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Humans, Refuted

Object Class: Esoteric

First clearly recorded instance of SCP-3199, taken during initial recovery.

Special Containment Procedures

All live instances of SCP-3199 are to be contained on Site-114 within a Keter humanoid containment chamber, the walls of which should be coated in approximately two centimeter thick acid-resistant steel. Two meters of empty space are to be allocated between this chamber and secondary containment.

Secondary containment consists of suspending all live instances of SCP-3199 inside a solid block of strong, transparent substance (currently clear acrylic resin).

This block is to be at a height of at least three meters, with one armed security guard stationed directly outside initial containment at all times. An eight-digit passcode can be obtained from the current Site-114 director in order to access the initial containment chamber, and allow for close-up examination of SCP-3199's behaviour and appearance. CCTV equipment is, however, installed in one corner of the containment cell for remote observation.

Secondary containment is to be regularly examined for damages. Any sign of aggressive activity will be noted, and the current Site-114 Director informed at the earliest possible convenience.

A temporary recall procedure is detailed in Addendum 3199-03. Experiments involving the use of live SCP-3199 instances are strictly prohibited without approval from at least two personnel of Level-4 security clearance or above.

As of 12/6/2017, there are four present and contained instances of SCP-3199.


SCP-3199 is a sentient humanoid species of a currently unknown biological origin, though tissue samples suggest traces of domestic chicken (Gallus gallus) and chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) DNA. Instances of SCP-3199 are hairless, stained with a thin layer of albumin, and stand at an average of 2.9 meters. Weight averages 780 kg for a matured instance, and 360 kg for a hatchling. The necks of SCP-3199 appear dislocated, and are capable of twisting approximately 340°, presumably due to the nature of SCP-3199's reproductive cycle.

SCP-3199 are opportunistic hunters, engaging with live subjects within a currently unidentified radius within a radius of 0.6 kilometers surrounding hatchlings that have not yet reached full adolescence. Average speed is recorded at 25 km/h. Upon contact with human or animal subjects, SCP-3199 will proceed to [REDACTED], liquefying internal organs and bone structure. The cadaver is then transported to the young and utilized as a form of nourishment.

Instances of SCP-3199 have been observed producing large eggs of an off-white coloration and rubbery appearance. These eggs pass through the entity's stomach, esophagus and eventually out via the mouth, followed by a viscous red substance (first thought to be a form of placenta, chemical breakdown has determined it to be a highly corrosive material.) SCP-3199 shows extreme distress throughout the process, with personnel describing the sound as 'not dissimilar to a scream'.

Presumably due to a biologically ingrained method of avoiding extinction, SCP-3199 produces its eggs to fill available space. This anomalous property currently has no known limit, and as a result may pose an LK-Class species transmutation scenario. Termination of SCP-3199 can be performed with relative ease. However, a complete eradication is currently impossible difficult, as all instances of SCP-3199 (regardless of age) carry one egg inside their stomach, ensuring survival for a least one member of their species at all times.

Egg samples have proven to be extremely resilient, lacking visible signs of damage after subjection to:

  • Extreme blunt-force trauma.
  • Extensive pressure exceeding 180,000 psi.
  • High-precision blades. (Serrated and non-serrated)
  • Long-term acid exposure.

Use of point-blank explosives was suggested, but never tested. Heat exposure has been determined to accelerate hatch rates, and thus detonation may run the risk of a containment breach. (See Addendum 3199-04).

SCP-3199 was issued Keter classification on 10/6/2017 following the events of a containment breach. SCP-3199's original water containment method was disassembled, and replaced with the current resin solution.

Addendum 3199-01: On █/█/2017, O5-█ dispatched the following notice regarding SCP-3199:

All experiments involving SCP-3199 egg samples are strictly prohibited until further notice. Hatching periods have proven too unreliable to warrant extensive research, and as the consequences of a containment breach become more and more apparent, the O5 Council have collectively decided to eliminate risks at the source and prevent testing until new information surfaces. We thank you for your cooperation.

SCP-3199 was discovered in ██████, Ireland after reports of an unidentified, 'bald' creature 'crying like a banshee' from within a dense woodlands resulted in the dispatching of MTF Omega-19 ("Omelette"). Two personnel were lost in action, their internal organs and jaws having been almost entirely dissolved. During transportation, SCP-3199 produced two offspring, resulting in the deaths of a further six personnel. It is entirely unknown as to how the first instance of SCP-3199 came into existence. A thorough examination of the original capture site is currently undergoing confirmation.
(See Addendum 3199-02).

Addendum 3199-03: Protocol 34-22-B - 'Poached'

Regarding the re-containment of SCP-3199. The following procedure will occur in the event of a breach.

  • On-site personnel with Level-1 security clearance or above assume standard lock-down procedure and immediately move to Site-113 unless instructed otherwise.
  • Site-114 is to be filled entirely with distilled water, treated with Class A sedatives.
  • Surface Team Tango-306-A will be notified and dispatched and instructed to retrieve any instances of SCP-3199's eggs.
  • Any living instances of SCP-3199 will be terminated on sight, and their remaining eggs will be collected.
  • All egg samples are to be transported to temporary off-site containment.
  • Site-114 will then be drained, and janitorial staff dispatched to thoroughly clean the area. Personnel attempting to breach Site-114 before this inspection is complete will be apprehended and suspended accordingly.

Note: Some personnel have displayed skepticism regarding the necessity of SCP-3199's current breach protocol. To elaborate, we have reason to believe that fluid is an excellent counter to SCP-3199's anomalous reproductive properties. It appears to enter an inert state in the presence of liquid, regardless of thickness or clarity. There are two theories regarding this occurrence:
1. SCP-3199's need for survival demands all of its attention to focus on not drowning. It's possible we have found a loophole within its own nature.
2. SCP-3199 considers the liquid around it as 'full space', and as a result does not produce any young when submerged.
The latter theory holds more water, as SCP-3199 appears to be totally inactive when submerged. For now, I believe I speak for all of Site-114 when I say it's a relief to at least have a consistent method of containment.
-Dr. Watt

Note: I wish the very best to the families of those lost during SCP-3199’s initial recovery. Furthermore, I would like to formally request that Cpl. Duncan is administered one Class B amnestic at the earliest possible convenience. No excuses.
Dr. E. Ewing
Site-114 Director

Addendum 3199-04: Experiment Logs