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Proletariart, by San Francisco Jones

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3360 is contained within the center of a Standard Humanoid Containment Cell. The floor of the cell should be 6 meters by 6 meters, and SCP-3360 is to be placed in the exact center. Tests conducted upon SCP-3360 and requests to construct new instances of SCP-3360 should be approved by the Level 3 Researcher assigned to it.

The Foundation webcrawler program ANTISTALLMAN has been programmed to continually scour the web and remove SCP-3360's source code and assembly instructions wherever found. Mobile Task Force Pi-1 ("City Slickers") is to be deployed to locations where anomalous artwork is reported to appear overnight.

Copies of SCP-3360's source code, parts list, and assembly instructions are available from the Site-42 Robotics department upon request.


SCP-3360 is a humanoid automaton designed by San Francisco Jones, a noted hacktivist and anarchist member of the anartist collective Are We Cool Yet?. Although the specific details of SCP-3360's appearance vary depending on its construction, it is 1.7 meters tall and built in a human body plan. It features a pair of cameras and an electroencephalogram in its head, several microcontrollers distributed throughout the body, and capacitance-based proximity sensors in the extremities. SCP-3360 also has fully articulated joints, degrees of freedom of movement, and mobility equivalent to a normal human.

SCP-3360's primary anomaly is its ability to seemingly extract the memories of individuals who pass by it and then create anart based on art that has been conceptualized by said individuals. During daylight hours SCP-3360 will remain inert. At night, it will activate and seek out tools and materials, which it will then use to construct anart of varying size and complexity in public locations. Said works of anart invariably feature the name of an individual somewhere on the work, who in turn passed by SCP-3360 at some point in the day and has conceived of or attempted to build a work in the past similar to the one constructed by SCP-3360. SCP-3360 possesses extreme artistic skill; it has created artwork in numerous forms ranging from Roman-style sculptures to pop art oil paintings and ceramics. However, SCP-3360 does not appear to have a distinct style. SCP-3360 will remain inert at night if no sapient entities pass within its two-meter range during the day.

SCP-3360's source code and building instructions have been published to various online repositories under the GNU General Public License 3. While the instance of SCP-3360 in custody is made of 3D-printed polyethylene, it can be constructed almost entirely from off-the-shelf materials such as PVC and shower curtain rods1. SCP-3360's source code is written in C and C++ and is not anomalous by itself, though several of its optimization techniques and machine learning algorithms have been adopted by the Foundation's computer science research departments.

Discovery Log:

SCP-3360 was discovered in Boston, Massachusetts, by Mobile Task Force Pi-1 ("City Slickers") while investigating a series of anomalous art pieces that had abruptly begun appearing seemingly overnight in the weeks leading up to its capture. The anomaly was first discovered raiding an art store near Northeastern University for acrylic paint; it was then tracked to and captured2 at a construction site while collecting brick and mortar from the site. Pi-1 was able to locate and destroy the work being constructed: a brick wall painted with an unfinished mural of a stylized, cartoon-like road tunnel. Several partial glyphs corresponding to intangibility runes were also painted on the mural.


Proletariart - open source robot to automate production of art
Copyright (C) 2017 San Francisco Jones

Proletariart is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.

Proletariart - Prole, as I like to call it - is a robot built to to democratize the process of creating art. All you need to do is stand next to it, think about what you want to create, and let Prole do the rest. Prole handles the design, materials, build site, and construction. It also only works at night, to avoid disturbing people during the day, but you can change that if you want. Heck, you can change whatever you want! Prole is easy to build and customize; everything is modular, it can be built with off-the-shelf parts, and the software is yours to modify.

Stephen Jay Gould once said, "I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops." Likewise, I wonder how many people with Picasso's talent or vision have wasted away in front of a cash register or backhoe. Prole is meant to give those people - to give you - the chance to share their vision with the world. To make it a better place.

Art is cool. Prole is cool. You want to be cool too, right?
Guess what?

You already are.

Stay cool,
San Francisco Jones

Addendum: SCP-3360 Testing Log

Following SCP-3360's capture and analysis, a second instance was constructed using off-the-shelf parts. All tests were conducted on both instances with no difference in results. Selected test logs are available below.

Test Procedure: Inactive instances of SCP-3360 were placed across from each other. One test subject walked in range between them. At night, both instances were given access to a vetted materials lab and workshop with tools for rapid concept prototyping (thus lacking any anomalous or explosive materials).