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The Blackfoot Potato Transplants

Object Class: Esoteric

SCP-3342, after baking.

Special Containment Procedures

All instances of SCP-3342 are to be contained at Site-103 in a greenhouse for cultivation and study. The greenhouse measures 10 m x 25 m x 3 m and is reserved for the cultivation and study of SCP-3342 only. Potato crops from Blackfoot, Idaho are to undergo monthly assessment by Foundation personnel, under the assumed identity of state agents (i.e. FDA) or university researchers. Any potato crops showing signs of black flowers shall be seized and contained by MTF Theta-4 ("Gardeners"). All instances of SCP-3342 are to be relocated to Site-103 for containment. In the event of a containment breach, Class B Amnestics will be administered to all witnesses, and all samples of SCP-3342 should be collected by MTF Theta-4 for transport to Site-103.


SCP-3342 is a potato plant grown from the perennial nightshade Solanum tuberosum, which only manifests in the vicinity of Blackfoot, Idaho1. Preparing2 the potatoes for consumption is when the anomalous properties of SCP-3342 become apparent. All prepared instances of SCP-3342, regardless of the method of preparation, alter their physical appearance, function and composition into that of human organs.

SCP-3342 grows approximately 60 cm high, with the leaves dying back after flowering, fruiting and tuber formation. Unlike other varieties of Solanum tuberosum, which bear flowers of multiple colors, SCP-3342 exclusively bears black flowers with red stamen.

All known instances of SCP-3342 have manifested after being grown from seed potatoes of other cultivars. No known "original" seed potato or cultivar of SCP-3342 has been discovered as of yet; it seemingly manifests at random. SCP-3342 may be, however, propagated by vegetative cuttings (cloning) of itself.

The first known instance of SCP-3342 was referred to the Foundation by Professor ███████ of the University of Idaho College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.

System date: 02/22/2024 01:46 AM
loading 3342.SCP. @ dir/arc/events/operations/testlog.rtf …

Experiment 3342-1
Date: 05/25/18
Subject: One large SCP-3342 tuber

Method of Preparation: Baked

Results: A human skull and lower jawbone. Researcher's note: Even though the potato was smaller than a human skull, it was the size of a normal adult human skull upon it's finishing.

Experiment 3342-2
Date: 05/27/18
Subject: 10 large SCP-3342 tubers

Method of Preparation: French Fried

Results: Human finger bones, including the metacarpal, proximal phalanges, intermediate phalanges, and distal phalanges.

Experiment 3342-3
Date: 05/29/18
Subject: 5 medium SCP-3342 tubers

Method of Preparation: Mashed

Results: While still in the pot, the potatoes appeared as a mass of tangled entrails. The resultant mashed potatoes took on the appearance of a human liver upon plating. Dissection of the liver showed it to be a normal and healthy liver, free of defect.

Experiment 3342-4
Date: 06/01/18
Subject: 10 medium "new" SCP-3342 tubers

Method of Preparation: Boiled

Results: Kidneys. Dissection of these kidneys showed them to be normal and healthy. Researcher's note: Two things- can we choose which organ we want to produce, and would these organs be viable to transplant into human subjects? Imagine the possibilities of a world wherein no donor list was needed.

Experiment 3342-5
Date: 06/04/18
Subject: 1 large SCP-3342 tuber, carved into the shape of a human heart.

Method of Preparation: Baked

Results: One human heart. Dissection reveals it is healthy and in the opinion of Dr. McClendon, appears to be freshly removed from a person in perfect health.

Experiment 3342-6
Date: 06/06/18
Subject: 5 large SCP-3342 tubers, each carved into the shape of a different organ- one heart, one left lung, one pancreas, one eyeball, one section of small intestine.

Method of Preparation: Baked

Results: Each potato became the organ it was carved into the shape of. Dr. Connors, Dr. McClendon, Dr. Hardin, and Dr. Prime oversaw and assisted the dissection of each organ. All were observed to be an excellent specimen of each respective organ. Furthermore, it is the opinion of medical staff that, if handled properly, each organ appeared to be suitably viable for transplant.