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Delicious Anemone

A section of SCP-3215.

Special Containment Procedures

All five (5) respective instances of SCP-3215 are to be contained in a one-hundred and fifty (150) centimeter long and one-hundred and forty-two (142) centimeter high reef tank at Biological Containment Site-66. Personnel with a Level 3 or higher security clearance are permitted access to the room containing SCP-3215's tank. SCP-3215 is to be sustained on a diet of small fish.

The lid of SCP-3215's tank is to be secured by a nine-digit numpad lock. The code for said lock is to be changed semi-frequently and can be granted to research personnel by Lead Researcher Winfield.

Any reports of SCP-3215 instances discovered outside of Foundation containment are to be responded to immediately. MTF Theta-4 "Gardeners" are to be dispatched for recovery and Class C amnestics are to be administered to any non-Foundation personnel involved.


SCP-3215 is an unidentified species of sea anemone spanning an area of between roughly one and a half (1.5) centimeters and one (1) meter. The overall mass of SCP-3215 consists of a vast number of column-shaped bodies which are punctuated by small oral cavities. Each cavity functions as both a mouth and an anus and connects to one of a number of shared gastrovascular chambers.

These tubular bodies are surrounded by tendrils armed with exceptionally high concentrations of cnidocyte cells; each cell contains clusters of nematocysts which produce an anomalous actinotoxin, referred to as SCP-3215-1. A highly simplistic nervous system coordinates the processes involved in homeostasis, as well as physical responses to a range of stimuli.

SCP-3215-1 is produced by harpoon-shaped nematocysts and is injected by everting cnidocytes into prey or attackers which make physical contact with one of SCP-3215's tendrils. Wounds inflicted by these punctures will usually shed small amounts of blood. The sensation of being injected universally causes itchiness at the point of contact, as well as an area of roughly a centimeter in diameter around it. The severity of this stimulation varies greatly depending on duration and level of exposure to SCP-3215's injection mechanism. Subjects have also been observed to suffer allergic reactions to SCP-3215, irrespective of its anomalous properties2.

The effects of SCP-3215-1 are twofold:

  • Minor audio-sensory and visual hallucinations
  • Major loss of self-control and self-identity.

When under the effects of SCP-3215-1, organisms will experience an extreme compulsion to make further physical contact with SCP-3215. Affected organisms will attempt to touch, grab, consume and [DATA EXPUNGED] sections of SCP-3215, further increasing the level of SCP-3215-1 affliction. This effect will persist for almost an hour after initial SCP-3215 contact if no further contact is made and is not treatable with amnestics. Further contact will exponentially elongate the duration of SCP-3215-1's effects.

During this time, subjects identify SCP-3215 as a meal of some description, often elucidating and declaring that it will be, or is, the best food that they have ever eaten.

As SCP-3215's cnidocytes further puncture the organism's epidermis and mouth, blood will begin to be drawn in greater and greater quantities, and the high concentrations of SCP-3215-1 in the subject's bloodstream will eventually cause organ failure after an extended period of time. Despite this, subjects will not cease making contact with SCP-3215 unless physically restrained3 or until they have lost motor function.

Death can occur anywhere between ten (10) minutes and one (1) hour, depending on the size of the organism. The most common cause of death is by multiple organ failure but can also occur by exsanguination in smaller prey. Following the moment of death, SCP-3215's tendrils will guide the victim into one of SCP-3215's oral cavities for digestion. Prey that is too large to be eaten whole will not be moved by these tendrils, however SCP-3215 will still feed off of the remains produced by the carcass' decomposition. How SCP-3215 makes this distinction in size is as of yet unclear.

Addendum 3215a: Recovery Log

SCP-3215 was recovered on ██/██/██ from ██████ ████████ tropical fish store in Hollywood, Florida, after a police investigation following the accidental death of Mr. Henry Allen.

Mr. Allen was a member of staff who had been found dead from sudden organ failure during working hours. The Foundation was alerted when the solution in Mr. Allen's blood, SCP-3215-1, was sent for chemical analysis by the police response team which had recovered Mr. Allen's body and could not be properly identified.

The store's manager, Mr. John ███████, informed Foundation operatives that Mr. Allen had been tasked with moving numerous species of anemone into temporary jars so that their tanks could be cleaned. For what reason Mr. Allen had made any physical contact with SCP-3215 during this process is unknown; Mr. ███████ informed the Foundation that he had been wearing staff uniform for the job, which included protective gloves.

Furthermore, Mr. ███████ provided documentation on imported organisms delivered to the store during a regular restock three weeks prior to Mr. Allen's death. No specimens resembling SCP-3215 in description or behavior were logged.

Request to register Mr. ███████ as a potential person of interest is pending.

Addendum 3215b: The following is an identification label recovered from SCP-3215's tank at ██████ ████████.

ID: 032
Description: Beautiful cream body with mauve ring-tipped limbs.
Care: Needs feeding once a day, eats pellets and little fish. Should be kept in a large tank. Do not touch.