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Mother Earth, Father Sky

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3278 is to be sealed over with a concrete dome capable of withstanding impacts of over 490,000 newtons. Access by testing divers is to be accounted for.

The water immediately surrounding SCP-3278's dome is to be heated to a temperature of approximately 70°C. This is to be accomplished with three diesel-powered water-heater furnaces installed in the sea floor.

Vessel-3278 is to be permanently anchored above SCP-3278 to house testing staff and perform general surveillance.

Naval traffic is to be diverted from a 5 kilometer radius around SCP-3278. Any reports of extraterrestrial falling objects in close proximity to SCP-3278 are to be intercepted and explained as meteor showers.


SCP-3278 is a tunnel extending exactly 402 meters into the sea floor at (9° 52' 2.8344'' N 139° 3' 11.376'' W). SCP-3278 is circular in shape, has a diameter of 20 meters, and tapers to a 2 meter aperture at the seafloor entrance. The limestone walls are polished and etched with shallow channels arranged in waved patterns. SCP-3278 possesses no known anomalies in and of itself, but is the center of other anomalous phenomena.

At the base of SCP-3278 is a large spherical chamber. In the center of this chamber is suspended a sphere of biological matter with a radius of 16.73 m. This entity, hereby referred to as SCP-3278-1, does not deviate in position, and attempts to move it by force are unsuccessful and usually result in superficial damage to its fragile exterior.

SCP-3278-1 is light orange in color, jelly-like in outer consistency, and is composed of a meter-deep translucent outer membrane surrounding a firm, fleshy core. Vein-like structures, which cover the outer shell, are filled with a pale purple liquid bearing cellular structures roughly analogous to blood cells. Genetic testing of tissue taken from the core of SCP-3278-1 reveals an approximate 60% overlap with the human genome, but the remaining 40% is completely unidentifiable.

At intervals ranging between one month and seven years between reoccurrence, extraterrestrial objects fall through the atmosphere and impact within an estimated 4 kilometer radius around SCP-3278. These entities, hereby referred to as SCP-3278-2, are previously unknown, presumably alien organisms. Anywhere from 22-295 instances of SCP-3278-2 have been recorded at a time.

SCP-3278-2 are aquatic in nature, and lack any apparent sensory organs. SCP-3278-2's biology consists entirely of a pale purple ellipsoid "head" structure conjoined with a long, muscular tail. Instances range from approximately 10-16 m in length and can weigh up to 195 kg. SCP-3278-2 is protected by a hard, mineral-like shell during flight that is shed upon contact with seawater. Genetic testing of SCP-3278-2's tissues reveal a similar 60-40% similarity with the human genome. The unidentifiable 40% largely matches SCP-3278-1, but deviates by 2%.

No instances of SCP-3278-2 have survived more than five minutes in captivity.

Upon impact, all instances of SCP-3278-2 will begin to swim vigorously using their flagellum toward SCP-3278. It has been observed that SCP-3278-2 are extremely vulnerable to both large predators such as sharks (of which there is a non-anomalously enlarged local population), and to temperature, dying in minutes when exposed to temperatures exceeding 60°C (this was initially discovered on 06/02/██, when especially warm summer currents increased the surface temperature to an inhospitable level). SCP-3278-2 also have very short lifespans, and the majority of instances die of natural causes before ever reaching SCP-3278.

SCP-3278-2 will attempt to access SCP-3278 through the aperture in the seafloor. This is accompanied with difficulty, due to the smaller size of the opening. It is hypothesized that if an instance of SCP-3278-2 ever gained entry into SCP-3278, it would be at the cost of significant damage to its head structure. In most cases, multiple instances of SCP-3278-2 survive the descent, and jostle for entry.

No entry of SCP-3278-2 into SCP-3278 has ever been recorded. It is unknown if entry attempts were successful before Foundation discovery of 3278 on 12/05/██. The results of entry are completely unknown.

Continued research into the biological properties of SCP-3278-1 and SCP-3278-2 is recommended in order to predict the possible outcome of contact.