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A French Tank

Drone footage of SCP-3390 within freight elevator 28th March 19██

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3390 is temporarily contained on basement floor 19 of Site-21. Until SCP-3390 can be removed from floor B-19 and secured within a more permanent containment unit the following procedures have been enacted for the safety and security of personnel either visiting or working at Site-21.
Floor B-19 is to remain within lock-down and off-limits to all personnel with any and all blast doors connecting floor B-19 with the rest of the facility to remain closed and the systems controlling them isolated.
Any persons attempting to enter floor B-19 are to be detained and questioned.

Under no circumstances is power to be returned to the freight elevator which connects floor B-19 with the rest of the facility.
No personnel with Germanic heritage, within two generations, are to enter floor B-18 nor are any personnel to make disparaging remarks about the performance of the French Army.

If future containment of SCP-3390 is deemed impossible, all entrances to floor B-19 are to be demolished and sealed behind re-enforced concrete.

In the event that the service elevator on floor B-19 becomes active, Site-21 is to be evacuated in it's entirety.
The three members of foundation personnel assigned to the monitoring of SCP-3390 are to remain behind until the containment status of SCP-3390 can be confirmed.
In the event that SCP-3390 breaches the ground floor and attempts to leave Site-21 procedure 121-Navis Terra is to be enacted immediately.


Due to the nature in which it is contained SCP-3390 has been able to evade all attempts at a full examination. As a result all information pertaining to the description of SCP-3390, both physically and in reference to it's anomalous effects, are entirely through physical observation via eyewitness reports and security camera footage.

SCP-3390 is a large mechanical construct that is superficially identical to a Char2C Armoured Fighting vehicle, or tank, manufactured 1919 and developed by the French Army during the First World War.

SCP-3390 is approximately 4 meters high, 10 meters in length , 3 meters in width, and is expected to be at least 70 tonnes in weight. It is painted in a dark green colour typical of French Army forest camouflage schemes of the period and is showing signs of wear and tear that can be assumed to be from age and lack of maintenance.

Prior to Incident 3390-2 the anomalous effects of SCP-3390 were unrecorded. It remained in an inactive state and was contained within a standard vehicle containment garage at the Site-21 underground motor-pool pending classification.
Following incident 3390-2 SCP-3390 was observed via close circuit security cameras until power to floor B-19 was lost.

SCP Foundation Site-21
Incident Number: 3390-2
Date: 18th September 19██

Summary of Incident: Events leading to SCP-3390's current containment conditions.

Timeline of events
Security Camera footage observing SCP-3390 at Section D of the underground containment motor-pool at Site-21 notes two members of security personnel, identified as ████ ████████ and ██████ ██████, patrolling the area stopping to observe SCP-3390. Remote mic picks up the two discussing Second World War history.

Guards return to their patrol route continuing to discuss history. One of the guards identified as ████ ████████ utters the words "Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys" (a common insult directed at the performance of the French forces during World War Two) at which point SCP-3390 is seen becoming active and accelerates towards the two guards.
Cause of Death to both guards was though severe crushing injury.

SCP-3390 continues moving on an eastern projectory. It penetrates the outer wall of the facility and enters corridor 44/B partially destroying Site-21's D-Lab block resulting in the deaths of ██ Personnel and injuring ██ others.

SCP-3390 has accelerated to a speed of 31kph and continues to move through the facility with complete disregard for any objects or persons in its way. SCP-3390 Demonstrates the capability to drive through solid objects beyond the expected capability for a machine of it's design and period including concrete barricades, thick metal walls, and solid steel doors.

Containment Alarm is sounded, Site-21 begins evacuation protocol.

SCP-3390 penetrates D-Lab blast door, now entering Section F staff cafeteria.
Security Personnel are witnessed opening fire using standard weaponry, SCP-3390 appears undamaged and returns fire.
Resulting blast weakens structure around staff cafeteria causing part of section F to collapse. SCP-3390 is witnessed falling with the collapse.
SCP-3390 continues downwards through the facility, coming to a rest at Floor 19
Current containment protocols were initiated

Observation Notes