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All the Little Chairs

Connected to: SCP-184SCP-1609

SCP-3311-1 instances in their respective compartments.

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3311 is to be kept closed and locked at all times. No personnel are to enter SCP-3311 for any reason other than for testing purposes. The facility containing SCP-3311 should be monitored for any suspicious activity and patrolled by a Foundation agent posed as a security guard.


SCP-3311 refers to a storage unit located in █████████, Florida. SCP-3311 appears nondescript and identical to adjacent units which are affixed in rows, making relocation impossible.

SCP-3311 contains a spatial anomaly, extending far past its physical constraints allow and appearing without limit. At this time, exploration has reached approximately 585 km into the anomaly, during which no apparent end was observed. SCP-3311's interior turns on a slight bend, making long range viewing difficult. Visual broadcasting deteriorates rapidly within the anomaly, prompting the usage of relays to help extend the range of reception. GPS positioning fails to trace individuals who pass beyond 5 meters of the entrance, approximately halfway into the unit were it possessing correct internal dimensions. Tracking signal is not lost; it remains at the halfway point until it passes out of range of reception or is disconnected via other means.

SCP-3311 is hypothesized to have a minor cognitohazardous effect on sentient life, the full scope of which is still under analysis.

The walls of SCP-3311's interior are lined with cubic compartments of varying size1, each bearing a glass panel with a magnetic lock on the top side. All compartments contain an instance of SCP-3311-1.

SCP-3311-1 is the designation for the anomalous collection of chairs found within the unit. Each chair is seemingly unique, with none of the approximately three million chairs observed repeating. SCP-3311-1 instances have been shown to match other chairs found outside of the anomaly, suggesting that SCP-3311 may contain a copy of every chair in physical existence. SCP-3311-1 instances will always be a chair in some form, although the concept of chair within SCP-3311 is found to be slightly looser and more adaptable than other places in reality2. Some notable instances of SCP-3311-1:

  • An Egyptian throne dated at approximately ████ years old
  • A custom, monogrammed office chair matching that of Site-88 Director A. Lewis
  • A replica of SCP-16093
  • An IKEA-brand bean bag chair
  • Perfectly uprooted wooden stumps/large rocks
  • A mahogany chair made of other, smaller mahogany chairs

SCP-3311 was brought to the Foundation's attention on ██/██/████ after it was repossessed due to nonpayment. A small media coverup was deployed and the owners and employees of the facility were amnesticised before editing their records to place the unit under Foundation ownership. The previous owner was traced to a retirement home in nearby ███ ██████ before being taken in for questioning4.

Addendum 3311.1 Exploration Logs:

Addendum 3311.2 Interview Logs: