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When Death Comes Calling


Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3239 is to be kept in a soundproofed object containment locker at Site-86 for preliminary research, not to be removed from such outside of testing. Research personnel showcasing signs of previously undiagnosed mental afflictions are to be assessed under psychiatric consultation, and be investigated for unauthorized usage of SCP-3239. Once the aforementioned preliminary research is concluded, SCP-3239 is to be moved to Site-44, allowing for usage of the on-site electromagnetic isolation field and manmade technology specialists.


SCP-3239 is a black Ericsson DBH 1001 model rotary dial telephone1. Despite appearing to be well preserved and completely functional, all attempts to use SCP-3239 to contact a normal phone have concluded with failure.

SCP-3239's anomalous properties only begin to manifest on the last Tuesday of every month, lasting from the hours of ██:██ to ██:██.2 If any individual enters within a 4.6m radius of SCP-3239 during this allotted time frame, SCP-3239 will start to ring. This ringing will occur under most circumstances, and attempts to block this call through methods including the use of a Faraday cage have proven unsuccessful. However, the placement of structural or natural obstacles between subjects and SCP-3239 has been noted to prevent this occurrence. Subjects who enter within this radius and hear the ringing do not report any urge to answer. Should a subject answer SCP-3239, however, they commonly recount a strong compulsion to remain on the call despite any previous mindset they might have possessed. This compulsion will generally go unnoticed unless efforts to end the call are enacted, and it has been noted possible to overcome in life-threatening situations or similar circumstances.

Upon answering SCP-3239, subjects are greeted by SCP-3239-1. SCP-3239-1 has been described as the voice of a middle-aged woman with a Swedish accent and notably is always fluent in the native language of the subject answering SCP-3239. Attempts to trace the call or determine SCP-3239-1's location have proven unsuccessful.3

Upon answering, SCP-3239-1 will ask for a name, SCP-3239-1 will most frequently ask for a name of an individual. If the subject states their own name, the name of a fictional character, or no name at all, SCP-3239 may immediately disconnect from the call and cannot be used again until the next allotted time frame. However, across select calls, SCP-3239-1 has been recorded becoming agitated with subjects failing to give a proper name, prolonging the connection. Upon naming an individual, SCP-3239-1 will briefly pause. During this time, lasting for a range of 15 to 27 seconds, the sound of ringing can be heard on the line.


Discovery photo of church near █████████, Sweden. See Test-3239-D for further details

After this period, the voice of the named individual can be heard, hereby designated as SCP-3239-2. SCP-3239-2 instances appear sentient, though generally display an unawareness of the subject, reacting only to occurrences in their proximity, but awareness of the subject has been recorded in select calls. An SCP-3239-2 instance will transmit both voice and environmental audio correlating to specific causes to the instance's death; examples of such include suicides and murders. Once an instance's death takes place, the call is immediately terminated. Named individuals apparently killed during an SCP-3239 call have been found alive and uninjured, reporting no recollection of the call or its events taking place. If a deceased individual is named, similar circumstances occur, with SCP-3239-2 instances mimicking the individual. However, these instances are recorded dying in situations similar to the named individual's death, but with noticeable differences to the real-life event.

Subjects have been documented suffering from mental illness and psychological trauma after the conclusion of a call, with psychiatric evaluations diagnosing disorders such as major depression and general anxiety. These newly developed afflictions are generally treatable depending on the affliction, and the development of physical illnesses has not been recorded. Such afflictions have only been reported affecting individuals answering SCP-3239, with those listening to calls indirectly through wiretap surveillance or similar methods being unaffected.

Addendum 3239-A: SCP-3239 was recovered on ██/██/████ from an antique shop in █████████, Indiana. Upon receiving questionable reports of post traumatic stress and neurasthenia from ██ ███████ Hospital, Agents ██████ and █████ were authorized to investigate. Questioning of affected individuals and doctoral staff resulted in a coinciding reference to a "haunted telephone," which was traced to ████████ Antiques. Reportedly, the owner had no prior knowledge of the object, stating they were unaware of its presence in their store. Agent ██████ purchased SCP-3239 upon discovery and Class-A amnestics were properly administered.