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p e r s e v e r a n c e

Photograph of SCP-3315-1, recovered from exploration log SCP-3315-1-B

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3315 is to kept in a standard inanimate object locker when not used during testing. All personnel interested in research with the object must first obtain approval from project head prior to experimentation. All testing is to be recorded and observed from within Site-55's experimentation chambers, which are to be retrofitted with T-3 thermal insulation pods and inspected daily by members of research staff.


SCP-3315 is a 1m black metal ice pick with "p e r s e v e r a n c e"1 engraved onto its handle. The object is abnormally cold, registering in at about 193K (approximately -79.4 °C) and requiring use of protective equipment when handling the device. On the ring of the handle is a single written note, laminated and attached via zip tie. The note reads as follows:

O wonderer, struck forth on heaven's eye

What mysteries do yonder frozen ridges hide?

Don't seal your fate with the pick on high

When you climb to reach perseverance's side

Once a subject firmly grasps and lifts SCP-3315, they will disappear from all visual and global positioning systems, only retaining audio broadcasting for the duration of the event. The subject will then be translocated to an alternate locality defined as SCP-3315-1. If multiple subjects grasp SCP-3315 simultaneously, they will all appear within SCP-3315-1 together.

Once the subject appears within SCP-3315-1, they will be unrecoverable until they expire, whereupon they reemerge alive and unscathed within SCP-3315's original location. During the event, subjects are unable to die of hunger, thirst, or asphyxiation2, nor will they be able to intentionally lose SCP-3315. All other forms of termination seem to work without issue.

SCP-3315-1 appears to be a single mountain range of unknown size, subject to a dense fog that obscures the surrounding area. Topological expeditions of SCP-3315 have yielded inconclusive data, suggesting that SCP-3315-1 is not located on Earth and is randomly generated with each instance of its manifestation. Despite this, certain items and features have been shown to reappear in different manifestations of SCP-3315-1. Research into how SCP-3315 constructs its reality is still under analysis.

Addendum-3315-A: Discovery and Recovery Log

SCP-3315 was brought to Foundation attention on 05/11/02 after the hospitalization of trailer park supervisor Francis ████████, who had claimed to have suffered several delusional/psychotic episodes in which he had found himself with lost time and in an unknown location. ████████ states he had been cleaning out the unit of a tenant who had gone missing a week prior, whereupon he was transported to SCP-3315-1 and perished rapidly due to hypothermia. After reappearing, he had attempted to return to work several times before finally admitting himself to a nearby hospital. A Foundation agent stationed as a nurse reported the claims and an official investigation was deployed.

████████'s tenant records were seized and determined that the lot in question had belonged to a [REDACTED]- it is unknown if this is a real name or not, as no other records of such individual were registered within █████████████ County nor any of the surrounding counties. ████████ was unable to provide any further details about the individual, stating that they were invalid and had rarely interacted with the person in question.

Foundation efforts to properly identify SCP-3315 took place over the next three days, during which its anomalous properties came to light. Anomalous Items Recovery Unit 33B ("Scavengers") was assigned to the location. Records of their debriefing can be found below.

Addendum-3315-B: Exploration Logs for SCP-3315-1.