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The Baba-disease

Special Containment Procedures

Samples of SCP-3235 are to be stored in refrigerated BSL-3 storage at Biological Containment Site-██.

Removal of samples for study requires the approval of at least 2 Level-4 personnel. Testing of SCP-3235 on D-Class personnel requires the approval of at least 3 Level-4 personnel. Direct interaction with material originating from SCP-3235 requires the use of a Level-A hazmat suit.

Any subject infected by SCP-3235 is to be considered lost. The resulting cadaver is to be incinerated, and the area they had inhabited is to be decontaminated.


SCP-3235 is a contagious virus that infects humans. The infection spreads through skin contact with infected subjects, or through airborne particles from coughs and sneezes of SCP-3235-1. Virions consist of a lipid envelope, containing the genetic material of Migs Babache, with a capsid diameter of 300 nm. No form of treatment or antiviral agent has been developed to reverse the infection. Initial symptoms include blisters on the skin, sore throat, and fever. As such, SCP-3235 can be mistaken for a non-anomalous viral infection during early stages. The circumstances and conditions that resulted in the creation of SCP-3235 are currently unknown.

Within 72 hours of infection, tumorous growths will form on infected subjects1, including inside bodily cavities. Tissues comprising these growths are genetically identical to that of Migs Babache, a civilian of the city of [REDACTED]. Subjects may expire at this stage due to asphyxiation resulting from growths in the trachea. The growths develop further by absorbing nutrients from the host, through a network of blood vessels that connects to the host's circulatory system. Over time, these growths will develop functional structures, similar to those found in a human head, such as the skull, teeth, brain, eyes, and tongue. Internal structures such as the esophagus and trachea will develop within the host subject, and connect to the relevant organs for sustenance and support.

If the subject survives past the first week of infection, each growth will develop a physical appearance identical to that of the head of Migs Babache. The growth is henceforth referred to as an instance of SCP-3235-1. At this stage, all structures expected of a human head are present within SCP-3235-1, albeit with varying levels of development. These heads are sapient2 and are able to communicate verbally, although a significant amount of psychological distress is exhibited. Muffled vocalizations or screams are occasionally audible from within infected subjects. Each instance possesses the memories of Migs Babache prior to his disappearance. As such, each instance claims to be the "real" Migs Babache, and may argue with other instances over this statement. As many as 50 instances have been recorded on a single subject. SCP-3235-1 will continue to develop on infected subjects until they are completely covered or expire.

SCP-3235 came to the attention of the Foundation after the roommates of Migs Babache reported that they had witnessed his disappearance3 in their apartment, on ██/██/2001. Agents quarantined the apartment room of the person, but failed to detect any anomalies. All three persons were later admitted to ██████ Hospital, after contracting an unidentified viral infection. They were transported to Site-██, after the anomalous properties of the infection were confirmed by embedded Foundation personnel. Appropriate amnestic treatment was administered to the medical staff and other witnesses. No additional infections were contracted, as the original persons were effectively quarantined by medical personnel.

Addendum: The following document consists of excerpts from text messages sent from ██████ ████ to ████ █████; both persons are roommates of Migs Babache. The content of the messages pertain to Migs Babache, and are edited for brevity.

So Migs is pissed off at me today. Apparently, his girlfriend wanted to meet him, but he lied to her and said he wasn't feeling well and had to stay in. Of course, he didn't tell us this, and we went out with the others, not knowing about it. I took some photos to post online, and he happened to be in one of them. His girlfriend found out he wasn't sick and got pissed off when she saw the post. When she found him, she found he was cheating on her with someone else, which is why he lied to her. So now he's pissed at me. Firstly, he could have warned me that he was lying to his girlfriend, so I wouldn't have posted those pictures. Second, he shouldn't have lied to her in the first place.

No, I can't get any sleep, so I might as well get dressed and join you. Migs has been arguing with his girlfriend outside since 10 PM.

Word of warning, the console's corrupted and Migs is blaming us for it, so he'll probably blame you too when you get back. Must have gotten a virus or something. I think we all know who's to blame, though. It's bad enough that Migs cheats in real life, but he also cheats in video games. Every time. And he denies it, even though we have proof. And he wonders why we don't invite him for games. Also, can you believe he's been dating █████ for 5 years now? And he's been cheating on her on and off the whole time.

Migs is a toxic person. That's all I can say. He's the embodiment of the definition of 'toxic person'. I've known him for 10 years, and he's always been the way he is. He doesn't pull his weight, and lets other people handle all the work, and he thinks it's perfectly acceptable. We've tried telling him, and all he does is deny it. He cheats, he lies, and he treats everyone like dirt. I hope his parents are happy with the way they raised him. If he doesn't change, all he's doing is being a disease to society.

Investigations of the residence of person of interest, █████ ███, revealed no further anomalies.