ones not limited to average tea. In all cases, SCP-3401-1 instances have been reported as also having a flavor bearing similarities to the respective person's cause of death1 (a list of reported flavors can be found below).

A mixture of ashes to brew SCP-3401-1 is possible; however, the produced instance will appear as a physically deformed fusion of the respected bodies and is described as tasting of blood and various other bodily fluids.

Partial Testing Log 3401