Wild Winter Wonderland
Object Class: Esoteric
The first instance of SCP-3284-1 captured in REDACTED New York 1949
Special Containment Procedures
Instances of SCP-3284-1 are to be housed at research site-45 in the B-block humanoid containment area. They are to be held in standard housing units 5 by 6 meters across furnished with a bed, desk, and bookshelf to be stocked with the literature of the instance's preference as a means of ensuring good behavior. All furnishings should be bolted to the floor of the cell and made of one solid piece of material to avoid providing instances with building materials. In the event of an attempted containment breach subjects are to be deprived of reading material until compliance can be reaffirmed. Ventilation shafts leading to the subject's quarters are to be fitted with compressed cylinders of fast acting sedative gas to be released in the event of unauthorized construction of a SCP-3284-2. Note that many instances of SCP-3284-1 are often in possession of an increased tolerance to electrical containment method and that in many cases tasers are not an appropriate method of securing an instance. As an alternative method of containment in even of a breach are portable strobe lights. While not epileptic instances of SCP-3284-1 are highly distractible. Younger instances of SCP-3284-1 are to be provided with adequate childcare and housing at Site-17 until they produce instances of SCP-3284-2 as it is often considered a sign of maturation by adult instances of SCP-3284-1.
SCP-3284-1 instances while on a whole may be marginally more durable than most humans conventional weapons are still a effective against them. However the use of non-lethal stun agents is emphasized due to their value to the Foundation. Note that time is of the essence in the event of a breach; due to their creative nature they have had no problem developing a number of anomalous and conventional weapons such as explosives, nerve toxins, memetic agents, and spatial distortion fields.
Instances of SCP-3284-1 who show a cooperative capacity can be allowed limited access to resources to develop instances of SCP-3284-2 on the condition that afterward they explain to the best of their abilities how the device/entity functions. Under no circumstances is an instance of SCP-3284-2 to be created without O4 approval-O5. As long as instances remain on site they are permitted to interact with other SCP-3284-1 entities and even assist consult with researchers with their work as long as they don't actually directly come in contact with the SCPs themselves. While some question this practice the benefits far outweigh the costs. The SCP-3284-1 entities have revolutionized our understanding of spatial and temporal SCPs.
SCP-3284-1-11 after 30 minutes of exposal to a radioactive anomaly.
SCP-3284 is a deviant genetic sequence which grants a number of anomalous properties. Genetic testing reveals that instances of SCP-3284-1 only possess an 89% genetic similarity to humans, geneticists at Site-45 have designated them as an evolutionary sub-species of humanity. When the SCP-3284 gene is found present in a subject they are to be designated as an instance of SCP-3284-1. When present the gene manifests in several distinct phenotypes however is considered recessive. It is unknown how many people carry the recessive SCP-3284 however roughly 40 instances of SCP-3284-1 have been confirmed and contained in the eastern United States.
When dominant the gene displays a number of phenotypes such as Myopia (nearsightedness) often detrimental enough to be classified as being legally blind, abnormally thick hair found on scalp (1/250mm), and unusually rapid change in melanin deposits on exposure to any radiation exceeding 10^14 hz. Said deposits not only shield from ultraviolet radiation with extraordinary efficiency but also appear to effectively block radiation up to 10^25hz. As many instances of SCP-3284-1 are of European or Japanese decent exposure to UV lamps for a period of 10 minutes has proven to be an effective manner of testing for SCP-3284-1 instances. SCP-3284-1 instances also display an increased dermal electrical resistance of 140,000 ohms.
However the majority of the anomalous properties of an SCP-3284-1 instance appear mentally. Every instance of SCP-3284-1 appears to have a genius or near genius level IQ. On average subjects tend to posses a 163 IQ. While this intelligence score is fairly high it can be misleading. While they are brilliant problem solvers they also have rather short attention spans and can be distracted easily. Also many appear to be on the autism/auberges spectrum and display certain difficulties socializing and vocalizing their ideas coherently.
Sample of SCP-3284 DNA.
Their primary anomalous property is that they appear to have innate understandings of many other anomalous objects. While none possess omniscience they can easily understand and in some cases construct complex biological, temporal, spatial, memetic, and mechanical anomalies. These objects are to be designated as SCP-3284-2 and are to be examined by a specialist in the form of anomalous properties displayed by the instance immediately contained and only examined with O4 permission. The danger that lead to their classification as Keter isn't their physical capabilities but rather what they produce. While the vast majority of SCP-3284-2 instances barely classify as Euclid on their own at least three Keter SCPs have been revealed to be instances of SCP-3284-2.
Note: While often mistaken for type blues instances of SCP-3284-1 and SCP-3284-2 display no "magical" abilities whatsoever. Their anomalous abilities aside from their resilience come entirely from understanding anomalies from a conceptual perspective.