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The Clusterfuckalypse

Object Class: Esoteric

Photograph of the sky taken from the window of the Site-59 cafeteria

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3319 is to be constantly monitored from a remote observation post in the neighboring mountains. Any changes in SCP-3319 activity are to be reported immediately to Dr. Stuyvesant.

Foundation web crawler Trinidad-1 is to expunge any images of SCP-3319 from satellite footage. While civilian access to SCP-3319 is unlikely due to the remote location, a polar bear sanctuary is to be used as a front to block access.


SCP-3319 is a white, metallic object located on ██████ Island in northern Nunavut, Canada, 10m in diameter and extending 5m above the ground in a dome-shaped protrusion. While the nature, origin, and age of this object are not entirely understood, radar analysis has shown that a buried portion of the item extends to over 15 km underneath the island. In addition, two black crescent moon symbols have been painted on the side of SCP-3319, over an inscription reading "YOU ARE WATCHED • YOU ARE PROTECTED • YOU ARE LOVED".

Analysis of SCP-3319 is limited by its anomalous effect, in that any object that approaches within 500 meters disappears.

SCP-3318 SCP-3320