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Soviet Bunker(s)

Special Containment Procedures

The entrance to SCP-3327, along with approximately 1km2 of surrounding land, has been placed into Foundation custody by the Russian government. The area has been designated an official military site and is guarded appropriately. Any unauthorized personnel who enter SCP-3327 are to be amnesticized and removed from the site, following standard secrecy protocol.

A safe zone spanning three rooms in each direction has been established around the origin room, and the border of the safe zone is marked in red paint. Though no hostile entities have been found within SCP-3327, its anomalous layout makes it difficult to navigate, so personnel are to stay inside the safe zone to avoid becoming lost. Each of the four corner rooms contains a Relative Positioning System beacon (see Addendum 1). Each beacon is to be inspected once daily, and repaired as necessary.

Any personnel who wish to exit the safe zone must follow the guidelines below, depending on how far they wish to travel from the origin room.

  • No farther than 100 rooms: Permission from a level 3 or higher researcher, a plan of exploration, a standard one-day supply package, and a Relative Positioning Device (RPD).
  • Between 101 and 10,000 rooms: Permission from a level 4 or higher researcher, a detailed plan of exploration, an appropriately sized supply package, and an RPD. Must travel in a team of four or more.
  • Between 10,001 and 100,000 rooms: Must submit an expedition proposal to the current head researcher of SCP-3327.
  • Farther than 100,001 rooms: Currently not permitted.


SCP-3327 is a Cold War-era bunker outside Syktyvkar, Russia. The above-ground portion is a small concrete building typical of bunker entrances at the time. Inside is a ladder leading downwards into the origin room.

The origin room is bare except for the entrance ladder, which is placed against a corner of the room, and a single pedestal in the center of the room. Upon the pedestal is a large mass of heavily damaged machinery of currently unknown function (designated SCP-3327-1).

At the center of each of the four walls is a single doorway, which leads into a neighbouring room. All rooms thus far explored are identical to the origin room, but without the entrance ladder or the device in the center of the room. There is no observable limit to the number of rooms. Four autonomous drones have been deployed from the origin room to explore the rooms, each in a different direction. At the time of writing, the drones have traveled over 1,000,000 rooms from the origin without any change in surroundings.

All rooms in SCP-3327 occupy the same geographical area as the origin room according to all known global positioning systems. However, other devices such as communications systems lose function at great distances as expected. Furthermore, any communication between the outside and inside of SCP-3327 deteriorates abnormally quickly as the distance from the origin room increases, with communication between inside and outside being effectively impossible at roughly 100 rooms away from the origin.

Neither human nor drone exploration has uncovered anything of interest in any of the rooms, with the exception of a single corpse and journal (see Addendum 2). Further exploration is ongoing, with plans to extend the range of the RPS and send human teams farther from the origin room.

Addendum 1: The Relative Positioning System

With the ineffectiveness of standard global positioning systems, the Relative Positioning System was designed to prevent personnel from becoming lost while exploring SCP-3327. Four beacons have been placed in the safe zone as detailed in Containment Procedures. The RPDs carried by personnel receive signals from the four beacons, and use the difference in signal travel distances to calculate and display its position relative to the origin room. The RPDs are programmed so each room occupies a single coordinate on a Cartesian coordinate plane, and so the coordinate changes upon stepping through a doorway. The current RPS has an effective range of approximately 120,000 rooms, or 1,200 kilometers.

Addendum 2: The following journal was found in room (560, -214) near a corpse, whose nametag identifies him as Dr. Josef Abramov. The age of the corpse is uncertain but estimated at 50-60 years, and the cause of death was determined to be dehydration. No further items of interest were discovered. The text below has been translated from Russian, and the original text is available as Document 3327-1-O.

Neither the corpse of "not-Josef" nor the entrance from which his team supposedly came from have been found. Several GoIs have been questioned about both the Prism and the project mentioned, but all denied any knowledge of both. Abramov was found to be a member of GoI-████, which was dissolved in 1972. According to partial records, he was killed in action along with the rest of his team while exploring an unspecified spatial anomaly. Further efforts are being made to find complete records of this expedition.